
Adding 3 single digit numbers worksheet - 3rd grade 3 digit addition
Adding 3 single digit numbers worksheet Addition skills is a huge and inportant subject.These worksheets are a great way to help your students master Adding 3 single digit numbers with and without regrouping.

Printable missing number backward counting 5 to 1 worksheet for kindergarten
exercises worksheet backward counting 5 to 1 worksheet This worksheet will help your students practice numbers and counting backwards.

3-digit and even numbers worksheet - three digit 3 digit even numbers book
3-digit and even numbers worksheet designed to help your learner how to find odd and even numbers

Commutative property of addition worksheets for 1st grade
**Commutative property of addition worksheet **is designed to help you apply the commutative property of addition.

Skip Counting by 2 (0 to 100) - kindergarten skip counting by 2 worksheets
kindergarten skip counting by 2 worksheets to practice counting by 2s to 100 and write in all the missing numbers. Skip counting is a great way for children to learn how addition works

Skip Counting by 5 - kindergarten skip counting by 5 worksheets
**kindergarten skip counting by 5 **worksheets to practice counting by 5s and write in all the missing numbers. Skip counting is a great way for children to learn how addition works

printable one more one less number line worksheet for kindergarten
one more one less number line worksheets grade 1 Students will practice using a number line as a math tool. In the circle, there is a given number. Students will find the given number on the number line and find one more/less and write the number in the boxes on either side of each number.

decimals greater than less than worksheets with answers
comparing numbers greater than less than worksheets with answers Students use the greater than / less than / equal to symbols to compare decimal numbers.

comparing 3 digit numbers worksheets for grade 1 or 2
comparing 3-digit numbers activities worksheets kindergarten Compare the numbers and write the correct symbol. This worksheet provides practice comparing 3 digit numbers.

Printable sorting 2d shapes activity worksheet - 2d shape sort cut and paste
sorting by 2D shapes worksheets for kindergarten Resources for a lesson on the properties of 2D shapes and sorting 2D shapes according the number of sides.

Printable skip counting by 100 worksheets for grade 1, 2, 3
kindergarten worksheets skip counting by 100 activities Have your students extend growing number patterns by skip counting by 100’s.

printable cut and paste rounding worksheets - rounding to the nearest 100 and 10
printable rounding numbers cut and paste worksheets Students will cut and paste numbers on the correct hundred and ten that it rounds to.

Printable rounding to the nearest 10 worksheet with answers
rounding 2 or 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10 worksheets that you can use for short assessments, morning work or warm up exercises. Students will be able to easily practice rounding numbers while having fun!

Kindergarten Blank Greater Than Less Than Worksheet Comparing Number Blank Sheet
blank greater than less than equal to worksheets where you can write or type in your own numbers, or give them to your students blank for them to fill in with numbers.

colour and circle the bigger number worksheet for kindergarten
**colour and circle the bigger number worksheet for class 1 **encourages students to apply their understanding of place value to form the greatest number.

Blank Number Line With 0 In The Middle Worksheet
Printable blank number line with 0 in the middle These blank number lines are ideal for reinforcing number concepts including: rounding, approximation, fractions, and decimals.

Blank number line with 20 tick marks - Blank number line 0-20 Worksheet
Blank number line with 20 tick marks These blank number lines are ideal for reinforcing number concepts including: rounding, approximation, fractions, and decimals. The number line with 20 tic marks is ideal for decimal work.

Blank number line with 16 tick marks – blank number line 0-16 Worksheet
Blank number line with 16 tick marks These blank number lines are ideal for reinforcing number concepts including: rounding, approximation, fractions, and decimals. The number line with 16 tic marks is ideal for decimal work.

Preschool count and match worksheets 1 to 5 - Matching numbers 1-5
counting and matching numbers to 5 printable number matching worksheets to enhance your child’s counting skills. Child has to count and match with the correct number.

2d shape name matching worksheet for kindergarten
2d shape name matching worksheet This educational worksheet is designed to reinforce students’ understanding of 2D shapes and their corresponding names. Students are presented with a series of geometric shapes on the left-hand side and a list of shape names on the right-hand side. Their task is to match each shape with its correct name.