RebeccaTheMathsLady shares videos (available on YouTube) and resources (available here) for the teachers, parents and other adults who work with children who want to deeply understand how to teach maths effectively to all children, including those with the most challenges.
RebeccaTheMathsLady shares videos (available on YouTube) and resources (available here) for the teachers, parents and other adults who work with children who want to deeply understand how to teach maths effectively to all children, including those with the most challenges.
Worksheets to support children’s deep understanding as they develop the formal standard method for long multiplication. Each calculation has a full array which should be split into sections to represent the method used. Five worksheets are provided in this document (one calculation per page).
These worksheets have been created to support the teaching of long multiplication which is described in this video about long multiplication by RebeccaTheMathsLady.
This worksheet was developed by Jeff Kutcher from Jeff’s Notebooks and he is kindly allowing it to be freeshared here. Thank you Jeff!
There is a link from the worksheet to another resource on Jeff’s TES site that will generate new worksheets on this topic (with and without answer sheets) but you need Adobe Acrobat Reader for that (which you don’t for this single worksheet).
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A worksheet that allows all students to develop their own thinking about the topic of long multiplication by counting squares in an array. Five examples are provided (each on its own sheet).
This worksheet on calculating with decimals was created to support this video about long multiplication by RebeccaTheMathsLady.
This worksheet was developed by Jeff Kutcher from Jeff’s Notebooks and he is kindly allowing it to be freeshared here. Thank you Jeff!
There is a link from the worksheet to another resource on Jeff’s TES site that will generate new worksheets on this topic but you need Adobe Acrobat Reader for that (which you don’t for this single worksheet).
This worksheet was created to work alongside the video on how to teach measure conversions created by RebeccaTheMathsLady. An answer sheet is also provided. It is targeted at year 6 but can easily be adapted to suit your needs as it’s in Word.
Created to complement the 'Deep Understanding of the numbers 1-20 ’ video from RebeccaTheMathsLady’s YouTube series for the parents of the children who have never understood maths.
4 sets of ten questions, each including 5 addition and 5 subtraction questions, some of which need answers and some of which needed missing numbers filled in.
This worksheet contains a link to an interactive worksheet in Jeff’s Notebooks on TES which can be used to generate more similar worksheets . This resource was designed and created by Rebecca and Jeff together and is available for free on both their sites.
First worksheet of two to support learning about calculation with decimal numbers up to 2 decimal places (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Calculations are set out ready for formal calculation methods. The second worksheet (also available on this site) requires children to set out their own calculations.
This worksheet on calculating with decimals was created to support this video about the foundations of multiplication by RebeccaTheMathsLady.
This worksheet was developed by Jeff Kutcher from Jeff’s Notebooks and he is kindly allowing it to be freeshared here. Thank you Jeff!
There is a link from the worksheet to another resource on Jeff’s TES site that will generate new worksheets on this topic (with and without answer sheets) but you need Adobe Acrobat Reader for that (which you don’t for this single worksheet).
2 1-100 number squares on an A4 page with 1 bottom left. In the first square only the bottom row and the left hand column are complete. In the secdon square only the number 1 is present.
Created in Word so can easily be modified.
This worksheet was created to complement RebeccaTheMathsLady’s videos on teaching number squares age 5/6 and age 6/7 which are available on her YouTube channel.
2 1-100 number squares on an A4 page with 1 bottom left. Created in Word so can easily be modified.
This worksheet was created to complement RebeccaTheMathsLady’s videos on teaching number squares age 5/6 and age 6/7 which are available on her YouTube channel.
Flash cards for number words to 20 and then for each number in the 10x table to 100. Cards can be combined to create all the number to 99.
Created to complement RebeccaTheMathsLady’s series on teaching maths to children who are 6/7 years old which is available on her YouTube channel.
This is a page-per-term year 3 maths planning guide for expert teachers who want to plan straight from the curriculum, using the best low-floor high-ceiling teaching strategies.
There are links in the guide to free videos which explain who to teach specific topic in detail. There are also links to free-to-download worksheets.
You will also need the year 3 linked curriculum extract which I will publish on this page straight after publishing this guide.
If you can’t find it easily you should be able to find it via this link.
This is a page-per-term year 1 maths planning guide which can be used for post-lockdown recovery by spending 2 weeks on the content for each half term.
The accompanying video explains how it works in detail.
You will also need the year 1 linked curriculum extract which I will publish on this page straight after publishing this guide.
If you can’t find it easily you should be able to find it via this link.
This is a page-per-term mixed year 1&2 maths planning guide for expert teachers who want to plan straight from the curriculum, using the best low-floor high-ceiling teaching strategies.
There are links in the guide to free videos which explain who to teach specific topic in detail. There are also links to free-to-download worksheets.
You will also need the year 1&2 linked curriculum extract which I will publish on this page straight after publishing this guide.
If you can’t find it easily you should be able to find it via this link.