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Mastery Curriculum Resources for science

Average Rating3.97
(based on 130 reviews)

The resources within this shop are innovative yet easily apply-able. They utilise the latest pedagogical research. All resources are engineered around the new GCSE 2016.




The resources within this shop are innovative yet easily apply-able. They utilise the latest pedagogical research. All resources are engineered around the new GCSE 2016.
Forces and Energy: Lesson 3 Speed, Distance, Time.

Forces and Energy: Lesson 3 Speed, Distance, Time.

Lesson 3 SDT is designed for all abilities in year 8. The lesson has GCSE focused questions to ensure that the long term goals of the students are established. The lesson caters for all abilities by utilising micro teaching and hinge-point questions, the use of HPQ directs learning depending on the understanding at vital point at the lesson; this determines whether the student attempts gold, silver, bronze tasks. There is a purple extension task to push the high on entry students. The lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
Forces and Energy - Lesson 4 - speed, distance, time. Applied

Forces and Energy - Lesson 4 - speed, distance, time. Applied

The lesson start with a puzzle of lateral thinking for the students. It then goes on to model more complex SDT problems than lesson 3 involving unit conversions. As the students start to understand they move on to the bronze, silver, gold, purple activities with in the 20 minutes. The learning is then demonstrated by calculating their own Speed before the lesson concludes with a true or false exit ticket.
Speed distance time: Applied worksheets

Speed distance time: Applied worksheets

Here are 4 differentiated worksheets on speed distance time. Bronze worksheet: very basic unit and number manipulation in a scaffold-ed table. Silver worksheet: harder question than bronze yet still within a table structure. Gold worksheet: harder questions than silver with a more open style. Purple worksheet: Exam style open ended questions
Forces and Energy Learning Outcomes and Knowledge organiser

Forces and Energy Learning Outcomes and Knowledge organiser

This resource is not a stand alone resource rather should be purchased with any of The 'Forces and Energy' resources by razeitlin. The year 7 and year 8 learning outcome sheets feature all learning outcomes for the 6.5 week term. Aligned with the learning outcomes is space to record exit ticket scores, these scores are used to provide formative feedback to both the pupils and the teacher and reduce the need to extensive marking as the exit tickets are diagnostic of understanding. Next to the Exit ticket score is place for a RAGing of learning, this allows the students to customise their revision and feedback. The colour of the learning outcome related to the colour on the knowledge organiser, this allows student to take accountability for their own learning and progress as the knowledge organiser aims to close the feedback loop. The Knowledge organiser has questions on the reverse of it, again colour coded to the learning outcomes to make progress accessible.
Waves and Electricity - 13 lessons and end of topic assessment.

Waves and Electricity - 13 lessons and end of topic assessment.

Waves and Electricity is a scheme of work for year 8-9, it is engineered from the Edexcel 2016 GCSE therefore the spec points a prerequisites for start the GCSE. Lessons are highly differentiated and aimed for high ability to low ability. Much AFL is embedded with in the scheme, this includes hinge questions, short answer assessment an redraft for success. There is a sample of the work on the free downloads. type ' lesson 8 frequency calculations' Admin: this includes an exit ticket tracker, learning outcomes, and knowledge organiser. Lesson 0 - is an entry test to establish what is already understood by the students.
Forces and Energy - Lesson 5 - Distance Time graphs

Forces and Energy - Lesson 5 - Distance Time graphs

The lesson start by establishing what the student know already about distance time graph. The lesson then moves onto modelling how to calculate speed from several examples on the graph. As an AFL opportunity there is an inbuilt hinge point question, diagnostic of understanding. The outcome of the HPQ directs student to a gold, silver or bronze task all based on the same graph. The students demonstrate their knowledge by drawing their own graph with an extension task if needed. The lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
Y8- Forces and Energy- Lesson 15 Heat Transfer

Y8- Forces and Energy- Lesson 15 Heat Transfer

The lesson looks at the 3 methods of heat transfer: radiation, convection and conduction. This is done via demonstrations and discussion. With a double bubble the students take the ideas of convection and radiation and compare and contrast them before they write a GCSE style 6 mark questions, this is differentiated via a hinge point question. The lessons concludes with an exit ticket.
Relative motion - Lesson 6 forces and Energy

Relative motion - Lesson 6 forces and Energy

Lesson 5 look at the concept of relative motion, it is a lesson aimed for students who are looking to study GCSE Edexcel. The lesson starts with a review of previous learning via the RAGing of topics over the last 4 lessons. It then moves on to look at a train crash (not graphic or upsetting) an gets the students to think about what the implication of this are. The lesson swiftly moves to some animations of relative motion to encourage the students to gain an understanding via a think, pair, share activity. There is then a hinge question to direct learning and assess understanding this leads into a differentiated task either gold, silver or bronze, there is included a purple extension. Student have the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding with a differentiated challenge question the lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
Speed distance time: Applied worksheets

Speed distance time: Applied worksheets

Here are 4 differentiated worksheets on speed distance time. Bronze worksheet: very basic unit and number manipulation in a scaffold-ed table. Silver worksheet: harder question than bronze yet still within a table structure. Gold worksheet: harder questions than silver with a more open style. Purple worksheet: Exam style open ended questions
Free body diagrams - Lesson 10: Forces and Energy

Free body diagrams - Lesson 10: Forces and Energy

The lesson starts by recapping what a force diagram is before looking at examples of force diagrams. There is the a active watch video with HOTS questions to answer. The understanding is assessed via a mini-whiteboard identification of forces. The lesson further assesses understanding with a hinge question an this leads a differentiated activity on force diagrams. The lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
Resultant force - Lesson 11: Forces and Energy

Resultant force - Lesson 11: Forces and Energy

The lesson start by looking at the Apollo 8 rocket taking off and introduces the huge unbalanced forces at play. The teacher then lead with a series of images of scuba divers an gives an opportunity to question the class. The lesson builds to start including numbers so the student can calculate the resultant force before the students construct meaning using a simple worksheet on force diagrams. The lesson concludes with a detailed exit ticket.
Limit of proportionality (Hooke's Law)  - Lesson 9 Forces and Energy

Limit of proportionality (Hooke's Law) - Lesson 9 Forces and Energy

This a core concept for Edexcel 9-1 GCSE physics. This lesson is aimed at year 8-9 however could be made course specific. The lesson starts be acting on any feedback from the previous lesson before establishing the learning outcomes for the lesson. The teacher demonstrate the limit of proportionality with the spring and masses, there is space on the ppt for the results to be recorded and a graph drawn showing the elastic limit. students then rank their confidence before selecting a differentiated gold or silver task. The lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
Free body diagrams - Lesson 10:  Forces and Energy

Free body diagrams - Lesson 10: Forces and Energy

The lesson starts by recapping what a force diagram is before looking at examples of force diagrams. There is the a active watch video with HOTS questions to answer. The understanding is assessed via a mini-whiteboard identification of forces. The lesson further assesses understanding with a hinge question an this leads a differentiated activity on force diagrams. The lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
Hooke's Law - Lesson 8 Forces and Energy

Hooke's Law - Lesson 8 Forces and Energy

This a core concept for Edexcel 9-1 GCSE physics. This lesson is aimed at year 8-9 however could be made course specific. The lessons starts by allowing the student to take ownership of their learning by selecting a title for the lesson. The lesson then moves to let students discover Hooke's law in a structured yet problem based and independent way. The students demonstrate learning with a graph and a short conclusion always driving them to come up with Hooke's Law by themselves. The lesson concludes with a Cloze exit ticket.
Resultant force - Lesson 11: Forces and Energy

Resultant force - Lesson 11: Forces and Energy

The lesson start by looking at the Apollo 8 rocket taking off and introduces the huge unbalanced forces at play. The teacher then lead with a series of images of scuba divers an gives an opportunity to question the class. The lesson builds to start including numbers so the student can calculate the resultant force before the students construct meaning using a simple worksheet on force diagrams. The lesson concludes with a detailed exit ticket.
Forces and Energy:  Mastery lessons 1-19, assessment and tracking.

Forces and Energy: Mastery lessons 1-19, assessment and tracking.

19 Resources
This is an outstanding series of lessons aimed at providing the foundation to GCSE 9-1 success. This Mastery style curriculum scaffold learning and includes constant recapping and revising to ensure content and skills are not lost. The scheme includes two short answer assessments with remediation of knowledge, a 'redraft for success' 6 mark question, exit ticket revision. Admin: Learning Outcomes, Knowledge Organiser part 1 and part 2. Lesson 1: forces intro, Lesson 2: contact and non-contact, lesson 3: 6 mark question feedback, Lesson 4: testing friction, Lesson 5: DIRT on friction, Lesson 6: short answer assessment a revision, Lesson 7: weight and mass Lesson 8: Magnets. Lesson 9: Magnetic Fields Lesson 10: Free body diagrams Lesson 11: Resultant force Lesson 12: short answer assessment and revision. Lesson 13: energy Lesson 14: chemical energy Lesson 15: stored energy Lesson 16: energy transfer Lesson 17: 6 mark question Lesson 18 : short answer test and revision End of unit test
Lesson 8 frequency calculations

Lesson 8 frequency calculations

This is sample resource for the scheme of work available from the premium resources type in - 'Waves and Electricity - 13 lessons and end of topic assessment.' The lesson starts with a review of previous learning, before modelling how to calculate frequency. The understanding of this calculation is assessed via a hinge point question, this directs learning to one of three tasks, the students demonstrates their learning before the lesson concludes in an exit ticket.