✏️Creating engaging assemblies and resources
👩🏫Teacher of 10 years, MA Education, Head of Year
🎒Resources designed to be modern, informative and school-ready
Welcome, please take a look around. I know what it's like to want everything to be perfect but to not have any time. So save the stress and download an assembly (for less than a takeaway coffee).
Schooled Resources specialises in assemblies and resources in English, Drama and Pastoral issues.
✏️Creating engaging assemblies and resources
👩🏫Teacher of 10 years, MA Education, Head of Year
🎒Resources designed to be modern, informative and school-ready
Welcome, please take a look around. I know what it's like to want everything to be perfect but to not have any time. So save the stress and download an assembly (for less than a takeaway coffee).
Schooled Resources specialises in assemblies and resources in English, Drama and Pastoral issues.
This informative and eye-opening assembly, aimed at KS2, KS3 and KS4, explores Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024. The assembly teaches students about the different types of neurodiversity and promotes kindness and understanding.
What is Neurodiversity?
Respecting Differences
Types of Neurodiversity
Celebrities with ADHD
Celebrities with autism
Celebrities with dyslexia
Tourette’s Syndrome
Celebrities with Tourette’s Syndrome
Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia
Misconceptions and Stereotypes
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
How can you celebrate?
Inspirational Quote
This assembly is designed to last 15-20 minutes.
No prep needed!
Every slide has instructions for the assembly lead so the assembly is ready to go!
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Need an assembly focused on empathy designed for KS3 and KS4 students? This assembly allows students to discuss and demonstrate empathy whilst also building key life skills. This assembly gives students an opportunity to reflect and practice empathy through discussions and activities.
This resource is perfect for an assembly with added tutor time activities however it could also be used as a full lesson with activities.
What is Empathy?
Importance of Empathy
Types of Empathy
Cognitive Empathy + Scenario
Emotional Empathy + Scenario
Compassionate Empathy + Scenario
Empathy vs. Sympathy
Empathy vs. Sympathy
Benefits of Empathy
Empathy in Action Activity
Empathy in Action Discussion Activity
Active Listening
Body Language
Body Language Activity
Barriers to Empathy
Barriers to Empathy
Examples of Empathy- Media + Literature KS3 and KS4
Empathy and Technology
Demonstrating Empathy Activity
Demonstrating Empathy Discussion Activity
Inspirational Quote
Ready to go!
Every slide features teacher instructions and all slides are editable to cater to your school’s guidelines.
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Schooled Resources
Introducing these fun and engaging Grouping Cards - the ultimate solution for seamless group organisation in any classroom setting!
Designed for groups of 3, 4, 5, or 6 students, these cards offer versatility and ease like never before.
With two sets featuring Ice Cream Flavours and Ball Sports, these cards inject a dose of fun into the grouping process while ensuring students are working with different people. No more stress about leaving anyone out - these cards are designed to make every student feel included and valued.
Accompanied by a teacher cheat sheet for effortless guidance, these cards are suitable for educators of all levels. Whether you’re teaching primary or secondary, this resource promotes collaboration and engagement across the board.
Reusable and adaptable, these Grouping Cards are the perfect addition to any classroom environment. Say goodbye to the hassle of forming groups and hello to a smoother, more efficient teaching experience!
Resource includes:
Ice Cream Flavours Grouping Cards A4 Paper
Ball Games Grouping Cards A4 Paper
Teacher Cheat Sheet
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Schooled Resources
Do your students struggle to get back into a learning mindset when they return back to school? This informative and supportive assembly reminds students what skills they need to be ready to learn. The assembly discusses key skills such as organisation, equipment, resilience and attitude to learning whilst also giving students top tips to help them.
This resource is perfect for an assembly with added tutor time activities however it could also be used as a full lesson with activities.
Settling Back In
Skills to Support a Learning Mindset
Organisation Top Tips +Activity
Attitude to Learning
Attitude to Learning Scenario
Negative Attitude to Learning
Positive Attitude to Learning
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset Example
Goals Activity
Time Management
Time Management Top Tips +Activity
Active Listening
Active Listening Top Tips + Activity
Learning Mindset Key Skills
Inspirational Quote
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Every slide features teacher instructions and all slides are editable to cater to your school’s guidelines.
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An informative assembly that discusses the positives and negatives of social media designed for KS3 and KS4 students. The assembly features 4 positives, 4 negatives and 4 top tips to keep students safe online.
This resource is perfect for an assembly with added tutor time activities however it could also be used as a full lesson with activities.
Social Media Overview
Positives of Social Media Activity/Discussion
Fake News
Inappropriate Content
Negatives of Social Media Activity/Discussion
Top Tips
Take Breaks
Think before you post
Seek help
Top Tips Activity
Discussion point
Did you know- 3 thought-provoking facts
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Schooled Resources
A perfect assembly to celebrate Shakespeare, his life and his work! This 18 slide assembly is full of information and fun facts and is well-suited for KS2, KS3 and KS4 students. It also includes a quiz at the end of the assembly ensuring students are engaged throughout!
Who is Shakespeare?
Early Life
The Globe
The Modern Globe
His Works
Shakespeare’s Language
Shakespeare in Modern Media
Shakespeare Quiz: Q1
Shakespeare Quiz: Q2
Shakespeare Quiz: Q3
Inspirational Quote from The Tempest
This assembly is designed to last 15-20 minutes.
No prep needed!
Every slide includes instructions for the assembly lead so you are ready to go!
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This informative and** powerful** assembly explains British Values and applies them to school life. The assembly is aimed at KS3 and KS4 students and includes various discussion points so students get the opportunity to reflect. There is also a slide discussing school values which you can personalise.
What are British Values?
Democracy at school
Discussion: Democracy
Rule of Law
Rule of Law at school
Discussion: Rule of Law
Individual Liberty
Individual Liberty at school
Discussion: Individual Liberty
Respect and Tolerance at school
Discussion: Respect and Tolerance
The Importance of British Values
Our School Values
Inspirational Quote
This assembly is designed to last 15-20 minutes.
No prep needed!
Every slide has instructions for the assembly lead so the assembly is ready to go!
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Need an assembly focused on taking responsibility, choices and consequences designed for KS3 and KS4 students? The assembly focuses on how students can take responsibility and be accountable for their actions. The assembly discusses choices and the outcomes and consequences of these. It also gives students an opportunity to reflect and use techniques to make better choices.
This resource is perfect for an assembly with added tutor time activities however it could also be used as a full lesson with activities.
What does it mean to take responsibility for your actions?
Understanding the consequences
Understanding the consequences activity
Example Scenario
But it wasn’t my idea!
Real world example
Guilty by Association
Ownership: Taking control of your choices
How to take responsibility for your actions
Learning from mistakes
Building trust through responsibility
Setting goals to achieve
SMART targets activity
Embracing change
Reflection activity
Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure activity
Empowering Others: Being a role model
What to do next time…
Inspirational Quote
Ready to go!
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Schooled Resources
NEW AND IMPROVED- An inspiring assembly which focuses on aspirations and using skills such as motivation, resilience and growth mindset to support student’s goals. It is designed for KS3 and KS4 students and gives them an opportunity to work through their interests and strengths to set targets to reach their aspirations.
This resource is perfect for an assembly with added tutor time activities however it could also be used as a full lesson with activities.
What are Aspirations?
Types of Aspirations- Intrinsic
Types of Aspirations- Extrinsic
Growth Mindset
Impact of Inspiration
Overcoming Obstacles
Visualising your Future
Developing Aspirations
Reflect on your Interests
Identify your Strengths
Explore Opportunities
Set SMART Goals
SMART Goals Example
Maintaining Aspirations
Example of Aspirations- Martin Luther King Jr.
Example of Aspirations- Amelia Earhart
Inspirational Quote
Ready to go!
Every slide features teacher instructions and all slides are editable to cater to your school’s guidelines.
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Schooled Resources
Written and created by an LGBTQ+ teacher: An engaging and informative assembly about celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. This assembly focuses on educating students about the LGBTQ+ community’s history and progress. It allows all students to understand historic and current issues facing the LGBTQ+ community and why it is important to learn about it.
Summary of topics covered
LGBTQ+ History Month
LGBTQ+ Pride Month
LGBTQ+ History Timeline
LGBTQ+ Trailblazers
RuPaul Charles
Billie Jean King
Alan Turing
10.Marsha P Johnson
Why Inclusion is Important
Challenges LGBTQ+ Community Face
Achievements of the LGBTQ+ Community
Safe Space
Quote and discussion point 1
Quote and discussion point 2
Quote and discussion point 3
Resources slide for tutor time
This assembly is designed to last 15-20 minutes.
No prep needed!
Every slide has instructions for the assembly lead so the assembly is ready to go!
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A focused and informative assembly designed for 11-16 year olds. The assembly discusses the new school year as an opportunity to have a fresh start. It discusses setting goals, trying new things and gets them thinking about what kind of student they want to be.
This assembly is designed to last 15-20 minutes
New School Year
Fresh Start
Setting Goals
Ideas for achievable goals
Looking after yourself
Malala quote
No prep needed!
Every slide has instructions for the assembly lead so no prep is needed.
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An informative assembly discussing the history and traditions of the Chinese New Year 2025. The assembly is suitable for primary and secondary students. The assembly discusses celebrations, myths and the animals associated with Chinese New Year. It gives students an opportunity to discuss and learn about Chinese New Year and why it is so important.
Introduction with dates
Different names for the celebration
How Chinese New Year is celebrated
Chinese New Year fact- The Colour Red
Chinese New Year fact- Money Envelopes
Chinese New Year fact- Celebrations
Chinese New Year fact- The Lantern Festival
Year of the Snake
Origin story: Year of the Snake
Personality traits: Year of the Snake
Zodiac Animals
The Myth of Nián
Lantern Festival
Happy New Chinese Year
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Schoole Resources
Do your students think reading is boring? This assembly/lesson is designed to inspire KS2/KS3 students to love reading! This assembly/lesson focuses on the benefits of reading including mental health and literacy. The lesson gives students an opportunity to explore different genres and types of literature through various discussions and activities. This lesson also includes an engaging Book Review Template!
This resource can be used as an assembly or a standalone lesson!
Why is reading so important?
Benefits of reading: Knowledge
Benefits of reading: Mental Health
Benefits of reading: Literacy
Benefits of reading: Literacy
Benefits of reading: Literacy
Myth-busting: Reading is boring!
Myth-busting: I just want to play video games!
Myth-busting: I’ll just watch the film!
Fiction and Non-Fiction
Fiction Genres Activity
Fiction Genres Discussion
Non-Fiction Genres Activity
Non-Fiction Genres Discussion
Different types of literature
Different types of literature Activity
Where can I find books to read?
Different ways of reading
Benefits of reading quiz
Book Review Activity
Inspirational Quote
This resource is perfect for an assembly with added tutor time activities however it could also be used as a full lesson with activities.
Ready to go!
Every slide features teacher instructions and all slides are editable to cater to your school’s guidelines.
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Schooled Resources
An informative and educational assembly about the importance of healthy eating. This assembly focuses on educating students on the main food groups and the importance of eating a balanced diet.
This assembly is designed to last between 15-20 minutes.
The Power of Healthy Eating
The Importance of Healthy Eating
The Five Food Groups
Fruits and Vegetables
Did you Know…
Lifestyle Changes
Food Shopping
Healthy Eating Every Day
Quote to end the assembly
No prep needed and fully adaptable!
All of the slides include instructions for the assembly lead so no prep is needed for this assembly. This resource also comes with a fully adaptable version!
A comprehensive one-off lesson exploring descriptive writing skills using Dracula as an example. The lesson is structured to scaffold tasks and allow for progress throughout the lesson. The extract from Dracula is included as a handy printout. This is from the section where Jonathan sees Dracula crawling down the castle wall.
This resource includes PowerPoint, printable extract and lesson plan.
Starter activity (descriptive writing techniques) with added extension task
2-5 answers to starter activity
Discussion question
Extract from Dracula
Simile Hunt
Simile Answers
Emotive Language Hunt
Emotive Language Answers
Stimuli for writing: Image
Writing task plus success criteria and sentence starters
This lesson can last between 45-60 mins.
Age range:
This lesson is aimed at Key Stage 3.
This presentation can be easily adapted for higher or lower ability.
Resource Bundle includes 200 cards ready to go! Great for creative writing and drama scene work such as improvisation and devising.
Where am I? Location Cards
Introducing “Where am I?” – the ultimate pack of 100 location cards designed to ignite creativity and inspire imagination in students of all ages. Perfect for creative writing exercises, drama classes, improvisation activities, and beyond, this reusable resource ensures that the possibilities are endless.
With “Where am I?” at your fingertips, students will never run out of ideas. Each card features a unique location, carefully crafted to challenge and engage learners, prompting them to think outside of the box and explore new worlds through their writing and acting.
With 100 different locations to discover, “Where am I?” ensures that every session is fresh, engaging, and full of surprises. Encourage your students to unlock their imagination and embark on thrilling adventures with “Where am I?” – the essential tool for unleashing creativity in the classroom.
What did you say? Prompt Cards
This versatile and dynamic set of 100 Prompt Cards is designed to ignite creativity, build imagination, and fuel inspiration for KS3 and KS4 students. Crafted specifically for drama scenes and creative writing, these prompt cards are an easy, no prep, reusable resource.
Ideal for classroom activities, writing exercises, and improvisational games, these prompt cards provide a structured yet flexible framework for students to develop their storytelling skills, enhance their communication abilities, and build confidence in their creative expression.
No prep needed! Just print (and laminate) and these prompt cards are perfect for on-the-go use in classrooms, drama clubs, writing workshops, or even solo creative sessions at home.
Unlock the potential of your students’ imaginations with 100 Prompt Cards, the ultimate tool for igniting creativity and fostering a lifelong love for storytelling and dramatic arts.
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Kindness Assembly
An inspiring and motivating assembly focused on kindness for KS3 and KS4 students. This assembly allows students to learn about the importance of kindness and reflect on their use of kindness in their daily lives.
Why is Kindness so Important?
Benefits of Kindness
Science of Kindness
Ripple Effect
How to be Kind
Random Acts of Kindness
Kindness in Everyday Life
Kindness at School
Ways to Practice Self-Kindness
Kindness Online
Making Kindness a Habit
Inspirational Quote
This assembly is designed to last 15-20 minutes.
No prep needed!
Every slide includes instructions for the assembly lead so you are ready to go!
Kindness Calendar
This engaging Kindness Calendar Challenge is a transformative tool designed to inspire kindness, compassion, and positivity among students!
This vibrant and engaging calendar features a colourful design filled with daily kindness challenges, each aimed at encouraging students to spread kindness in their school and community. From simple acts of kindness like complimenting a classmate to larger gestures like tidying the classroom, each day presents a new opportunity for students to make a positive impact.
But that’s not all - I understand the importance of flexibility and personalisation. That’s why I’ve included both colour and black and white versions of the calendar, allowing students to choose the style that suits them best (or which version saves you on printing!).
Additionally, blank versions are provided, empowering students to fill in their own kindness challenges based on their unique interests and experiences.
But wait, there’s more! To complement the calendar, I’ve also included a display kit featuring daily kindness challenges. This kit provides you with an easy-to-use resource for showcasing each day’s challenge in the classroom or common areas. With clear instructions and eye-catching graphics, it’s the perfect way to promote a culture of kindness throughout the school.
Whether used as a classroom activity, a school-wide initiative, or a personal challenge, the Kindness Calendar Challenge is sure to inspire students to make kindness a daily habit and spread positivity wherever they go.
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Schooled Resources
Empower your students with the knowledge they need to navigate the digital world safely with our comprehensive Internet Safety Assembly/Lesson and 3 Worksheets full of different activites.
This engaging bundle covers crucial topics such as cybersecurity, online safety, and protection and privacy, providing actionable Internet Safety tips to ensure students stay safe online.
This informative and thought-provoking bundle is aimed at KS2, KS3 and KS4 students.
What is Internet Safety?
Why is Internet Safety So Important?
Positives of the Internet
Negatives of the Internet
Stranger Danger
Password Security
Social Media
Privacy Settings
Online Gaming
Inappropriate Content
Screen Time
Media Literacy: Fake News
Digital Footprint
Parental Involvement
THINK Activity
No prep needed!
Every slide includes instructions for the assembly lead so you are ready to go!
Activity Worksheets
What’s Included:
3 Worksheets (PDF A4 ready to print!)
Teacher Instructions
Fact Sheet Activity- Using prior knowledge and research, students need to work through the boxes and fill these in. There are activities on this sheet allowing students to delve deeper into topics such as the positives and negatives of the internet, password security, cyberbullying, keeping safe when gaming and social media. There is also an activity that allows students to reflect on their screen time and how to have a healthy balance.
Quiz Sheet Activity- This resource offers students the opportunity to create their own quiz and then test their peer’s knowledge which reinforces key concepts in a fun and engaging format. This dynamic resource promotes critical thinking and encourages students to apply Internet Safety skills in their daily online interactions.
Poster Sheet- This resource gives students an opportunity to use all of their learning to create an informative and eye-catching poster. You could use these as part of a competition or have them as display work to show off their progress! The Poster Sheet serves as a powerful visual reminder of the importance of practicing safe and responsible online behaviour.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 Bundle! Inform student’s about mental health conditions and practice wellbeing and mindfulness!
Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 Assembly
This informative and engaging assembly is focused on educating KS3 and KS4 students on the importance of mental health. This assembly discusses mental health conditions as well as strategies and techniques students can use to maintain good mental health.
2024 Theme
Why is Mental Health so Important?
Facts and Statistics
Self Care
Getting Support
Be Kind to Yourself and Others
Inspirational Quote
This assembly is designed to last 15-20 minutes.
No prep needed!
Every slide includes instructions for the assembly lead so you are ready to go!
Editable Bookmarks
Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 with these editable bookmarks! These offer the therapeutic benefits of colouring with the practicality of bookmarks.
Each bookmark features intricate designs inspired by geometric shapes and mandalas, carefully crafted to engage the mind and soothe the soul.
What sets these bookmarks apart is their editable feature, allowing you to easily personalise them with your students names.
Whether you use these in tutor time or as part of a class activity, these bookmarks provide a simple yet effective way to incorporate mindfulness into your classroom.
Join us in spreading awareness and support for mental health by embracing self-care and mindfulness with our Editable Mindfulness Colouring Bookmarks.
What’s included:
16 creative designs on PPT ready to personalise
PDF of original designs (if you don’t want to personalise them)
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Celebrate Earth Day with a bundle that not only educates but also engages students in fun and meaningful activities. This Earth Day Bundle is designed to promote awareness of endangered species and global diversity while fostering creativity and collaboration. This bundle offers a dynamic way to learn and appreciate the beauty and importance of our planet.
Earth Day Assembly/Lesson
This informative and thought-provoking 21 slide assembly/lesson teaches students all about Earth Day! It explores climate change, pollution and the effects of plastic. This engaging assembly/lesson will spark discussions and debates about our planet and its future!
What’s included
21 slide assembly/lesson PowerPoint
Teacher Instructions (at the bottom of each slide)
Earth Day Endangered Animals Colour by Number
Celebrate Earth Day and raise awareness about endangered species with our captivating Colour by Number Activity! Designed for all ages, this engaging activity combines creativity with education, allowing students to colour an Earth Day illustration while learning about the importance of wildlife conservation.
What’s included
Question sheet including 12 questions about endangered animals
Colour By Number sheet