Welcome to my shop!
I teach a range of subjects and here you can find access to all the lovely resources that I use in my lessons. I use a range of work booklets, activity sheets, case studies and presentations.
Welcome to my shop!
I teach a range of subjects and here you can find access to all the lovely resources that I use in my lessons. I use a range of work booklets, activity sheets, case studies and presentations.
The Criminology resources are aimed at Level 3 students. They cover:
Learning Outcome 4: LO 4: Understand causes of policy change
AC4.2 Explain how social changes affect policy development
This section considers how policy has been influenced by social changes and attitudes in society. There are quite a few topics under this section which could come up in the exam (I discussed a few things with my class to start with early in the lesson). I focus on two main areas in this lesson (same sex relationships and women’s rights) so that they can see how I examine the social change and then the policy development that goes with it. As homework, I set my class the task of researching 4 other topic areas of their own along with the up-skirting activity.
Hope this helps.
The Criminology resources are aimed at Level 3 students. They cover:
Learning Outcome 4: LO 4: Understand causes of policy change
AC 4.3 Discuss how campaigns affect policy development
I have included a power point lesson which gets students to reflect on the campaigns for change they covered in Unit 1. This helped my students to tackle this section better as they then understood how this fitted in with causes of policy change (e.g. Stephen Lawrence and the abolishment of the double jeopardy rule). I had a really good class discussion about this section and we highlighted how the government is often very reactive to incidents rather than proactive. My students were saddened that tragedies such as this had to happen before the government did anything about it.
I have also included an activity sheet and some typical exam questions for this section.
The Criminology resources are aimed at Level 3 students. They cover:
Learning Outcome 4: LO 4: Understand causes of policy change
AC4.1 Assess the use of Criminological Theories in Informing Policy Development
This section considers how theories (already covered earlier in the unit) can help to reduce crime. For example, the idea that CBT/pyschoanalysis can help someone overcome long-term trauma or abuse. If long-term trauma or abuse is not dealt with this can often lead to aggression /anger issues and can in some instances sadly result in criminality. This section of the exam therefore explores a variety of those theories (from diet to token economy etc).
I have included a number of activities to help keep students engaged e.g. eat well plate, case studies, examples of crime prevention policies and exam questions linked to this section.
Revision materials for the end of Unit 2:
I found that doing a mixture of tests, revision activities and getting students to have a go at their own revision materials was the best way to revise. It kept it fun, engaging and mixed up!
My students found the Key Theorists Quick Revision Sheet very useful for learning them all so I gave them all a copy and laminated one for the classroom wall. This really came in handy with the lollypop game I played with them all (put the names of the theorists on a lollypop stick and they have to explain who that theorist is and what the theory is about. Make sure you give the lollypop sticks out randomly).
I had a student on results day say that she hated this game at the time but after receiving her A grade- she couldn’t thank me for it enough as it really did WORK! Give it a whirl!
This is a bundle of all the teaching resources you would need for the teaching and learning of Unit 2 Criminological Theories (the externally examined unit).
The resources provided are for Level 3 students studying Criminology (Eduqas/WJEC spec).
Each lesson contains a power point and a variety of activities to cover each section. The activities vary from case studies, missing words, key terms sheets, court template/legislation tasks and many other work sheets that cover this diverse topic.
Also included are example exam questions (both long and short) to ensure that students differentiate this topic from the controlled assessment unit which is a different style of teaching and learning.
Given the current nature of students learning from home, I have also created a STUDENT HOME LEARNING PACK that my students have found really useful. I have set them deadlines for each section so I can see that they are learning and revising from home.
Feel free to message me with any questions as I know that this is a new course! I am now known as the Criminology Guru at my college so I am happy to help.
I hope you find these resources helpful- particularly if you are new to teaching Criminology. My specialism is Law and Criminology so I also welcome any Law related questions for Unit 3 and Unit 4 if you are unsure about anything.
The Criminology resources are aimed at Level 3 students. They cover:
Learning Outcome 3: Understand Causes of Criminality
AC3.2 Evaluate the Effect of Criminological Theories
Students must consider the strengths and weaknesses for each theorist that they have covered earlier in Unit 2.
I have included some example criticisms and students must come up with some of their own by completing the grids.
I have also included some example exam questions.
These resources are aimed at Level 3 students who study Health and Social Care.
This particular assignment builds on the existing knowledge that students will have from previous lessons (see my other lessons on Tes). I have provided an exact breakdown of what needs to go in Assignment 4.
My lesson here is more of an action plan to help students put together a treatment plan for their patient. This assignment is very in-depth so my lesson resources gives them a template and case studies to help them get started. In my lesson we chose one of the provided case studies and ran through the booklet together.
These resources are aimed at level 3 students studying BTEC Health and Social Care.
These resources cover the P7 and D3 assessment criteria in relation to the roles and responsibilities of members within a multi-disciplinary care team. The activities provided helps to prepare students for writing their assignment.
Resources contain; mind maps, information, missing word activities etc. I have also included a "start me off" model framework - my students always like to know "what it should look like" so I have found that this helps them to get started.
The attached resources are aimed at Level 3 BTEC Health and Social Care students. The lessons contain information and engaging activities that allow students to learn the subject material as well as preparing them for their coursework assignment.
I have also included a "help sheet" that my students found very useful as it helped them to break down the assignment criteria.
The Criminology resources are aimed at Level 3 students. They cover:
Learning Outcome 1: Understand the Process of Criminal Investigations
AC1.2: Assess the usefulness of investigative techniques in criminal investigations
The resources start with a peer assessment of AC1.1 (this acts as a nice starter activity and gets students thinking about the structure of their controlled assessment).
The resources then show students how to “assess” the usefulness of investigative techniques through a class activity. The class activity consists of three case studies where students are expected to put themselves in the situation of an investigator (I printed the cases studies out on laminate and then got students to sit in groups and make posters). The students must decide what techniques would be better suited to the case at hand. This really helped my students to tackle AC1.2 with more confidence and they came out of the lesson with a clearer idea on how to actually “assess”.
I have also included an instruction booklet that students can use as guidance for their practice controlled assessment. I tend to send the booklet power point to reprographics and they staple it into a booklet format for me :). My students like this as they have a clear idea of how to set their work out.
PLASE NOTE -that the Brian Keating DNA case study activity mentioned on the power point is FREE and is available to ALL to use on the Napier Press website.
Unit 1 Changing Awareness of Crime
Learning Outcome 1: Understand how crime reporting affects the public perception of criminality
Assessment Criteria: AC1.5 Explain the impact of media representation on public perception of crime
Please find attached Level 3 resources for the new specification of Criminology. These resources have been created for post-16 students who are studying the Applied Certificate and Diploma in Criminology. They are suitable for both WJEC and Eduqas exam boards.
The lessons includes the following LO:
Identify the key impact of media representations on the public perception of crime (using basic key words) [E-C]
Explain the impact of media representation on the public perceptions of crime (key words and explaining it with full paragraphs) [C-B]
Describe, clearly and with detail, the impact of a range of media representations on the public perception of crime (key words, full paragraphs and examples) [B-A]
The resources attached include both a teacher power point presentation and a student activity booklet. This means that students can follow the lesson easily and the assessment criteria which they are completing is clear. I have designed these booklets so that students feel more guided when it comes to the formal controlled assessment. They can follow the subject material and extend their own learning through the key term homeworks and case studies.
I have linked the lessons to the “Mr and Mrs S” Exam Board Assignment Brief but you can tailor the lessons to any brief that you have selected for your students. Remember that students must acknowledge the assignment brief but not make it all about the assignment brief. They must focus on meeting the assessment criteria set out by the exam board.
The Criminology resources are aimed at Level 3 students. They cover:
Learning Outcome 1: Understand the Process of Criminal Investigations
AC1.1 Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Roles of Personnel involved in Criminal Investigations
You will find a useful structure for students to follow on the attached power point.
It really helps if you get students to complete the summer homework booklet also available on TES under Introduction to Unit 3.
The resources attached are for Post-16 students who are studying A Level Law. The content can also be adapted and used for BTEC students.
The exam question on the power point is taken from a sample paper that OCR have published on their website. This lesson provides a case study which helps students to understand the idea of why ADR plays an important role within our Civil Justice System.
These resources include a work booklet for the student and a power point presentation for the teacher.
The resources are aimed at low ability/Level 1 students. I created these resources for an NCFE Level 1 qualification but they are also ideal for awareness lessons. I would recommend this lesson as a full day teaching depending on ability level.
Lesson Objectives cover:
1.1 Define person-centred support
1.2 Outline the importance of finding out an individual’s history, needs wishes, likes and dislikes
1.3 Give examples of how to provide person-centred support when supporting individuals in day-to-day activities
2.1 Outline the benefits to an individual of person-centred support
2.2 Give examples of how individuals can be in control of their care needs
2.3 Outline how assessing risk can assist person-centred support
This resource is an activity booklet that sets students up for writing their P1 M1 D1 assignment.
Please refer to my other resource on TES for the lesson Power Point that matches the activity booklet.
This resource provides an easy to follow 'step-by-step' help sheet on what to include within the P3 M3 D2 assignment. This is for Unit 5 (new spec).
Please see my other resource on TES for the matching lesson Power Point for this assignment.
The attached resources includes a work booklet, a dilemma card activity and a power point presentation. The lesson can be used for either A Level Law students or BTEC Law Level 3 students. The booklet provided allows students to interact with the lesson. Print out the dilemma cards and get students to decide which category their offence/dilemma falls into. Some of the activity cards provide a basis for discussion points e.g. telling lies- “is it civil or criminal?” Students always enjoy this activity as it puts them in charge and gets them engaged with how law works in the “real world”.
The lesson in full covers the following key areas:
Key differences between civil and criminal law
The courts in civil and criminal cases
Burden/Standard of proof in civil and criminal cases
4)Outcomes/consequences of breaking the law in civil and criminal cases
The lesson resources also include case studies which enable teachers to track the process of students. This lesson really does help to “show progress” and is a useful tool for lesson observations.
The lesson is aimed at Level 3 Health and Social Care Students (new spec).
The power point contains learning outcomes, notes for students, activities, case studies and a break down of the assignment task.
P1 Explain the importance of promoting equality and diversity for individuals with different needs.
M1 Analyse the impact of preventing discrimination for individuals with different needs.
D1 Evaluate the success of promoting anti-discriminatory practice for specific individuals with different needs.
These resources contain: lesson power point/activity sheet/theories template for teachers to cover the material needed for the P3 M3 assignment.
Assessment Criteria:
P3 Explain how to incorporate (include) ethical principles into the provision of support for individuals with different needs.
M3 Analyse how an ethical approach to providing support would benefit specific individuals with different needs
The resources include both a lesson and work booklet on Bandura and his study on behaviour.
This lesson can be adapted to any post-16 class who need to learn about Bandura's study and research findings.