20 random division questions based on the 4,5 and 6 times tables facts. Answers provided. A 2 minute timed workshet. Ideal for a starter activity or mental maths test.
Five activities where pupils must subtract numbers with 1 decimal place, or tenths. Running on a five minute timer, these tasks are ideal for use as a starter, plenary or test.
A 3 minute timed test with 20 questions of subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers.Answers slide and sound effects. Ideal srarter activity or mental/oral maths test.
20 random division questions based on the 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 times tables facts. Answers provided. A 2 minute timed workshet. Ideal for a starter activity or mental maths test.
Ordering sets of whole numbers from 0 to 999 in ascending and descending order. A 2min timed worksheet, ideal for starter activity, mental maths test or plenary
20 random division questions based on the 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 times tables facts. Answers provided. A 2 minute timed workshet. Ideal for a starter activity or mental maths test.
Ordering sets of whole numbers from -20 to 50in ascending and descending order. A 2min timed worksheet, ideal for starter activity, mental maths test or plenary
Ordering sets of whole numbers from -20 to 50in ascending and descending order. A 2min timed worksheet, ideal for starter activity, mental maths test or plenary