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RoJM Teaching Resources

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(based on 322 reviews)

I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.




I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
Alphabet Letters Upper Case and 3D Shapes Link Worksheets Cut and Paste Activities

Alphabet Letters Upper Case and 3D Shapes Link Worksheets Cut and Paste Activities

This resource contains a set of 26 upper case letters with 3D shapes in black and white. If you are teaching or have taught letters and 3D shapes, here are some extra resources for your pupils to colour in and/or cut out and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper. The letters are on whole pages in two sizes - A4 and 8.5 x 11". Just print off :) Suggested Uses: Children colour in the shapes and the background and then they can draw things beginning with that letter. Children colour in the shapes only and then cut around the letter and stick into their workbooks. You could cut out the letter and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper with handwriting guidelines for children to practise writing the letter and then colour in. Extension: After colouring in the letter, children can list the 3D shapes they see and the more able can put them into ABC order. Some children may be able to draw 3D objects beginning with that letter. 3D Shapes: cube, rectangular prism/cuboid, cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, square-based pyramid, triangular prism, cone and tetrahedron. Hope you find this resource useful. You may be interested in the free sample. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/alphabet-letters-and-shapes-worksheets-cut-and-paste-12150086 Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
Alphabet Letters  and Numbers 2D and 3D Shapes Playdough Mats Worksheets Cut and Paste Activities BUNDLE

Alphabet Letters and Numbers 2D and 3D Shapes Playdough Mats Worksheets Cut and Paste Activities BUNDLE

7 Resources
This bundle contains lower and upper case letters of the alphabet and numbers 0 to 10 with 2D and 3D shapes inside the letters and numbers for children to colour in and/or cut out and glue into workbooks. Also included are alphabet cards (colour/b&w) which you can laminate. Children use playdough to model the letter shapes. There are two sizes of worksheets: standard A4 size and US Letter size 8.5 x 11". Additional: Clipart numbers 0 to 10 (transparent and white) The worksheets are useful for: extra activities for early finishers reinforce letters of the alphabet reinforce numbers 0 to 10 reinforce 2D shapes knowledge reinforce 3D shapes knowledge Students will enjoy colouring the shapes. 2D Shapes: square, circle, triangle, oval, rectangle, diamond, star, heart, crescent, pentagon and trapezium/trapezoid. 3D Shapes: cube, rectangular prism/cuboid, cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, square-based pyramid, triangular prism, cone and tetrahedron. Please see individual product description. You may be interested in the free sample. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/alphabet-letters-and-shapes-worksheets-cut-and-paste-12150086 Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
Numbers 0 to 10 and 3D Shapes Link Worksheets Clipart Numbers 0 to 9

Numbers 0 to 10 and 3D Shapes Link Worksheets Clipart Numbers 0 to 9

This resource contains a set of numbers 0 - 10 with 3D shapes in black and white. If you are teaching numerals and counting and 3D shapes, here are some extra resources for your children to colour in and/or cut out and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper. The numbers are on whole pages in two sizes - A4 and 8.5 x 11". Content: Numbers cards 1 to 10 containing 3D shapes Clipart numerals 0 to 9 How to use: Children colour in the shapes and the background; or Colour in the shapes only and then cut around the number and stick into their workbooks. You could cut out the numbers and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper with handwriting guidelines for children to practise writing the number and then colour in. After colouring in the number, children can draw objects representing that number. 3D Shapes: cube, cuboid/rectangular prism, sphere, hemisphere, cylinder, square-based pyramid, triangular prism, cone and tetrahedron. Also included is a set of clipart numbers 0 to 9 (white and transparent) . You can adjust the size of each number. Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
Numbers 0 to 10 and 2D Shapes Link Worksheets Clipart Numbers 0 to 9

Numbers 0 to 10 and 2D Shapes Link Worksheets Clipart Numbers 0 to 9

This resource contains a set of numbers 0 - 10 with 2D shapes in black and white. If you are teaching numerals and counting and 2D shapes, here are some extra resources for your pupils to colour in and/or cut out and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper. The numbers are on whole pages in two sizes - A4 and 8.5 x 11". Just print off Content: Numbers cards 1 to 10 containing 2D shapes Clipart numerals 0 to 9 Suggested Uses: Children colour in the shapes and the background; or Colour in the shapes only and then cut around the number and stick into their workbooks. You could cut out the numbers and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper with handwriting guidelines for children to practise writing the number and then colour in. After colouring in the number, children can draw objects representing that number. 2D Shapes: square, circle, triangle, oval, rectangle, diamond, star, heart, crescent, pentagon and trapezium. Also included is a set of clipart numbers 0 to 9 (white and transparent). You can adjust the size of each numeral. Hope you enjoy using this resource:-)
Adverb of Purpose Reason Worksheets Flashcards Posters

Adverb of Purpose Reason Worksheets Flashcards Posters

This resource relates to adverbs of purpose or reason and is a basic introduction to one word or two word adverbs of purpose. The sentences are simple and uses common adverbs of purpose. Ideal if you want to do a recap of adverbs of purpose. It consists of posters or anchor charts which you can display and/or use to teach with. Content: Teacher Notes 12 Posters or anchor charts 22 Flashcards of adverbs of purpose (single words and phrases) Set of 4 worksheets with answers The worksheet activities comprise of finding and underlining adverbs of purpose; completing sentences with appropriate adverbs; multiple choice question worksheets; writing ‘why’ questions and working with a partner to answer the questions with adverbs of purpose/reason. Hope you find this resource useful. Thank you for visiting my shop:)
Math Bundle Worksheets and Activities Halloween Fall

Math Bundle Worksheets and Activities Halloween Fall

3 Resources
This growing math bundle relates to Halloween themed resources. Content: Telling time to the hour and half hour and elapsed time Counting, match up and making 5, 10, 15 and 20 worksheets Addition and subtraction secret codes to 10 and 20 worksheets 2D Shapes Jack-O’-Lanterns Worksheets Please see full descriptions of individual products. Resources will be added to this bundle. You can save money if you purchase early as any new products added after your purchase, can downloaded without any extra cost. Thank you for visiting my shop.:)
Halloween Bundle Worksheets and Activities Fall Autumn

Halloween Bundle Worksheets and Activities Fall Autumn

5 Resources
This growing bundle relates to Halloween resources such as maths, literacy and games. So far it contains: Halloween Secret Codes - Addition and Subtraction Halloween Counting and making 5, 10, 15 and 20 Telling Time To the Hour and Half Hour 2D Shapes Jack-o’-lanterns worksheets Bingo games Halloween games such as word searches, playing cards Please see descriptions of individual products. If you only want Halloween related math resources, then there is a growing separate bundle for that. Please check descriptions. In the long term, this is a money-saving bundle. If you buy early then any new products added can be downloaded at no extra cost. Thank you for visiting my shop:) Halloween Bundle UK Version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12759938
Time/Clocks:  Lesson 9 from Pack 1 - Time Elapsed Problems, Lesson Plan, Presentation and Worksheets

Time/Clocks: Lesson 9 from Pack 1 - Time Elapsed Problems, Lesson Plan, Presentation and Worksheets

UPDATED: February 5, 2019 with Worksheet 3. This resource is part of Tell the Time (1) which has now been updated with this Lesson 9 resource. You may wish to buy the complete pack, i.e. Lessons 1 to 9. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/pack-1-telling-the-time-analogue-digital-12-hr-clock-presentations-lesson-plans-and-worksheets-11030239 This is being sold separately as there have already been sales before the update. This is Lesson 9 only and includes:- 15 Slides - Presentation on how to deal with word problems Lesson Plan 3 Differentiated worksheets on o’clock times, half past and quarter past the hour and later/earlier time problems and now 5 minutes time for the more able. Worksheet 1 - 7 questions Worksheet 2 - (2 pages) - 9 questions Worksheet 3 - (2 pages) - 6 word problems cut/paste activities. Variety of questions to get the children thinking. All worksheets, lesson plan and presentation in one zip for ease of downloading. For personal and single classroom use only.
Room Visuals: Number/Words Display, Flashcards, Display of add, minus, times, division

Room Visuals: Number/Words Display, Flashcards, Display of add, minus, times, division

<strong>UPDATED with colorful text around the operation signs.</strong> <strong>Contents: </strong> - Zero flashcards - number and word - A4 sizes display of numbers 1 to 100 - Flashcards - 1 to 120 and words one to twenty - Number cards for children to trace over the dots - 1 to 30 - Operation Sign displays - plus, minus, multiply, division and equal signs - Set of flashcards for teaching step counting in twos - every second card is a different color - 2, 4, 6, 8 etc. - Set of flashcards for teaching step counting in fives - every fifth card is a different color- 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 etc. - Set of flashcards for teaching step counting in tens - every tenth card is a different color - 10, 20 , 30, 40 etc. Thank you for visiting my shop.
Room Visuals Ordinal Numbers and Words Display Flashcards Digit cards Ordering

Room Visuals Ordinal Numbers and Words Display Flashcards Digit cards Ordering

This ready-made resource relates to ordinal numbers both in words and figures. Just print, laminate and cut out some of the resources to start teaching. Included are spelling rules for ordinal numbers, ordinal number charts, ordinal digit cards in figures and words. 2 March 2022 - Updated to include editable text in the posters saved as PPTX. **Content: ** 2 sets of A4 Size ordinal number cards in words and figures from 1 to 31 with shaded dots showing the position it in a range of dots. E.g. the ordinal number 18th is shown with the dot shaded in the 18th position. Great for demonstration and practical activities Set of 10 information cards which also include whole class activities, spelling rules and explaining the meaning of ordinal numbers. 2 sets of digit cards (6 to a page) to laminate and cut out (for long use) – the ordinals numbers range from 1 to 102 (black outline and green outline). A set of cards for ordinal number matching activity in figures and words up to 100. You can laminate the cards and cut out to set up a matching up of figures an words game with for ordinals up to 5 or 10 and for more able up to 20. Students can play snap - either matching two ordinal numbers the same or matching figures and words. Teacher Notes with suggested activities. (2 pages) Thank you for visiting my store:) For UK Version https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/classroom-visuals-displays-ordinal-numbers-words-flashcards-ordering-11341746 Thank you for visiting my store!:)
Room Visuals: Subject Area Displays, Environment labels, Timetable cards, General Displays

Room Visuals: Subject Area Displays, Environment labels, Timetable cards, General Displays

Updated: Editable classroom Helpers Today’ display in PowerPoint. Just type in the name of the students who are helping you today and print off. (Color/b&w backgrounds). Also phonics timetable card. This pack contains displays posters for your classroom. Save time just print and laminate. Some cutting out for smaller labels. Organize your class/walls into subject areas - included in this resource are: Word Wall display card Helpers Today display card (PDF and PowerPoint) Changeable Timetable cards - editable (saves time writing out your timetable) Subject areas display (editable) - Science, RE (Religious Education), Music, Math (you can change it to Numeracy), English, Literacy, History, Geography, Art and Design. Labels for objects around the classroom: computer, keyboard, screen, sink, water, beakers, paintbrushes, pencils, unfinished work tray, finished work tray, crayons, felt-tip pens, paper, sharpeners, erasers, toy box, games, whiteboards, dry-erase pens, book bags, etc - you can add to the list. Resources editable if you wish to tweak and change colors. File Type: MS Word, PDF and PPT
Addition and Subtraction Sums within 5 Five Frame template large 2 colour counters

Addition and Subtraction Sums within 5 Five Frame template large 2 colour counters

This product contains differentiated addition and subtraction five frame cards (print onto card paper, laminate and cut out) - use dry-wipe pens. You can also print off the sums onto plain paper and stick into student’s numeracy workbook. Aimed at: Foundation stage Introducing addition using the five frame Revision for some Year 1 students who find the concept of adding and subtraction challenging.** Included is a Five frame template and large counters. Students can use these with the addition and subtraction sums. Students can recreate the addition sums by using the two colour counters and five frame to work out and/or check their answers. Students use one yellow counter and the five frame for subtraction. Place the counters on the five frame and remove as required. Teachers Notes on suggested use of this resource 20 Addition cards with yellow circles (counters) 20 Addition cards without counters (more able) 20 Subtraction cards with counters 20 Subtraction cards without counters(more able) Extra counters saved as clipart - black, yellow and blue (you can enlarge or reduce sizes) Five Frame Flash Cards A useful addition to your maths resources. For US Version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-11494581 You may be interested in: Addition and Subtract using Ten Frames Addition and Subtraction using Ten Frames Thanks for stopping by my store.
Addition and Subtraction Ten Frames, Presentation, Practical Activities,  Worksheets    KS1

Addition and Subtraction Ten Frames, Presentation, Practical Activities, Worksheets KS1

Updated with extra worksheet 2 - 1 - 20 Subtract Counters and cards (5 colours) saved in png format (Clipart) This resource focuses on using ten frames for addition and subtraction activities. Ideal resource for small group activities. Comprises: PowerPoint Presentation (15 Slides)- includes whole class activities. Worksheet 1 - Ten Frame - Addition to 10 Worksheet 2 - Ten Frame - Subtraction to 10 Extension: Worksheet 1 - Double Ten Frames - Addition to 20 Worksheet 2 - Double Ten Frames - Subtraction to 20 Print and laminate for practical activities:- Numeral cards 1 to 20 Colour cards and counters for use with the tens-frame Tens-frame Plus, minus and equals symbols The students use numeral cards, colour cards and/or counters to practise adding and taking away using a tens frame. Opportunity for more able to use two tens frames (add to 20 and subtract from 20). You may also be interested in: Addition and Subtraction using a Five Frame Addition and Subtraction Within Five Thank you for visiting my store:-)
Adverbs of Manner Display  Worksheets Activities  Adverb Games - Keystage 1/ESL/EFL

Adverbs of Manner Display Worksheets Activities Adverb Games - Keystage 1/ESL/EFL

An ideal resource to add to your literacy area/centre. Extra worksheet added - Worksheet 5. Create a visual display of adverbs of manner/create a Word Wall. This resource includes display cards describing what adverbs do and basic spelling rules as a visual reminder for your students. Includes: Extra blank cards for children to add more adverbs. - Adverb title card - 10 x A4 size display cards (you can enlarge on copier) - 69 (colour-coded) adverbs of manner flash cards (print and joined up writing) - you can display some of the common adverbs - includes irregular adverbs - hard, fast and well Extra: 4 sets of Worksheets to practise: Worksheet 1 (2 pages) - (Changing adjectives to adverbs) - (Differentiated) Worksheets 2 (2 pages) - Writing sentences with adverb and verb, e.g. walk/slowly - Sentence: Meg will walk slowly to school. Worksheet 3 - 1 page Adverbs describing adjectives. Worksheet 4 - 1 page Adverbs describing past participles. Worksheet 5 - (Differentiated) - (Harder) Students complete sentences using their own adverb of manner. (Easier) Students can use their own adverbs or use the words in the word box to complete their sentences. Adverb game: You can use the flash cards to play an adverb game. Shuffle, say 6 cards, either you or the children choose a verb. Then choose a child to pick a card and they do the action for that verb depending on what the adverb is, e.g. wave happily. Laminate the displays and flashcards for repeated use. This resource goes well with reading comprehension A Snowman In The Park. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/reading-comprehension-text-adverbs-said-synonyms-direct-speech-presentation-worksheets-keystage-1-11478618 Thanks for your interest and hope this product is useful and you have a fun time playing the adverbs game.
Phonics Initial Consonant Blend GL-gl  CCVC Words Presentations Lesson Plan Activities

Phonics Initial Consonant Blend GL-gl CCVC Words Presentations Lesson Plan Activities

This single phonics pack focuses on initial consonant blend ‘gl’ CCVC words. As with the other consonant blends packs: it is child-centred child-friendly and a step up from CVC and CCV to Phase 4: Letters and Sounds Phonics. Increases children’s vocabulary. Aimed at: Reception and keystage 1, SEND and ESL/EFL students. It is an addition to my other resources on initial consonant blends. This pack contains: Detailed Lesson Plan with learning objectives, lesson starter, main activities and plenary - You can choose which parts are relevant to your class. PowerPoint slides are referred to in the plan. PowerPoint Presentation 1 (31 Slides)- includes explanation of initial blend, CCVC words and whole class activities to prepare children for their independent activities. PowerPoint Presentation Phoneme Count ((12 Slides) - Again, as in the others, I have listed all the CCVC words and the units of sound above the fingers so that children can see and hear the separate phonemes (with pictures) - Referred to in the lesson plan. Encourage children to make simple sentences with the words. Some meanings of words are shown through pictures and speech bubbles. Option for children to use the dictionary to look up the word gloat, gloom and glib - meanings are illustrated in PowerPoint Presentation Phoneme Count. Flashcards of CCVC words with and without sound buttons and lines. Set of pictures and words for matching activities. Differentiated Activity Sheets 1, 2, 3 and 3a and 4 - for cut/paste work, writing sentences, reading and matching words to pictures. You can combine the set of pictures and words with the other resources I have done on consonant blends - creating a set of pictures and words for future use. Ideally laminate the set of flashcards and picture/word cards. Hope you enjoy this resource and thank you for visiting my shop:-)
Phonics:Initial Consonant Blend GR-gr CCVC Words, Presentations, Lesson Plan, Activities

Phonics:Initial Consonant Blend GR-gr CCVC Words, Presentations, Lesson Plan, Activities

This phonics pack focuses on initial consonant blend ‘gr’ CCVC words. CCVC Phase 4: Letters and Sounds follows on from CVC and CCV words Aimed at: Reception and keystage 1, SEND and ESL/EFL students. This pack contains: Detailed Lesson Plan with learning objectives, lesson starter, main activities and plenary - You can choose which parts are relevant to your class. PowerPoint slides are referred to in the plan. PowerPoint Presentation 1 - includes explanation of initial blend, CCVC words and whole class activities to prepare children for their independent activities. PowerPoint Presentation Phoneme Count - I have listed all the CCVC words and the units of sound above the fingers so that students can see and hear the separate phonemes (also with pictures) - Referred to in the lesson plan. Flashcards of CCVC words with and without sound buttons and lines. Set of pictures and words for matching activities. Blank CCVC Phoneme frame to laminate Differentiated worksheets: Activity 1 - Cut and stick initial blends and letters to make words into workbook or on a separate sheet of paper to record activity and then write the word below. Activity 2- (for students that need support) - Trace over initial blends, sound out the word and draw a picture for each word; Worksheet 1 - Make CCVC words from the table and then choose words to write sentences (excludes vowel digraphs) Worksheet 2 - Extension - Make CCVC words with vowel digraphs and use words in written sentences. You can combine the set of pictures and words with the other resources I have done on consonant blends - creating a set of pictures and words for future use. Ideally laminate the set of flashcards and picture/word cards. File Type Word, PowerPoint and PDF. Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
UK Money Cut and Paste Sorting Coins Activities Pay for items up to 10p to £2

UK Money Cut and Paste Sorting Coins Activities Pay for items up to 10p to £2

This product contains 5 sets of cut and paste activities relating to adding up UK coins and sorting the correct amount of money to pay for an item. You will see that two people bought an item for the same amount of money but paid with different coins. There are 14 worksheets in each set with colour and b/w images. This product has been updated. The new updated worksheets includes black and white images. Useful resource to assess and review student’s knowledge of coins and value and using exact change to pay for items. Description Items up to 10p (14 pages) plus b/w worksheets Items 11p to 20p (14 pages) plus b/w worksheets Items 21p to 50p (14 pages) plus b/w worksheets Items 51p to £1.00 (14 pages) plus b/w worksheets Items £1.01 to £2.00 (14 pages) plus b/w worksheets NEW ADDITION Each item costs the same but it has been paid for by two people using different coins that add up the same amount as the item. Students look at how much each item costs, cut out the coins, sort, total the amount and decide which coins to stick below each picture. File Type: pdf. Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
Addition/Subtraction (1-20) Presentation, Tens Frame, Practical Activities, Worksheet, Teacher Notes

Addition/Subtraction (1-20) Presentation, Tens Frame, Practical Activities, Worksheet, Teacher Notes

This product relates to addition and subtraction using a tens frame. Students add and subtract using a ten frame. The more able students can use a double ten frame. Content: PowerPoint Presentation (15 Slides) Teacher Notes on how to use the product Digit cards 1 - 20 Plus, minus and equals symbol Color cards and counters for counting out Counters and cards in 5 colors saved as clipart images for you to enlarge/reduce sizes Example Tens Frame Information Tens frame 4 Worksheets to support practical tasks Addition tasks - two-color cards or counters are used to make an addition sentence. Subtraction tasks - single-color cards are used to make a subtraction sentence. The students can record their practical work into their math book. All files saved in a folder. Common Core Aligned Thank you for visiting my store:)
Addition and Subtraction Practical Activities Numbers 0 to 5 Five Frame Math Center Resources

Addition and Subtraction Practical Activities Numbers 0 to 5 Five Frame Math Center Resources

This product contains addition and subtraction five frame cards for students to complete. Aimed at: Pre-K and K and SEN There is an opportunity for students to use the five frame alongside using the addition and subtraction cards. Content: 20 Addition cards (with and without counters above digits) 20 Subtraction cards (with and without counters above digits) Five frame Large counters (laminate and cut out) Extra counters in 3 colors black, yellow and blue saved in png file - the images can be enlarged or reduced. Five Frame Flash Cards Print and laminate the above content for repeated use. Children can record their tasks in their math books. For students that need extra support the five frame can be used in conjunction with the addition or subtraction card so that the student can visualize the addition and subtraction process. For UK version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-11441406 Thank you for visiting my store.
Money Two-Step Money Problems, Add and Subtract, Count up to or back - KS1

Money Two-Step Money Problems, Add and Subtract, Count up to or back - KS1

This product relates to UK sterling money pounds and pence. Its aim is to encourage students to use different skills to find solutions to a two-step problem. Aimed at: Keystage 1/Lower Keystage 2. Ideal for revising adding up coins and to finding how much more money to pay for an item. The worksheets start off with small denominations and then it increases to 50p and £1. There are 60 differentiated worksheets. Worksheet 1 - up to 10p (11 pages) Worksheet 2 - up to 20p (11 pages) Worksheet 3 - up to 30p (12 pages) Worksheet 4 - up to 50p (12 pages) Worksheet 5 - up to £1.00 (14 pages) <strong>Description: </strong> The worksheet is divided into 3 columns. The first column contains the price of the item. The second column shows the coins the customer uses to pay for the item but unfortunately it is not enough. The problem is in two parts: - Add up the total amount of the coins and write it in the blank box. Find out how much the customer is short by, i.e. how much more he/she has to pay and then fill in the box. The space above the box in the third column is for the student to show their workings out. Skills required: addition, subtraction, counting on/back. Provide hundred charts, number lines, coins, small objects for the students. File Type: Word and PDF. Thank you for visiting my stop:-)