
Galileo - 3 way differentiated worksheet
These worksheets are linked to the attached Youtube video. Children use their vocabulary boxes to fill the gaps and write a mini - biography about Galileo.

Magnets - 3 way differentiated worksheets including answers
The worksheets are linked to the attached video. Children use their vocabulary boxes to fill the missing gaps. Includes an extension which can be displayed on the interactive whiteboard - when children finish they look up important vocabulary in the dictionary.

Voltage - How circuits work. Differentiated with Mark Scheme - Easily Adaptable to suit your class!
This is a brilliant resource for teaching any KS2 Electricity science class. CHildren watch the youtube video and then have to fill the blanks or write their own sentences dependent on their own ability level.
This resource also includes follw up questions and a mark scheme to reduce your workload.
Video taken from: