Welcome to my shop!!
I have taught in an inner London school for 6 years and been Head of Department for the last 3.
I not only produce science specific resources but also cross-curricular projects and science literacy resources.
I hope you find something useful and your students enjoy the activities!
Welcome to my shop!!
I have taught in an inner London school for 6 years and been Head of Department for the last 3.
I not only produce science specific resources but also cross-curricular projects and science literacy resources.
I hope you find something useful and your students enjoy the activities!
A quick activity that could start revision or be used from the start of the year to allow students to quickly monitor their progress.
I set students different topics as part of their independent work and have reference copies of the mark schemes in my lab for them to use once they have completed the questions
It is a good way to monitor and motivate independent work as well as remind students of the volume of content they need to know for their final exams.
A challenging 71 mark assessment covering the first part of module 5
The self assessment sheet breaks down each question by topic so students can quickly see which topics they are confident in and which topics require further work.
I use the self-assessments in a similar way to PLCs and ask the students to keep them in their notes to refer to as a starting point for revision
A selection of activities covering the first chapter of the new AQA GCSE Chemistry/Combined science - Atomic structure and the periodic table
Activity 1: Quiz
Activity 2: Card sorts x 4
Activity 3: Treasure hunt questions x 4
Designed to revise the topic.
Detailed instructions give variations for each activity to allow them to be done in different formats and differentiate to suit your class
25 key terms and definitions included in a printer friendly crossword
Covers key terms from the new GCSE specification
Answers included
Great for a plenary/ homework or revision activity
Science in the News
Suitable for all ages including high level primary students
Dictionaries may be needed to support students
Aims of resource:
• To encourage more non-fiction reading
• To extend vocabulary
• To be more confident in using scientific terminology in everyday life
• To learn about current affairs
• To encourage discussion
An activity that could be used regularly or as a stand alone lesson.
A selection of activities using word banks to increase students vocabulary and confidence in using scientific terms.
The word banks are great for creative writing and sentence structure. They can also be used as part of a forest school activity in an outdoor classroom or as a homework to encourage students to go outside and discover nature and science around them.
The terms range in difficulty to allow the resource to be used for all ages and abilities
The resource can be used in class or at home and can be used for short snappy activities e.g. spelling tests or for more extensive projects
The activity is aimed at GCSE and A level students but could be used to extend KS3 students with high reading ages.
High level science involves learning an additional language as well as understanding the concepts and a lot of the words are very similar due to the root of their formation. This activity helps students to understand where the words come from so when they come across new terms, they may be able to use this knowledge to understand part or all of the term.
It is a technique used in university study to help students, in particular medics to help them remember all the new terminology
Provide each student with a hard copy of the morpheme table or display it on your WB.
Students use the table to try and determine the meaning of the scientific words
Go through the words in turn and students can mark their work/peer assess ensuring that they write the correct definition in their table if they were unable to work it out.
I have included answers - they are not necessarily formal definitions as I wanted to try and keep the link to the morphemes.
Can be used at the start of the year as a lesson in the library or as a homework to encourage students and parents to use their local library.
The activity is made up of a series of questions which the students can find the answers to all over the library or from the librarian. It should encourage them to explore the facilities available and allow them to feel confident using the library.
The task is independent and students can keep the booklet once complete for reference
Both files have the same content, the only difference is that the booklet should print as a booklet if you select double sided when printing.
An activity for teachers and parents that can be carried out at school, at home or as homework for all key stages. The activity includes suggested activities, some examples of use and printable binoculars to print and use or just for inspiration. I have provided a Power Point of images taken through my homemade binoculars to provoke inspiration and as in introduction to the idea. It also allows the activity to continue on a rainy day.
Have fun investigating your local area/school/garden and spend time to appreciate everything around you.
Can be used across a broad selection of topics and tailored to your needs or just as a bit of fun.
Curriculum areas:
Natural World
Descriptive writing
Creative writing
Observation skills
HSW (How Science Works)
Living organisms
Water cycle
Solids, liquids and gases
Home schooling
Virtual learning
Independent learning
and many many more
Once you have taught the factors that affect the rate of reaction this is a fun way to embed the knowledge whilst also having a bit of fun. You could also teach it as an introduction to the topic, allowing students to learn from the demonstration as opposed to applying existing knowledge to the demo. Contains plans for both student led and teacher led as well as differentiation ideas
Great opportunity to get students out of the classroom and active
Equipment required
Some outdoor space/ ask to borrow the school gym
At least 15 balls (ideally basket balls, footballs or volleyballs)
Your students
Content covered
• How temperature affects the rate of reaction
• How pressure affects the rate of reaction
• How concentration affects the rate of reaction
• How a catalyst affects the rate of reaction
Also allows students to visualise particles and gain a greater understanding of what happens when these factors change in terms of reaction particles
Suitable for KS3, KS4 and KS5 as they all cover rates of reaction
Activity can take 30 minutes to an hour depending on how you run it and whether you discuss the extensions
New style assessment with 20 multiple choice questions and 26 marks of written questions. It is quite difficult so allow enough time for your students to answer. My students found it challenging as they are not used to multiple choice questions but they are improving with every assessment - more to follow :)
Covers 2015 OCR AS Chemistry specification Module 2.1
Breadth of Chemistry
Depth of Chemistry
AS/A level Chemistry actvity with accompanying lesson plan
A problem solving lesson plan applying students knowledge of combustion, enthalpy, infrared spectroscopy and mass spectrometry to a situation. A fictitious company 'Blue Bird Motoring' are looking for a new fuel to use in their new car design to beat the land speed record. The students have to work in groups to work out what each fuel is and then use the data provided to work out which fuel would be most efficient (maths skills). Students must then write a full report back the company (literacy) detailing everything they have found out.
My students were thoroughly engaged and there are a few red herrings in there to confuse them and ensure they check their work. The graphs can be a little hard for them to interpret so they need to use all the other information to help them reach an answer. i would suggest giving students a double lesson to complete all aspects of the task.
Applicable to both new specification and old specification OCR and possibly AQA
A PP and accompanying activities covering the AQA specification for Biology module 5 of the new AQA combined science Trilogy specification. The resource is designed to help reduce your planning time by providing you with the main specification points for each topic so you can focus on making lessons creative and engaging. Each sub-topic includes a few quick multiple choice questions (MCQ) to assess students learning (AFL) I have included a selection of activities to support learning
Topics covered:
Human Nervous system
Human endocrine system
Control of blood glucose
Hormones in human reproduction
The use of hormones to treat infertility (HT)
Negative feedback (HT)
Most activities are differentiated to support learners
A PP covering the AQA specification for Biology module 4.6.2 of the new AQA combined science Trilogy specification. The resource is designed to help reduce your planning time by providing you with the main specification points for each topic so you can focus on making lessons creative and engaging. Each sub-topic includes a few quick multiple choice questions (MCQ) to assess students learning (AFL)
Topics covered:
Selective breeding
Genetic engineering
I hope to have covered the entire year 11 course for the new specification (biology, Chemistry and Physics) by summer 2017 so please keep checking for more resources.
I will also be making assessments to go alongside the resources ready for September
A PP covering the AQA specification for Physics module 5 of the new AQA combined science Trilogy specification. The resource is designed to help reduce your planning time by providing you with the main specification points for each topic so you can focus on making lessons creative and engaging. Each sub-topic includes a few quick multiple choice questions (MCQ) to assess students learning (AFL)
Topics covered:
Scalar and vector quantities
Contact and non-contact forces
resultant forces
Work done and energy transfer
Forces and elasticity
I hope to have covered the entire year 11 course for the new specification (biology, Chemistry and Physics) by summer 2017 so please keep checking for more resources.
I will also be making assessments to go alongside the resources ready for September
A PP covering the AQA specification for Biology module 4.6.1 of the new AQA combined science Trilogy specification. The resource is designed to help reduce your planning time by providing you with the main specification points for each topic so you can focus on making lessons creative and engaging. Each sub-topic includes a few quick multiple choice questions (MCQ) to assess students learning (AFL)
I print the worksheets out 6 to a page to save on paper and challenge the students to finish one before coming to get the next and set a timer. Each problem only takes a couple of minutes and the students can challenge themselves to complete as many as they can in the given time. Alternatively they can be displayed and students can work through them independently or on the board as a class. The problems get more complex as they go on and ensure students use the key terms and definitions they should have learned from the Power Point.
Topics covered:
Sexual and asexual reproduction
DNA and the genome
Genetic inheritance
Inherited diseases
Sex determination
Genetic crosses and Punnett squares
Information about the key scientists involved in the changing atom. it is downloaded from various sources on the internet and I ask students to read about a particular scientist and highlight the key points. As a class we then build the history of the atom using the information and any prior knowledge they may have.