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Sazo123's English Shop

Average Rating3.90
(based on 345 reviews)

Hi, I'm Sarah, and I've been teaching for over a decade. I graduated in 2006 with a degree in Primary Education, but have taught in both Primary, Secondary and FE settings. My resources are primarily aimed at students aged 9-16+, and are mainly resources to be used in English lessons. I try to make resources that can be easily adapted for all types of abilities and ages. I hope you find my resources useful. Please feel free to leave me feedback on my resources - I'd love to hear your thoughts!




Hi, I'm Sarah, and I've been teaching for over a decade. I graduated in 2006 with a degree in Primary Education, but have taught in both Primary, Secondary and FE settings. My resources are primarily aimed at students aged 9-16+, and are mainly resources to be used in English lessons. I try to make resources that can be easily adapted for all types of abilities and ages. I hope you find my resources useful. Please feel free to leave me feedback on my resources - I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Language Features (Non-Fiction Writing)

Language Features (Non-Fiction Writing)

A great resource for teaching students about the common language features used in non-fiction writing, using the acronym ‘DA FORREST’. This resource is designed for students studying Functional Skills English at Level 2, but can be easily adapted for GCSE or KS3 students.
FS English Exam-Style Qs (Reading L1/2)

FS English Exam-Style Qs (Reading L1/2)

A useful exam practice for anyone sitting the Edexcel Functional Skills English Level 1 or Level 2 qualification. Covers a number of questions that students will get in their Reading exam. Pages 1/2 are the text; 3/4 are L1 questions; and 5/6 are the L2 questions.
Comparing - An Introduction

Comparing - An Introduction

A PowerPoint introducing the topic of comparison, and asking students to test different methods of comparison to decide on the method they prefer. They are then asked to compare using that method, before writing a comparison answer. This PowerPoint can be adapted for different age groups and abilities - I often add images to the slides to help prompt thinking (E.G: the flags of the UK and the USA).
Black Lives Matters Reading and Writing Activities

Black Lives Matters Reading and Writing Activities

Two activities to support students in examining the recent Black Lives Matter protests in England. The first asks students to read and answer questions on an article (answers are included for ease of marking); the second is a writing task, requiring the students to write an informal letter. Both tasks can be utilised or adapted for different groups of students and different ability groups.
Pride and Prejudice - Comprehension and Analysis

Pride and Prejudice - Comprehension and Analysis

A set of comprehension and analysis questions based on Chapter 4 of Jane Austen’s classic story of Pride and Prejudice. Perfect for students in KS4 to help revise the story and practice answering exam-style questions. Answers for the comprehension questions are included, and all questions can be easily changed or adapted for different groups.
SpaceX Launch Comprehension Practice

SpaceX Launch Comprehension Practice

An news article about the SpaceX Launch in May 2020, accompanied by a set of comprehension questions and a non-fiction writing task. Suitable for most ages and abilities, and easily adaptable where needed. A set of possible answers is included for reference.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - Chapter 1 Comprehension

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - Chapter 1 Comprehension

A set of comprehension questions based on an extract from Chapter 1 of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. The questions are designed to be accessible for most students, but can be easily adapted for older students by requesting that they add quotes and explanations to their answers. There is also an answer sheet to enable easy-marking, where possible.
Language and Structure Anagrams

Language and Structure Anagrams

A quick starter activity for students to recap some of the main language and structure devices. An excellent resource for those students who feel they know the devices well, but possibly need some more practice.
Christmas Traditions - Comprehension Practice

Christmas Traditions - Comprehension Practice

A comprehension practice based on the text ‘Christmas Traditions’ in The Telegraph* newspaper. Can be easily adapted for students of different ages and abilities. A separate sheet with the answers included is also attached. *Source is listed in resource.
Punctuation Practice - Christmas Traditions

Punctuation Practice - Christmas Traditions

A punctuation practice activity using an article from The Telegraph* newspaper. This activity asks students to identify all of the missing punctuation marks (capital letters, full stops, commas, etc) in a piece about the top ten Christmas traditions. Easily adaptable for different age groups and abilities. Source detailed on page.
Remembrance - The Histroy of the Poppy

Remembrance - The Histroy of the Poppy

A couple of activities used with GCSE English students around the topic of Remembrance. Texts sources are easily identifiable, and the activities include a couple of videos on the subject of the Tower of London Poppies and their symbolism. Easily adapted for different ages and abilities.
Edexcel Paper 1 - Skills Revision

Edexcel Paper 1 - Skills Revision

A PowerPoint and text extract useful for students practising for their GCSE. The tasks test the skills of summarising, annotating/analysing, identifying language and commenting on language. Easily adaptable for different groups and abilities (shortening the task, lessening the number of questions in tasks, etc).
GCSE in a Year Overview

GCSE in a Year Overview

A handy A4-size guide to completing GCSE English Language in a Year. Designed for Edexcel FE and Adult students, but easily adaptable for any group and level.
Punctuation Bundle

Punctuation Bundle

4 Resources
A variety of resources about punctuation. A set of basic rules (used either as a teaching tool or as a reminder for students); A set of 10 fiction and non-fiction extracts with the basic punctuation missing, each one with an answer sheet, and some labelled by section as to how many missing marks there are; and a punctuation/paragraph practice.
Edexcel Paper 2 GCSE English Reading Revision

Edexcel Paper 2 GCSE English Reading Revision

Two sets of two texts with questions attached, designed to be used as practice for students studying Edexcel GCSE English Language. These have also been used as initial discussion-prompting texts, and by students of all abilities. UPDATED (24.04.18): This resource now includes PowerPoints for both texts with all of the questions and ‘possible’ answers for each question. There are links on each question page to a timer set to the amount of time student should aim to complete questions in also. *Each text has the source link straight after.
Alternative Christmas Cryptograms

Alternative Christmas Cryptograms

The attached cryptograms cover the subject of Christmas from different angles. The first looks at 'The Festive Season around the World'; the second looks at 'Being Homeless or Lonely at Christmas'. They are a great way to prompt student thinking about the not-so-often thought of elements of the season. Answers are also included.
The Festive Season PPs

The Festive Season PPs

Two PowerPoints designed to look at writing about the Festive Season. Both are set with simple ideas that students of all ages and religions can access. Both PPs can be easily adapted for either lower ability students, or those needing an extra challenge.
Escape from Alcatraz Comprehension

Escape from Alcatraz Comprehension

A newspaper article and questions based on the event of the Escape from Alcatraz. Designed for GCSE students, studying 9-1 GCSE, the non-fiction element. Answers are included also.
Northern Lights - SPaG Practice

Northern Lights - SPaG Practice

Two sets of Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Practice activities - one based on the Divergent series by Veronica Roth, the other based on Northern Lights by Philip Pullman. These activities are designed to allow students to practise their punctuation correction, as well as identify and correct spelling and grammatical errors. For both texts, there is an answer sheet, and two differentiated sheets. This resource can be easily adapted and simplified if needed. ***The extracts are the intellectual property of the author***
Writing a Travel Guide

Writing a Travel Guide

A PowerPoint exploring: what travel writing is, what it involves, how to plan to write a travel guide, and a travel guide task. Can be easily adapted for all ages and abilities.