Welcome to my shop!
I teach a range of subjects and here you can find access to all the lovely resources that I use in my lessons. I use a range of work booklets, activity sheets, case studies and presentations.
Welcome to my shop!
I teach a range of subjects and here you can find access to all the lovely resources that I use in my lessons. I use a range of work booklets, activity sheets, case studies and presentations.
Please find attached lesson resources for the "Behaviourist Perspective" on Classical Conditioning. This lesson was used for Level 3 Health and Social Care students for the P1 M1 assignment task in Unit 8. However, this lesson can also be adapted and used for the studies in A Level Psychology lessons.
The resources contain both a lesson power point and a work booklet that students can fill in along side the lesson.
These resources contain a lesson power point and an activity booklets for students to complete along side the lesson.
This lesson is aimed at Level 3 BTEC Health and Social Care students for Unit 8-Psychological Perspectives. This explains the "Behaviourist Perspective". This lesson can also be adapted and used for A Level Psychology.
The resources attached are for Level 3 Health and Social Care Students.
Attached is both a lesson power point and a work booklet that can be printed off, stapled together and given to students who can work through it during lesson. The booklets contain activities such as missing words, questions, a case study and tables to help them understand how to meet the criteria for the assignment.
Please see TES for other resources I have created on the Physiological Disorders Unit.
The resources attached contain a power point lesson and an activity booklet that students can use during the lesson.
I print the booklet out and staple it together so that my students can work through it as I teach the lesson. It also means they can leave the lesson knowing exactly how to set their coursework assignment out.
I have also attached a help sheet for the case study as students tend to find those tricky.
These resources are aimed at Level 3 BTEC students who are studying the New Spec.
This resource includes a lesson on Unit 8 (Working With Others) as well as a booklet that students can interactively use. This allows them to have a full understanding of the unit content. Clear criteria has been set along with self assessment boxes that allow students to reflect on their progress throughout the lesson.
As this resource is aimed at level 1 students who have been out of academia for some time- I would normally allow one full teaching day for this Unit.
These Criminology resources are aimed at Level 3 students.
Learning Outcome 1: Understanding the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales
Assignment Criteria 1.2: Describe the Organisation of the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales
I have included a power point that illustrates the relationships between the main agencies within the CJS. I have set this out in mind map format so that students can make the ‘relationship connections’ in a fun way. They can either create their own or use the templates I have provided. I have modelled four of the agencies to demonstrate what they need to do. I have told my students that they need a mind map/flow chart for each agency as an exam question could come up on any one of them.
I have also included homework tasks and exam questions.
Feel free to message me with any questions as I know that this is a new course!
I hope you find these resources helpful- particularly if you are new to teaching Criminology. My specialism is Law and Criminology so I also welcome any Law related questions.
I will be putting more resources up for this unit.
Lesson power point for the P2 M2 assignment for level 3 BTEC students. Please refer to TES for my matching 'help sheet' which covers this assignment.
P2 Explain the skills and personal attributes necessary for professionals who care for individuals with different needs
M2 Analyse how an ethical approach to providing support would benefit specific individuals with different needs
This is a bundle of all the teaching resources you would need for Unit 1 (the controlled assessment) of the Level 3 course.
The resources provided are for Level 3 students studying Criminology (Eduqas/WJEC spec).
The materials provide booklets, answer plans, activities and much more to teach the whole of Unit 1 with.
Most lessons contain a power point and booklet for students to write in. I personally, use the booklets to keep track and ensure that students are doing what they should be. As you can’t mark student work until the end of the controlled assessment period- this really has helped me to track student progress. I get students to hand in their booklets after I have finished teaching each assignment criteria. This ensures that they are doing their independent research outside of lesson.
If you are teaching this for half the year, this provides you with effectively 6 months of teaching resources and it works out cheaper to buy the bundle rather than paying for each lesson individually.
Feel free to message me with any questions as I know that this is a new course! I am now known as the Criminology Guru at my college so I am happy to help.
I hope you find these resources helpful- particularly if you are new to teaching Criminology. My specialism is Law and Criminology so I also welcome any Law related questions for Unit 3 and Unit 4 if you are unsure about anything.