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Reall Languages

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(based on 81 reviews)

Publishing maths, English, languages and art resources.




Publishing maths, English, languages and art resources.
Equivalent Fractions KS2.  Differentiated Worksheets

Equivalent Fractions KS2. Differentiated Worksheets

KS2 maths resource. 3 levels of worksheet. Differentiation achieved by selective use of denominator (e.g. L1 denominators are 2, 5; L3 are 2-12). Each zip file contains a worksheet and answer sheet. Task is to supply the missing numerator in an equivalent fraction.
Y3 maths place value worksheet with answers.

Y3 maths place value worksheet with answers.

Ten questions (with answers) where pupils have to identify the value the underlined digit in a three digit number. (eg 2 ones, 5 tens, 8 hundreds. [More like this, all aligned to the National Curriculum programme of study.]https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/y3-maths-worksheets-number-and-place-value-12023289/)
Y3-6 maths.  Multi-digit subtraction: the European algorithm.  One up, one down.

Y3-6 maths. Multi-digit subtraction: the European algorithm. One up, one down.

If pupils’ books get messy because of the crossings out and columns of numbers when they do subtraction, if some of them take the top number from the bottom number when things get difficult, if they get into a muddle when they encounter zeros on the top line, then do give this a go. Long ago, this is how subtraction was taught in British schools, and it’s still taught in schools in Europe. It’s a very clear PowerPoint with animation and narration. I first used this method with a Y5/6 class who had been taught to use the American algorithm. They found it tricky to master and I found their work equally tricky to mark because of the presentation, So I gave them a choice: use the method taught by their previous teacher, or use this one. Provided they were getting the right answers, it was fine with me. Not one of them continued with the old method.
Place Value:  KS2 Maths  (Flash Presentation)

Place Value: KS2 Maths (Flash Presentation)

A starter activity for place value lessons. Pupils have to determine the value of underlined digits in increasingly large numbers. Open the zip folder and click on the file marked start. You need to allow Active X content if asked. Note - as this is a flash based resource, it may not work with Apple products.
Y6 MATHEMATICS.  Number: percent and decimal conversion

Y6 MATHEMATICS. Number: percent and decimal conversion

This resource consists of three differentiated worksheets written to meet the statutory requirement of the National Curriculum for this topic. For many more resources on this topic, with answer sheets provided, have a look at my shop. Many more topics in the series! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/ReallLanguages
Add and Spell Game for Primary Classes

Add and Spell Game for Primary Classes

Flash game. Teacher reads out an addition under 20 (eg 5+9). Child with correct answer flips the corresponding number to reveal a letter. As letters are revealed, pupils try to make words on their whiteboards. Winner is the one with most words.
Add and Spell PowerPoint Game

Add and Spell PowerPoint Game

Fun whole class PowerPoint activity for primary or KS3 classes: English with a bit of maths. Great for starters or plenaries. Teacher calls out a number (eg 12) which is the sum of two digits showing on the screen. Pupils choose two numbers (eg 8 + 4) that add up to the teacher’s number and, if correct, they turn those two cards to reveal two letters. As more letters are revealed, the spelling begins: pupils make as many words as they can. They are scored according to the number of letters they contain. The teacher may decide to set a minimum word length. The maths element can be made more difficult for more able classes ( eg '12 is the product of of which two numbers? ’ - Pupils could choose 4 and 3, 6 and 2, 12 and 1). Or it can be omitted entirely, and pupils simply select numbers to turn. There are 8 games included in the PowerPoint. And some frantic music. Turn your computer sound down if it gets too much!
Perimeter and area of rectangles.  5th grade.

Perimeter and area of rectangles. 5th grade.

Two PDF files of exercises for calculating perimeter and area of simple rectangles. Imperial units (inches, feet, yards). One set is for board display and working as a whole class lesson, and the second is for individual practice in class or as a home assignment.