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Welcome to my shop. My aim is to provide high quality teaching, learning and assessment resources. In the case of GCSE and A Level resources I am adding examination questions to my resources as more become available. Please come in and browse. Feel free to contact me about any of the resources that you buy or if you are looking for something in particular.




Welcome to my shop. My aim is to provide high quality teaching, learning and assessment resources. In the case of GCSE and A Level resources I am adding examination questions to my resources as more become available. Please come in and browse. Feel free to contact me about any of the resources that you buy or if you are looking for something in particular.
GCSE 9-1; Global Development - EDC LIDC case study Mumbai

GCSE 9-1; Global Development - EDC LIDC case study Mumbai

4 Resources
This bundle contains lessons design to build an understanding of the characteristics of the city, urban growth, ethnic mix, contemporary challenges (transport provision, housing availability, waste management) and sustainable transport. Built into the lessons are examination questions, mark schemes, video clips, photos and thinking skills activities. The lessons are designed not just to deliver case study information but develop a greater sense of place.
GCSE 9-1; Global development - case study EDC LIDC city - Mumbai: rapid urban growth story telling

GCSE 9-1; Global development - case study EDC LIDC city - Mumbai: rapid urban growth story telling

This lesson aims to familiarise students with rapid urban growth in Mumbai and the urban zones that have resulted from this. It also aims to encourage students to develop a sense of place and empathise with residents through a story telling activity. Firstly, students are shown a clip from the opening titles of Slum Dog Millionaire. Whilst watching they are asked to consider what they know, think they know and would like to know about Mumbai. Next students are given an urban land use map of Mumbai and shown photos of the zones to help them to make more sense of the map. After that are a series of discussion questions designed to consolidate this understanding. Next the students will be read an extract and asked to annotate their map with sketches and details. I recommend you read the extract twice. After that the students should get into groups of 4 to share their notes and to add additional detail to their maps. Finally, the students should return to the questions they answered at the start if the lesson and update their responses. It would be interesting to find out if anyone had found out the answers to things that they would like to know. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
A Level; case study of a rainforest - human factors affecting water and carbon cycles

A Level; case study of a rainforest - human factors affecting water and carbon cycles

There are a number of activities in this powerpoint presentation, which will take 2-3 lessons to deliver. To start students will be asked to recall the water and carbon cycles in the rainforest. They will then be asked to interpret graphs showing the rate of deforestation and the reasons for deforestation. Next are a series of photos which can be used to promote discussion about the reasons for deforestation. Students will then need to draw diagrams and take notes on the effects of human activity in the water and carbon cycles. The students will be asked to evaluate whether the impact on the carbon or water cycles is greatest. More able students should be encouraged to bring in the idea of longer and shorter term impacts. Finally, I have included a 16 mark examination question for the students to plan an answer to. Two model answers are also included to allow the students to approach the question in different ways. This lesson is part of a series of lessons and can be purchased as a bundle.
A Level; case study of a rainforest - impacts of management on water and carbon cycles

A Level; case study of a rainforest - impacts of management on water and carbon cycles

Firstly students are introduced to shifting cultivation, as a sustainable way for tribes to live in the rainforest. Students are then asked to use the information provided to undertake comprehension activities on 3 schemes; reforestation, conservation and improvements in agriculture in the Amazon. there is also a youtube video link to accompany the conservation scheme. Students are provided with note taking sheets and should ensure their notes focus on the impacts of the 3 schemes on the carbon and water cycles. To finish students evaluate the 3 schemes before reaching a conclusion as to which is the most effective. This is part of a series of lessons and is available as a bundle.
GCSE 9-1; Coral Reef Ecosystems

GCSE 9-1; Coral Reef Ecosystems

4 Resources
This bundle includes lessons on the coral reef ecosystem and nutrient cycling within it, the different types of coral reef and how they evolve from one to another and a case study. The case study is of the threats to coral reefs in St Lucia and how these threats have been managed. There are also opportunities to evaluate the success of the management. The lessons are designed to fit the new GCSE specifications and contain all the resources needed within them.
GCSE 9-1; Climate - explaining the effects of global warming

GCSE 9-1; Climate - explaining the effects of global warming

This lesson will focus on students producing high quality explanatory written work. To start students explain the greenhouse effect and global warming to one another in pairs. Next they discuss why sea level has risen over the last 20 years. The prediction on the next slides shows students what their answer is likely to be and how you plan to develop and improve their answers during the lesson. Next split the students into 8 groups of 3-4. Give each group a resource and ask them to read it and interpret the images in silence for 2 minutes. They then discuss it as a group to develop the understanding of the weaker students. Finally, they use the writing frame to produce a high quality PEE paragraph. This is repeated for each of the 4 resources/effects of global warming. Next there are some exemplar examination questions for pupils to discuss / attempt. The plenary is a ‘pimp my answer’ activity. There is a poorly written answer, which they have to improve form memory to make it amazing. All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Climate - Global climates and global atmospheric circulation - atmospheric cells

GCSE 9-1; Climate - Global climates and global atmospheric circulation - atmospheric cells

This lesson starts with an opportunity to revise ecosystems. Students are tested on climate data, photographs and ecosystems and food webs associated with different ecosystems. Next the students are introduced to the Polar, Ferrel and Haley cells, their discovery and characteristics. Next students should take notes on the weather associated with high and low pressure. After that the students are given climate graphs from around the globe and by looking at the rainfall data are asked to decided if there is high or low pressure. They then use their atlases to find out the latitude, which they label on a globe (answers provided). Finally, they are introduced to the weather between 30oN and S of the equator around the ITCZ and are asked to describe and then explain the weather that occurs (answers provided). All resources are included at the end of the PowerPoint.
GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems and rainforests

GCSE 9-1; Ecosystems and rainforests

6 Resources
This bundle contains a series of lessons designed for the GCSE 9-1 courses introducing types of ecosystem at different scales, biomes and their climate flora and fauna, rainforest location, structure, climate, water and nutrient cycles. lessons have examination question and mark schemes, peer/self assessment and differentiation incorporated into them. They also include a range of skills including comprehension, graph and map analysis and diagram design.
Fieldwork; Tourism fieldwork booklet

Fieldwork; Tourism fieldwork booklet

This resource includes two fieldwork booklets that have been used for tourism fieldwork in Grasmere. the activities can be easily adjusted to suit any tourist honeypot. They include amongst other fieldwork traffic counts, physical and human attractions, car park surveys, environmental impact assessments
Key Stage 3; rainforest decision making exercise - Madagascar

Key Stage 3; rainforest decision making exercise - Madagascar

This is a lovely decision making exercise. there are 3 plans to develop the rainforest in Madagascar. pupils have to outline each scheme before designing criteria to judge the schemes on. Finally they need to write a paragraph to justify their choice of scheme and rejection of other schemes. There is a writing frame to support this. The plenary asks the pupils to consider and develop a compromise.
GCSE 9-1; coast -coastal landscape case study - Swanage Dorset

GCSE 9-1; coast -coastal landscape case study - Swanage Dorset

In this lesson pupils will learn about the geology of the Swanage area of Dorset. The lesson incorporates maps, photos and diagrams to help the pupils to develop their understanding. They record their information on a worksheet about the coastal landscape. there are also photos and factual information about coastal management (human activity) in Swanage. Pupils should use their knowledge of coastal landforms to complete the rest of the coastal landscapes work sheet. There are a range of examination questions based on the sample assessment materials to show the pupils how they could be asked about the landscape. There is also a mark scheme and a quiz with answers.
Key Stage 3; sport- Aston villa stadium expansion decision making cover lesson

Key Stage 3; sport- Aston villa stadium expansion decision making cover lesson

This lesson is designed as a stand alone lesson that can be set as cover. All resources are included within an answer booklet. There are also a set of answers to give to a cover supervisor and an extension task. The focus is on what are the impacts of the stadium currently, what changes will be made, who is for and against the building of the stadium. It also incorporates many skills including OS map skills, graphical skills and comprehension skills.
GCSE 9-1; changes in energy use since the 1950s and sustainable energy solutions

GCSE 9-1; changes in energy use since the 1950s and sustainable energy solutions

The lesson starts with a graph showing the changing energy use since the 1950s. the pupils can work in pairs to discuss the main changes. Next there is a living graph activity linked to the reasons for changing energy use and answers. Next is a graph description activity, the graph shows the changes in energy use over time. After that students are given information about sustainable energy solutions at the local and national scale. There is a note taking sheet for pupils to record and evaluate the solutions and also a mark scheme to assess their completed grids. All resources for use in the lesson are included in the PowerPoint.
Key Stage 3; population density

Key Stage 3; population density

In this lesson students will identify densely and sparsely populated areas. They will then attempt to explain why there are different population densities. There are writing and speaking frames to help them to do this. There is also a mark scheme which can be adapted to your school’s Key Stage 3 assessment policy. There are also opportunities for peer / self assessment. there are a choice of plenaries with a population terminology bingo or a prediction about the future and the impact of climate change.
Key Stage 3; rainforest location and structure

Key Stage 3; rainforest location and structure

This lesson introduces the rainforest location, with a writing frame for locating the forest. It then uses a guided fantasy (story telling) to create a sense of place. There are diagrams and descriptions of the layers of the rainforest. Finally there is a plenary quiz.
Key Stage 3; rainforest food webs

Key Stage 3; rainforest food webs

Pupils are introduced to the concept of food webs and shown a range of diagrams. They are then split into groups. Each group is given a set of images of rainforest animals. They then need to use the internet to research what the animals eat and to classify them into herbivores, carnivores etc. before sticking them down and creating their own food web. There is a plenary bingo activity to tests the students understanding of the key terminology used in the lesson.
GCSE 9-1; Global development - Ethiopia case study, trade

GCSE 9-1; Global development - Ethiopia case study, trade

Firstly, the students are given a glossary of trade definitions to complete. Next the students are shown a table of the goods exported from countries at a range of levels of development. Students should be asked to identify the pattern of exports. On slide 4 there are images and text to act as prompts to explain how trade affects development. Next the students are asked to interpret a pie chart showing the share of world trade in ACs, EDCs and LIDCs. After that the students are given data about Ethiopia's imports and exports and asked to identify the impact of trade on the country. Next the students are asked to plot on a map the countries that Ethiopia imports from and exports to. This map can then be used to make links to bilateral aid. Finally, the students are given data about the value of exports and imports in Ethiopia and are asked to assess the impact of trade. All resources are included in the PowerPoint.