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Quelle Heure Est-Il?

Quelle Heure Est-Il?

Powerpoint lesson on time (24 hour). Could take more than one lesson. Opportunities for mini-whiteboard activities throughout and nice game at the end. Worksheet to compliment lesson also attached.


Topical lesson for Halloween with activities to compliment the powerpoint.
Tienes Animales?

Tienes Animales?

Powerpoint lesson for pets. Includes consolidation of sentence structure through translation activity (can be done on mini-whiteboard or on interactive board) and worksheet.
Dans Ma Chambre + Prepositions - LESSON

Dans Ma Chambre + Prepositions - LESSON

Two lessons on one Powerpoint. Lesson 1 - introduction to items of furniture. Includes lots of consolidation of sentence structure. Lesson 2 - looks at prepositions enabling pupils to give a detailed desciption of their bedroom.
Los Trabajos

Los Trabajos

Revision of jobs for KS4. Powerpoint to complement Edexcel text book. Worksheets with gap fill activities as well as translation exercises. Starter match up activity excellent done in pairs or groups.
Tienes Hermanos?

Tienes Hermanos?

Lesson for Y7 to introduce talking about brothers and sisters. Worksheet activity and listening also included. Speaking opportunities provided as a plenary.
Joyeux Noel - LESSON

Joyeux Noel - LESSON

Christmas Powerpoint with various group and individual activities culminating in pupils designing their own French christmas card. * Feel free to adapt, amend or change as you see fit, or have a go at your own using the backgrounds at the end of the PPT. Facts found on the internet so may not be 100% accurate (as kindly pointed out below!)
Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad

Christmas lesson for KS3 which introduces topic related vocabulary. Includes wordsearch, Christmas Card task and peer assessment.
Adónde Fuiste De Vacaciones?

Adónde Fuiste De Vacaciones?

Introductory PowerPoint to the topic of holidays. Revision starter activity (match up) which can be done in pairs / as a group. Vocabulary sheet also included. Listening activity and translation exercises plus a game to consolidate at the end.
Dans Ma Ville - LESSON

Dans Ma Ville - LESSON

Lesson introducing / re-capping places in a town. Re-inforces sentence structure and includes lots of opportunities for mini-whiteboard activities to consolidate.
Les Parties du Corps

Les Parties du Corps

Nice worksheet to consolidate parts of the body in French. Pupils translate the words into English then label the picture.
Prepositions worksheet

Prepositions worksheet

Worksheet activity to consolidate the use of prepositions, compliments Powerpoint lesson. Pupils match expressions in Spanish and English then complete the sentences with the missing preposition. Extension provided for the more able - write three of their own original sentences using prepositions.
Me gusta el espanol - school subjects + opinions

Me gusta el espanol - school subjects + opinions

Revision / consolidation of school subjects and giving opinions. Was originally created for y10 but could be adapted for KS3 classes. Includes games, listening activity and opportunities for written work. Complimented by Edexcel GCSE Higher textbook (this is where the listening activity has come from).
Mi Tiempo Libre

Mi Tiempo Libre

PowerPoint presentation to introuce free time phrases. Grammar points included as well as listening activity and translation exercises. Worksheets to acompany PowerPoint also included - paired / group activity (match up) and individual activity (label).
Las Vacaciones - reading comprehension game

Las Vacaciones - reading comprehension game

Pupils are put into groups and are given the first 4 questions. They must find the answers to all four questions before they get given the next set. Works well as a running dictation style activity where the texts are stuck on the wall outside the classroom and team members take it in turns to go out and find the answers. Feel free to amend, adapt or correct this free resource!