
Multiplication and Division Word Problems
A variety of multiplication and division word problems used for a year 5 class. Two versions for differentiation.

Translating Shapes
Translating shapes worksheet - differentiated for lower/middle and higher.
Used in year 5 class.

Lines of Symmetry Investigation
Lines of Symmetry of regular and irregular polygons investigation. Children were provided with shapes to fold and mirrors. Used in year 5 class.

Missing Numbers Column Addition
Missing Numbers Column Addition used in year 5 - two versions for differentiation.

Ordering decimals
Decimal representations and ordering numbers with up to three decimals - used for a year 5 class.

Decimal Investigation (geography link)
Investigation used with year 5 (differentiated for lower/middle/higher):
Reading information from a table
Ordering decimals
Greater/less than decimals
Place value
Converting to fractions
Decimal/fraction equivalents

Estimating and Measuring Acute Angles
Children recorded their estimation and measured using a protractor. Used in year 5.

Measuring Angles on a Straight Line
Children used a protractor to measure the angles - differentiated for lower/middle and higher. Used with year 5 class.

Perimeter/Area of Rectangles, Polygons and Compound Shapes
3 worksheets used for differentiation in year 5 class:
1) Rectangles
2) Polygons and compound shapes
3) Compound shapes
Left blank to insert own numbers by hand to suit ability.

Place Value and Relating Thousandths
Worksheet for place value knowledge and relating thousandths to tenths and hundredths. Differentiated for lower/middle/higher.

Decimal and Fraction Equivalents
Small worksheet for converting decimals to fractions and vice versa - differentiated for lower/middle/higher

Transformations Investigation (rotating, reflecting and translating)
Children investigating how the shape has been transformed, used in year 5 class.

Plotting Shapes using Coordinates
2 x Worksheet for plotting shapes using coordinates.
Extension sheet - found online, cannot find source to give credit.
Used for year 5

Angles in Triangles Investigation
Children investigated true or false statement to identify the angles within different types of triangles. Children also labelled triangles. Differentiated for lower and middle/higher. Used in year 5 class.

Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fractions worksheet used in year 5 - differentiated for lower/middle/higher.

Numberline Division Worksheet
Numberline division worksheet with three sections:
A: Division questions with no remainders.
B: Division question with remainders:
C: Word problem challenge
Used with year 3 class as homework