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Pumpkin Patch

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(based on 2 reviews)

All of my resources are things I couldn't find anywhere else. Unfortunately, comprehension tasks that interest the older secondary pupil of lower ability are hard to find - so I make my own.

All of my resources are things I couldn't find anywhere else. Unfortunately, comprehension tasks that interest the older secondary pupil of lower ability are hard to find - so I make my own.
Detention Booklet

Detention Booklet

Two behaviour reflection booklets – perfect for detention. These booklets allow pupils to reflect upon their behaviour. The ‘lower’ detention booklet has sentence starters and shortened tasks allowing for pupils to finish the booklet successfully and independently. Booklets have been anonymised – so you can insert your own school branding on the cover sheet. Secondary level Please review.
Comprehension Worksheets

Comprehension Worksheets

3 Resources
Three comprehension activities. All suitable for year 7, 8, 9 Used in lower ability workshops/ Dyslexic workshops/weak working memory. Reading activity – which can be shared reading activity. A question sheet – which has all the new vocabulary explained. Teachers answer sheets to save time - 
Antarctic Exploration

Antarctic Exploration

Comprehension task for 7, 8, 9. Very simple to deliver. Two pages of information. Three questions sheets – with vocabulary/definitions. Teacher’s answers included. I use this for my SPLD classes, I have the pupils read the information and create flash cards on the information. In the next lesson pupils read their flash cards and answer the questions. Great lesson to highlight the importance of revision.
Christmas Class/Form Activities

Christmas Class/Form Activities

Christmas Booklet, includes: 4 Christmas Wordsearches 4 Colouring in pages Christmas Alphabet challenge STOP the SLEIGH game Christmas Crossword Christmas Quiz Perfect end of term/day activities. Can be done in one day or over a few lessons . Answer sheet included. Could be printed in A4 or A5.
Opportunities in  Catering and Hospitality

Opportunities in Catering and Hospitality

Entry Level 3 - supporting pupils to explore skills and jobs opportunities in the catering and hospitality sector. Booklet of work, designed to be independent course work. It can be tailored to be taught as a class.
RMS Titanic Activity

RMS Titanic Activity

RMS Titanic Activity – This is a perfect activity to introduce Titanic as a topic or to be used as a comprehension task. Activity has pupils reading text with challenging vocabulary and answering a series of question. Questions have a point value to encourage in-depth answers, copy of answers included. Suitable for Y6,7, 8
Entry Level Reading and Writing activities

Entry Level Reading and Writing activities

3 Resources
I created these work sheets to walk pupils through Entry level expectations. Designed for lower ability secondary age pupils. Four reading tasks. Six writing tasks. Entry level 1/2. All based on the AQA Entry level paper expectations.
Pablo Picasso Homework

Pablo Picasso Homework

Pablo Picasso Homework – This is a fortnight piece of homework that has pupils researching an artist and creating an A3 presentation. Presentation, written and drawn elements included along with success criteria which informs and challenges the pupils. Pictures are included – which can be handed out to the pupils or you can edit the homework saying they have to research and print their own - I have found it better to provide the pictures with lower ability pupils. Suitable for Y7, 8
Blooms Taxonomy for Pupils

Blooms Taxonomy for Pupils

I created this resource to share with my pupils and demonstrate the thought process behind my planning and questioning. Blooms Taxonomy slightly simplified, pupils can have it in their planners to have a resource that they can use across the curriculum . It allows pupils to identify what level the content of their work is at.
Formal Elements of Art

Formal Elements of Art

22 page A5 Booklet - colour elements but can be printed in black and white if required. This resource was created for a variety of reasons; to be given as homework, revision for yr. 7/8 and to be given to pupils in a base or on exclusion. ** I feel when pupils are not in main stream lessons the creative curriculum is seen as a treat and not worked on during this time enough – this booklet allows pupils to access the basics without a specialist teacher to hand.** The booklet allows pupils to work through the Formal Elements of Art. Each element is explained and a task is required of each formal element. Annotation and evaluation is required throughout the booklet, with pupils required to answer a question on each formal element. A good way to encourage independent learning in Yr 7/8 of ranging ability.
SEND Intervention record:

SEND Intervention record:

SEND Intervention record: Resource is a blank intervention record sheet to record key points of targeted intervention and their outcomes. SEND Department.
Comprehension and Creative Writing - Strange Places and Strange Creatures

Comprehension and Creative Writing - Strange Places and Strange Creatures

Strange Places and Strange Creatures: • Catacombs • Doll island • Cat island • Bigfoot • Chupacabra Five lessons worth of comprehension/ reading/ creative writing work sheets. 20 pages Opportunities for speaking and listening and team activates such as design a newspaper report, design an expedition. Currently deliver to lower ability Y9 English – Entry level 1/2/3
Food Safety

Food Safety

Unit of work that explores food safety. Booklet of work , designed to be independent- can be altered to be a taught lesson/s.
Francoise Neilly Portrait Art

Francoise Neilly Portrait Art

Francoise Neilly Homework – This is a fortnight piece of homework that has pupils researching an artist and creating an A3 presentation. Presentation, written and drawn elements included along with success criteria which informs and challenges the pupils. Encourages independent research. Suitable for Y7, 8
Formal Elements Challenge

Formal Elements Challenge

Formal Elements Challenge – This is a cover lesson that can be one or two lessons. It has an extension task that encourages literacy within art, which also has pupils analysing their work. It works well across a range of abilities – each pupil has a copy of the criteria on the sheet, so the expectations are clear at all times. Suitable for Y6, 7, 8 Differentiated – clear success criteria.
Henri Matisse Homework

Henri Matisse Homework

Henri Matisse Homework – This is a week/fortnight piece of homework that has pupils researching an artist and creating a simple A4 presentation. Presentation, written and drawn elements included along with success criteria which informs and challenges the pupils. Suitable for Y7, 8