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Book Cover Activity

Book Cover Activity

After discussion the front cover of Varjak Paw children identified what they definitely knew, what they might know and what questions they could ask based on the cover only. Easily adapted for any book. Used with year 5 class.
Soils worksheet

Soils worksheet

Worksheet in 3 sections: 1. Three types of soil 2. What soil is made up of 3. Layers of soil
Angles in Triangles Investigation

Angles in Triangles Investigation

Children investigated true or false statement to identify the angles within different types of triangles. Children also labelled triangles. Differentiated for lower and middle/higher. Used in year 5 class.
Greek Gods/Goddesses Match Up

Greek Gods/Goddesses Match Up

Used in a year 5 class - I cut the sheet up and the children had to try and match the picture to the name and also the description. For lower ability I left the name of the god/goddess and picture attached to match up with description only.
Thought Bubbles

Thought Bubbles

Children used these thought bubbles to write a character's thoughts within a freeze frame they created.
Rotating Shapes on Grid

Rotating Shapes on Grid

Rotating shapes on a grid - differentiated for lower and middle/higher, used in year 5 class. Children to be provided with tracing paper.
Structure of the Earth cut, stick, colour and label

Structure of the Earth cut, stick, colour and label

The children cut out the circles and stick one on top of the other (biggest to smallest) and finish by stick the 3/4 Earth on top. They then colour and label the layers (crust, mantle, outer core, inner core). Differentiated for 3 abilities.
World map poster x 2 (with and without names of countries)

World map poster x 2 (with and without names of countries)

World map to cut out and laminate before sticking together and placing on wall. Two versions - one with the names of countries and the other without) Map picture taken from: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6e/Internet_Censorship_World_Map_suggested.svg/2000px-Internet_Censorship_World_Map_suggested.svg.png
Reflecting Shapes using Grid

Reflecting Shapes using Grid

2 x Reflecting shapes in grid worksheet - differentiated for lower/middle and higher. Extension activity - found online, cannot find source to credit. Used in year 5 class.
Numberline Division Worksheet

Numberline Division Worksheet

Numberline division worksheet with three sections: A: Division questions with no remainders. B: Division question with remainders: C: Word problem challenge Used with year 3 class as homework