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Science Spot

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(based on 218 reviews)

I have been a science teacher in an urban School District for 7 years. During this time I have had the opportunity to experience teaching within classrooms at all levels of performance abilities, including full inclusion, and highly advanced classes. I have taught middle school science (both the 7th and 8th grade) and at the high school level (9th to 12th grade science) including Anatomy, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Physical Science I have a PA Professional Certi




I have been a science teacher in an urban School District for 7 years. During this time I have had the opportunity to experience teaching within classrooms at all levels of performance abilities, including full inclusion, and highly advanced classes. I have taught middle school science (both the 7th and 8th grade) and at the high school level (9th to 12th grade science) including Anatomy, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Physical Science I have a PA Professional Certi
Clouds Activities Bundle

Clouds Activities Bundle

Clouds: This clouds activities bundle contains all of my activities on clouds and allows students to learn while having fun! All these lessons sell individually for $15; as a bundle they are 20% off, for $11.95! Clouds Activities Bundle Contents: 1. Cloud Types Cootie Catchers: A. Vocabulary Terms: Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus, Nimbostratus, Cirrostratus, Cirrus, Cumulonimbus, Fog 2. Cloud Types Accordion Booklet: A. Assembly Instructions for the cloud types Booklet B. Completed Facts about each cloud type: Cumulus, Stratus, Stratocumulus, Nimbostratus, Cumulonimbus, Altocumulus, Altostratus, Cirrocumulus, Cirrostratus, Cirrus C. Blank versions for students to write in facts about each type of cloud. D. Black and white version of #2 & 3 E. A smaller version of #1, 2, 3, & 4 to fit smaller pieces of construction paper 3. Cloud in a Bottle: A. Student page with objectives, introduction, procedure, observations, materials, and post-lab questions. B. Answer Key to the above page 4. Cloud Types Poster: A. Student page with instructions B. Grading rubric 5. Clouds Lapbook: A. How to Use and Assembly Instructions for the lapbook B. Completed facts for each of the following types of clouds: Cirrostratus, Stratocumulus, Stratus, Nimbostratus, Cumulus, Altostratus, Cirrus, Cumulonimbus C. Blank versions for students to write their own facts for each cloud type 6. Clouds Word Search: A. Student page with instructions B. Grading rubric
Habitats, Animal Habitats Activities Bundle

Habitats, Animal Habitats Activities Bundle

1. Accordion Booklets: A. Habitats 1. Assembly Instructions for the Habitats Booklet 2. Completed Facts about each Habitat: Coral reef, Swamp, Pond, Cave, City/ Urban, Freshwater, Marine 3. Blank versions for students to write their own facts about each Habitat 4. A smaller version of #1, 2, & 3 to fit smaller pieces of construction paper B. Biomes 1. Assembly Instructions for the Biomes Booklet 2. Completed Facts about each Biome: Rainforest, Temperate forest, Chaparral, Taiga, Tundra, Alpine, Savanna, Grassland, Desert 3. Blank versions for students to write their own facts about each Biome 2. Cootie Catchers: A. Habitats Coral reef, Swamp, Pond, Cave, City/ Urban, Marine, Freshwater, Marsh 1. Students identify the habitat from the picture (environment) 2. Students identify the habitat from the picture (animals) 3. Students identify the habitat from the description (definition) 4. A blank cootie catcher for students to create their own questions. B. Biomes Rainforest, Tundra, Grassland, Desert, Alpine, Savannah, Temperate forest, Taiga 1. Students identify the biome from the picture (environment) 2. Students identify the biome from the picture (animals) 3. Students identify the biome from the description (definition) 4. A blank cootie catcher for students to create their own questions. 3. Lapbooks A. Habitats 1. How to Use and Assembly Instructions for the lapbook 2. Completed facts for each of the following types of habitats: City, Freshwater, Marine, Arctic, Coral Reef, Swamp, Pond, Cave B. Biomes 1. How to use and Assembly Instructions for the biomes lapbook 2. Completed facts for each of the following biomes: Savannah, Grassland, Temperate forest, Taiga, Tundra, Rainforest, Alpine, Desert
World Geography Escape Room Bundle: Africa, Asia, Europe, Central/ South America

World Geography Escape Room Bundle: Africa, Asia, Europe, Central/ South America

4 Resources
This breakout escape room bundle is a fun way for students to review their geography skills by identifying all the countries within Africa, Asia, Europe, and Central/ South America. All these products sell individually for $20; as a bundle they are 35% off, for $13! Contents: ♦ Teacher Instructions and FAQ ♦ 4 Levels to decode: Multiple Choice, Message Decoder, Tarsia Puzzle, and Maze ♦ Student Recording Sheet and Teacher Answer Key ♦ Link to an optional, but recommended, digital breakout room


Ecology: This ecology bundle includes of all of the cootie catchers as outlined below: Playing directions and folding Directions (with pictures) are Included. Important: All these Cootie Catchers sell for $19; as a bundle they are 25% off, for $14! There are 7 different topics, each one having multiple versions in color and black and white: ♦ Animal Adaptations ♦ Biomes ♦ Ecosystems ♦ Evolution ♦ Food Web ♦ Habitats ♦ Water Cycle


Ecology: This ecology bundle includes of all of my interactive notebooks as outlined below: Completed facts and blank pages for students to fill out are included in all versions. Important: All these sell for $30; as a bundle they are 50% off, for $14.95! There are 4 different topics, each one comes in an accordion booklet and lapbook format and come in color and black and white: ♦ Animal adaptations: Booklet, Lapbook ♦ Biomes: Booklet, Lapbook ♦ Habitats: Booklet, Lapbook ♦ Water Cycle: Booklet, Lapbook
Scientific Method

Scientific Method

Scientific Method: This bundle contains all of my activities on the scientific method. All these lessons sell individually for $24.50; as a bundle they are 35% off, for $14.95! 1. Scientific Method Fold and Learn: A. Fold and learn scientific method cover in color B. Fold and learn scientific method in black and white C. Blank version for students to explain each stage of the scientific method OR use with an actual experiment (example experiment included) D. Along with an experiment, students describe each stage of the scientific method. E. Example experiment: How does salt affect the boiling point of water. 2. Scientific Method Cootie Catchers: Vocabulary: Observation, Question, Purpose, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Data, Conclusion 3. Task Cards: A. 20 Task Cards (Can be put onto a key chain) B. Student Answer Pages C. Teacher Answer Keys 4. Word Search: Vocabulary: Bar Graph, Classification, Conclusion, Data, Experiment, Hypothesis, Line Graph, Materials, Measure, Observation, Pie Chart, Prediction, Procedure, Question, Research, Variables 5. Scientific Method Skittles Labs: A. Skittle Colors Lab: A. Question: Which color skittle is most common in a package of skittles? B. Developing a hypothesis C. Procedure D. Data Tables E. Graphing F. Post-Lab Questions B. Skittles Mass and Amount Lab A. Question: How accurate are Skittles packages to one another in terms of mass and total number of Skittles? B. Developing a hypothesis C. Procedure D. Data and Analysis E. Post-Lab Questions 6. Scientific Method Gummy Bears Lab: A. Question: What will happen to gummy bears if they are placed into different solutions: Water, Vinegar, Water & Baking soda, Water & Salt? B. Developing a hypothesis C. Procedure D. Data Tables E. Graphing F. Post-Lab Questions 7. Scientific Method Lapbook AND Accordion Booklet Completed facts for each term: Question/ Problem/ Purpose, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Data/ Results, Conclusion
World and US Geography Escape Room Bundle: States/ Capitals, Africa, Asia, etc.

World and US Geography Escape Room Bundle: States/ Capitals, Africa, Asia, etc.

7 Resources
This breakout escape room bundle is a fun way for students to review their geography skills by identifying the countries of Africa, Asia, Europe, and Central/ South America; as well as the US States and Capitals. All these products sell individually for $35; as a bundle they are 35% off, for $22! Contents: ♦ Teacher Instructions and FAQ ♦ 4 Levels to decode: Multiple Choice, Message Decoder, Tarsia Puzzle, and Maze ♦ Student Recording Sheet and Teacher Answer Key ♦ Link to an optional, but recommended, digital breakout room
Geography Task Cards Bundle

Geography Task Cards Bundle

This Geography Task Cards bundle includes all of the products listed below: Important: All these Task Cards sell for $44; as a bundle they are 35% off, for $28! This product includes the following 22 topics: ♦ Continents and Oceans ♦ Map Skills ♦ Africa: Central and South ♦ Africa: East ♦ Africa: North ♦ Africa West ♦ Asia: East ♦ Asia: South ♦ Asia: Southeast ♦ Asia: West ♦ Central America ♦ Europe: East ♦ Europe: West ♦ South America ♦ States and Capitals: Midwest ♦ States and Capitals: Northeast ♦ States and Capitals: South and Southwest ♦ States and Capitals: West ♦ U.S. Regions: Midwest ♦ U.S. Regions: Northeast ♦ U.S. Regions: South and Southwest ♦ U.S. Regions West