This resource includes answers to exam-styled questions for AQA A Level English Literature.
One of the best ways to use these exemplar essays is:
To read the essay
To reread the essay
To assign five different colours to each assessment objective
To highlight where you see each assessment objective being addressed
To review the essay and see if there are any assessment objectives that need to be addressed in detail
To give overall feedback e.g. what went well? what could be done to improve?
This resource includes answers to exam-styled questions for AQA A Level English Literature.
One of the best ways to use these exemplar essays is:
To read the essay
To reread the essay
To assign five different colours to each assessment objective
To highlight where you see each assessment objective being addressed
To review the essay and see if there are any assessment objectives that need to be addressed in detail
To give overall feedback e.g. what went well? what could be done to improve?
This resource includes answers to exam-styled questions for AQA A Level English Literature.
One of the best ways to use these exemplar essays is:
To read the essay
To reread the essay
To assign five different colours to each assessment objective
To highlight where you see each assessment objective being addressed
To review the essay and see if there are any assessment objectives that need to be addressed in detail
To give overall feedback e.g. what went well? what could be done to improve?
This resource includes answers to exam-styled questions for AQA A Level English Literature.
One of the best ways to use these exemplar essays is:
To read the essay
To reread the essay
To assign five different colours to each assessment objective
To highlight where you see each assessment objective being addressed
To review the essay and see if there are any assessment objectives that need to be addressed in detail
To give overall feedback e.g. what went well? what could be done to improve?
This resource includes answers to exam-styled questions for AQA A Level English Literature.
One of the best ways to use these exemplar essays is:
To read the essay
To reread the essay
To assign five different colours to each assessment objective
To highlight where you see each assessment objective being addressed
To review the essay and see if there are any assessment objectives that need to be addressed in detail
To give overall feedback e.g. what went well? what could be done to improve?
This resource includes exam-style questions for the ‘Unseen Poetry’ section of A Level English Literature. Poems span from the 1500s to the 2010s. There is a total of 26 questions!
Questions come with contentions or themes based on different aspects of love, such as idealised love, romantic love, parting and eroticism.
Answering these exam questions, whether that be creating essay plans or writing will allow you to access different literary periods, gaining confidence in AO2, AO3 and AO4 in particular.
This resource includes context (AO3) and typicality (AO4) in preparation for answering unseen poetry questions. These general and more specific points can be used in a range of essay questions.
This resource includes answers to exam-styled questions for AQA A Level English Literature.
One of the best ways to use these exemplar essays is:
To read the essay
To reread the essay
To assign five different colours to each assessment objective
To highlight where you see each assessment objective being addressed
To review the essay and see if there are any assessment objectives that need to be addressed in detail
To give overall feedback e.g. what went well? what could be done to improve?
Resources included:
‘The Great Gatsby’ class notes of chapters 1 and 2
‘The Great Gatsby’ key article notes (summarised)
‘The Great Gatsby’ key quotations with chapters, analysis, context and link to themes
Possible exam questions
Summarised poetry information
Blank grid of aspects of love
Resources included:
Presentation on Emilia
Comprehension questions (with answers) of entire play
Act 3, Scene 3 ‘Shakespearean tragedy’
Act 4, Scene 1 quotation and analysis
Act 5, Scene 1 misapprehension
Fact file on Iago
Proto-feminism - Emilia
‘Othello’ background reading (AO3)
‘Othello’ background reading (AO2)
To what extent do you agree that Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ and ‘King Lear’ meet Aristotle’s conditions as set out in his Poetics?’
‘Othello’ key quotations