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Resource Owl

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(based on 12 reviews)

Don't be a night owl, get your evenings back and let the Resource Owl do the legwork for you.




Don't be a night owl, get your evenings back and let the Resource Owl do the legwork for you.
Adding and subtracting

Adding and subtracting

Adding and subtracting multiples of 100, linked to National Curriculum 'Adding and subtracting numbers mentally Y3. Also supports White Rose maths Teaching PowerPoint, with visuals and questions linked to follow up activities, to encourage independent learning. Differentiated activities for three levels. Varied fluency and reasoning and problems solving questions to plus open ended, ‘Go Deeper’ questions. Answers now included to save you time marking. Plus recommended online games, linked to the objective. Enough content to be used over multiple lessons. Ideal for lower KS2. CONTENTS: -Teaching PowerPoint (10 slides) 8 varied fluency questions for each level. 6 reasoning and problem-solving questions for each level. 2 Go Deeper maths questions for each level to encourage deeper learning. -Interactive weblinks for online games to embed adding and subtracting multiples of 100.
Halloween maths and literacy

Halloween maths and literacy

2 Resources
Contains MATHS-10 slides covering 2 maths open-ended Halloween games. A potions game, making potions, working on number and adding skills and snakes and broomsticks game based on mental maths. Both games are differentiated 3 ways, all photocopiable resources included. Fun way to end numeracy for the half term. Suitable for KS2 LITERACY- 11 slides and all photocopiable resources included. Suited to KS2 and KS3. Has a fun, word generator game for children to select words to describe main Halloween character for story. Drawing opportunities, then ideas to get started for story writing. Differentiated 3 ways. A fun way to end the half term English. Can be used over a couple of lessons. Dice needed for one of the slides. Can be easily edited, if required.
Halloween maths

Halloween maths

10 slides covering 2 maths open-ended Halloween games. A potions game, making potions, working on number and adding skills and snakes and broomsticks game based on mental maths. Both games are differentiated 3 ways, all photocopiable resources included. Fun way to end numeracy for the half term. Suitable for KS2
Halloween literacy

Halloween literacy

Contains 11 slides and all photocopiable resources included. Suited to KS2 and KS3. Has a fun, word generator game for children to select words to describe main Halloween character for story. Drawing opportunities, then ideas to get started for story writing. Differentiated 3 ways. A fun way to end the half term English. Can be used over a couple of lessons. Dice needed for one of the slides. Can be easily edited, if required.
Place value

Place value

Contains 26 pages of teaching place value and reading and writing numbers in numerals and in words. Includes visual representations to help embed learning, includes counting activities and interactive weblinks. Roman themed, can be easily edited. Suited to KS2, especially lower KS2.
Place value teaching flipchart

Place value teaching flipchart

Contains 17 pages of teaching place value on Activ Primary flipcharts. Includes visual representations to help embed concept, games, activities and interactive weblinks. Can be edited, if required. Suited to KS2, especially lower KS2.
Addition Flipchart

Addition Flipchart

Contains 21 pages of teaching flipchart on Activ Primary for addition. Cover expanded addition and column addition, includes counting activities and mental maths weblinks. Resources linked to flipchart be be purchased, if required. Easy to edit, suited to KS2, especially lower KS2.


Contains 23 pages of teaching subtraction on Activ Primary. Covers expanded subtraction, column subtraction as well as mental maths and weblinks linked to timetables mental maths games. Activity resources linked to flipchart can be purchased if required. easy to edit, Roman themed. Suited to KS2.
Romans on Rampage

Romans on Rampage

Contains Novel study activities to support the whole of ‘Romans on the Rampage’ by Jeremy Strong. Activities over 23 pages. Activities all have WALTs, smiley face stamper for pupil self assessment and traffic light stamper for quick marking. Each activity is duplicated multiple times on the same sheet for easy printing. Saved on Publisher and can be edited easily, if required. Also includes the same activities on Powerpoint version, incase you prefer that format.
Charlie and Chocolate factory

Charlie and Chocolate factory

Contains Guided Reading / Novel study activities for the whole book, over 20 pages. Each activity includes a WALT, self assessment stamper for pupils and a traffic light stamper for quiack marking. Activities duplicated to fit multiple copies on each sheet for easy printing. Most activities can be easily edited if required. Microsoft Publisher


2 Resources
Bundle includes starting, differentiated sheets to introduce the grammar templates, with WALTs, self-assessment stamper and marking stamper already created. Also 7 A4 pages of grammar templates to be used to cut out, enlarged for displays or used as further worksheets. Helps to organise sentence building, using subject, verb, adjective, object, adverbs, prepositional phrases. Uses shapes and colours, including symbols to identify types of grammar. Especially helpful for children who struggle with sentence building. Can also be used to support ‘Shape Coding’ work. Easily edited, if required, suitable for KS1 and KS2.


Grammar template worksheet three levels and an extra superstar level, over 4 A4 sheets. Helps to organise sentence building, using subject, verb, adjective, object, adverbs, prepositional phrases. Uses shapes and colours, including symbols to identify types of grammar. Especially helpful for children who struggle with sentence building. Can also be used to support ‘Shape Coding’ work. Includes a handy WALT, smiley face stamp for pupil self assessment and traffic light stamp for quick marking. Easily edited, if required, suitable for KS1 and KS2. Microsoft Publisher


Grammar templates, over seven A4 sheets. Can be used to cut out, enlarge for displays or use as worksheets. Helps to organise sentence building, using subject, verb, adjective, object, adverbs, prepositional phrases. Uses shapes and colours, including symbols to identify types of grammar. Especially helpful for children who struggle with sentence building. Can also be used to support ‘Shape Coding’ work. Easily edited, if required, suitable for KS1 and KS2. Microsoft Publisher
New class resource

New class resource

5 Resources
Combine drawer labels, box labels, visual timetable, marking stickers and morning activities to kick off your new class. Save your time and help yourself get ready to greet your new class. KS1 and KS2


Fun active maths session for KS2 Multiple copies can be printed off and put into 3 trays. Children select 1 question at a time and work out answers before returning question to tray. Three differentiated levels: Level one-true or false statements, level 2, working out some missing sides, when total perimeter given , level 3, no sides, totals given, all lengths must be worked out. Can be easily edited, if required. Suited especially to lower KS2.
Perimeter worksheet KS2

Perimeter worksheet KS2

Perimeter worksheet KS2. Children must work out the size of the irregular shaped cow fields, so taxes can be charged correctly. Some sides missing for challenge. Made with WALT, smiley face stamper for children’s self assessment and handy traffic light stamp for quick marking.


Shape property worksheet. Children name and draw shape and count number of sides and vertices. Independence encouraged through shape reminder picture at top of sheet for help. Prepared with WALT and handy smiley face self-assessment for children and traffic light stamp for quick marking. Especially suited for lower KS2


Rounding maths worksheet KS2. Ideal to ask children to work independently on to assess understanding. Includes a reminder of rounding rules on sheet. Three differentiated levels. Especially suited for lower KS2. Ready to print; easy to edit, if needed. Made with WALT, smiley face stamper for children’s self assessment and handy traffic light stamp for quick marking.


Maths rounding questions KS2. Three levels, 6 questions on each, multiple visual questions. Can be printed off on A3 and stuck around corridors / classroom for active maths learning, or used as an individual assessment. Especially suited to lower KS2, Roman linked, but easy to edit, if needed.Microsoft Publisher


Maths rounding questions KS2. Three levels, 4 questions on each. Can be used following the ‘Emperor Mathematicus’ Romans rounding corridor activity or another practical activity of your own. Each sheet contains visual reminders of rounding rules, to encourage independence. Prepared WALTS with handy smiley face stamper for child’s self assessment and traffic light stamper for quicker marking. Especially suited to lower KS2. Easy to edit, if needed.