
KS3 Chemistry Revision sheet
I have made this for my Year 7 Chemistry topic.
Use and adapt as you wish.

KS3 (year 9) revision questions - Biology, Physics, Chemistry.
Worksheet with a variety of questions across all 3 Sciences.
Differentiated questions increasing in difficulty for each Science.
Ideal for end of year revision for KS3 classes but more suited for Year 9 students.
15 questions for each separate Science.

Word, symbol and balancing equations lesson
Word and symbol equations lesson aimed at high ability KS3 students and KS4 students.
Use and adapt as you wish!

OCR 21st Century Science Chemistry (C4, C5, C6) Revision questions
OCR 21st Century Science Chemistry (C4, C5, C6) Revision questions

Variables KS3 Science
Scientific variables lesson.
KS3 Focus but can be used as a reminder with KS4 students.
The starter is a demo linked to rates of reaction. If you don’t have the kit, just search rate of reaction investigation on youtube and use that for the students to think about.

Allotropes of Carbon (Diamond + Graphite)
Allotropes of Carbon (Diamond + Graphite) lesson.
KS4 Chemistry

Group 1 alkali metals and Halogens - wall display/posters
Contains basic information of each element in group 1 and 7 including:
- Elemental symbol
- Atomic mass
- Atomic number
- Group 1 equations for the reactions with oxygen and water
Last pages summarise the general properties of the group 1 and 7 elements as you move down the group.

OCR 21st Century Science C1 C2 C3 revision cards
Revision cards, double sided with answers on the back.
Print double sided. Students use these independently or in small groups to assess each others ability to recall knowledge.

Elements, compounds, mixtures. Burning Magnesium.
Follow on lesson from atoms, elements, compounds and mixtures lessons. Practical to help secure understanding of differences in matter. Burn Magnesium and show pupils how elements combine to form a compound.

Rocks, Rock cycle, Reactivity (Full SOW!)
Full SOW on rocks, the rock cycle and reactivity.
Includes the SOW which outlines each lesson.
12 lessons with PPT's and resources.
2 differentiated End of topic tests and Revision.
Lesson 1 - Structure of the Earth
Lesson 2 - Weathering
Lesson 3 - Sedimentary rocks
Lesson 4 - Metamorphic and igneous rocks
Lesson 5 - Rock cycle
Lesson 6 - The Earths atmosphere
Lesson 7 - The Carbon cycle
Lesson 8 - Climate change
Lesson 9 - The reactivity series
Lesson 10 - Extracting metals
Lesson 11 - The pH scale
Lesson 12 - Acids and metals

AQA Combined Science Paper 1 Chemistry Revision cards
Ideal for revising AQA combined Science Paper 1 Chemistry.
Questions split into individual topics.
Print out double sided and students answer each question themselves, therefore no answers provided.

AQA combined science Paper 2 Chemistry Revision cards
Revision cards for AQA Paper 2 Chemistry Combined Science
Print double sided.
Students answer on the back; no answers provided.

Combined Science AQA Paper 1 Revision cards. (Bio, Chem and Physics!)
Complete set of revision cards for Paper 1 Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Print double sided.
Students answer on the back; no answers provided.