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Science Spot

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I have been a science teacher in an urban School District for 7 years. During this time I have had the opportunity to experience teaching within classrooms at all levels of performance abilities, including full inclusion, and highly advanced classes. I have taught middle school science (both the 7th and 8th grade) and at the high school level (9th to 12th grade science) including Anatomy, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Physical Science I have a PA Professional Certi




I have been a science teacher in an urban School District for 7 years. During this time I have had the opportunity to experience teaching within classrooms at all levels of performance abilities, including full inclusion, and highly advanced classes. I have taught middle school science (both the 7th and 8th grade) and at the high school level (9th to 12th grade science) including Anatomy, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Physical Science I have a PA Professional Certi


Constellations: Constellations Graphing: Graphing the Constellations: Coordinate Graphing and Ordered pairs. This activity integrates Math and Science together by teaching students about coordinate graphing as well the constellations! The constellations are precisely positioned so that their positions match that of their actual positions in the sky! This can even be used as a constellations star map! This activity contains 5 Pages: 1. Blank graph of circumpolar constellations: ♦ Ursa Major (Has the Big Dipper) ♦ Ursa Minor (Little Dipper) ♦ Leo ♦ Virgo ♦ Cassiopeia ♦ Andromeda ♦ Boötes 2. Blank graph of seasonal constellations: ♦ Orion ♦ Gemini ♦ Canis Major ♦ Canis Minor ♦ Taurus 3. Instruction page to label the following stars: ♦ Polaris ♦ Arcturus ♦ Spica ♦ Rigel ♦ Betelgeuse ♦ Castor ♦ Pollux ♦ Procyon ♦ Sirius ♦ Aldebaran 4. Answer Key for Page 1 Constellation Graph 5. Answer Key for Page 2 Constellation Graph
Space Science Word Search Bundle

Space Science Word Search Bundle

4 Resources
This Space Science Word Search bundle includes all of the products listed below: Important: All these products sell for $6.2; as a bundle they are 25% off, for $4.65!


Mythology: Students will learn about the Greek and Roman myths surrounding the nine planets in this 34 slide PowerPoint story! Along with the myths are other interesting tidbits of information that will make students and adults go "I never knew that!" Greek and Roman myths surrounding the Planets are included because the Romans based many of their deities from the Greek gods and goddesses. There are 34 slides in this powerpoint with the following titles: ♦ Title Slide ♦ Mercury Title Slide ♦ Apollo & Hermes: Greek Mythology ♦ Hermes: Greek Mythology ♦ Mercury: Roman Mythology ♦ How Mercury Got Its Name ♦ Venus Title Slide ♦ Aphrodite: Greek Mythology ♦ Birth of Venus: Clam Shell Version ♦ Venus: Roman Mythology ♦ How Venus Got Its Name ♦ Earth Title Slide ♦ Gaia and Chaos ♦ Gaia and the Elemental Gods ♦ Gaia and the 12 Titans ♦ The 12 Olympians ♦ How Earth Got Its Name ♦ Mars Title Slide ♦ Ares: Greek Mythology ♦ Mars: Roman Mythology ♦ How Mars Got Its Name ♦ Jupiter Title Slide ♦ Romulus & Remus (2 slides) ♦ Mars: Roman Mythology ♦ Zeus: Greek Mythology ♦ Jupiter: Roman Mythology ♦ How Jupiter Got Its Name ♦ Saturn Title Slide ♦ Cronus:Greek Mythology ♦ The Castration of uranus by Cronus ♦ The Great Fear of Cronus ♦ The Return of the Titans ♦ The Great Battle of Titanomachy ♦ The Ambush ♦ The Fall of Cronus ♦ Saturn: Roman Mythology ♦ How Saturn Got Its Name ♦ Uranus Title Slide ♦ Uranus: Greek Mythology ♦ The Naming of Uranus ♦ Neptune Title Slide ♦ Poseidon: Greek Mythology (2 slides) ♦ Neptune: Roman Mythology ♦ The Naming of Neptune ♦ Pluto Title Slide ♦ Pluto: Mythology ♦ The Naming of Pluto
Forms of Energy Escape Room

Forms of Energy Escape Room

This breakout escape room is a fun way for students to test their knowledge of the different forms of energy. Full “Letter” sized cards as well as smaller sized cards are provided. Important: Please view the Video Preview (found within the thumbnails above) for an explanation on how to decode the levels. Contents: ♦ Teacher Instructions with Usage Guide and FAQ ♦ 20 Multiple Choice Questions ♦ 5 Decoders for each of the 5 Levels ♦ Student Recording Sheet and Teacher Answer Key ♦ Large Sized Cards and Smaller ♦ Link to an optional, but recommended, digital breakout room
1 Dimensional Kinematics Activity: Physics Escape Room Science

1 Dimensional Kinematics Activity: Physics Escape Room Science

This breakout escape room is a fun way for students to test their skills with calculating acceleration, speed, distance, and time using kinematic equations. Contents: ♦ Teacher Instructions and FAQ ♦ 3 Levels to decode: Multiple choice, Message Decoder, and a Maze ♦ Student Recording Sheet and Teacher Answer Key ♦ Link to an optional, but recommended, digital breakout room
Calculating Density Word Problems Game: Science Escape Room Math

Calculating Density Word Problems Game: Science Escape Room Math

This breakout escape room is a fun way for students to test their skills with calculating density. Problems include determining volume from cubes, cylinders, and graduated cylinders. Contents: ♦ Teacher Instructions and FAQ ♦ 3 Levels to decode: Multiple choice, Message Decoder, and a Maze ♦ Student Recording Sheet and Teacher Answer Key ♦ Link to an optional, but recommended, digital breakout room
Calculating Work and Power Escape Room

Calculating Work and Power Escape Room

This breakout escape room is a fun way for students to test their skills with calculating work, force and distance (solving for w, f and d), and power, work and time (solving for P, W and t). Contents: ♦ Teacher Instructions and FAQ ♦ 3 Levels to decode: Multiple choice, Message Decoder, and a Maze ♦ Student Recording Sheet and Teacher Answer Key ♦ Link to an optional, but recommended, digital breakout room
Calculating Work Word Problems Game: Physics Escape Room Science

Calculating Work Word Problems Game: Physics Escape Room Science

This breakout escape room is a fun way for students to test their skills with calculating work, force and distance (Solving for w, f and d). Contents: ♦ Teacher Instructions and FAQ ♦ 3 Levels to decode: Multiple choice, Message Decoder, and a Maze ♦ Student Recording Sheet and Teacher Answer Key ♦ Link to an optional, but recommended, digital breakout room


Seasons: Reasons for the Seasons PowerPoint: This lesson on the reason for the seasons incorporates easy to understand interactive/ animations, easy to understand analogies, and questions which keep students engaged while learning about the real reasons for the seasons. This lesson contains 39 slides and should run a full class period or two to teach, and contains the following Slide Titles: All slides have pictures and or moving animations explaining the concept ♦ Earth & Sun Size and Distance (2 slides) ♦ Earth's Orbit (2 slides) ♦ Earth's Axis (3 slides) ♦ Earth Around the Sun (2 slides) ♦ Earth's Tilt and the Seasons (2 slides) ♦ Punching a basketball - Direct light analogy (2 slides) ♦ Light Intensity Animation (2 slides) ♦ Skipping stone and falling stone - Direct light analogy (3 slides) ♦ Direct and Indirect Light Animation (2 slides) ♦ Earth's Axis and the Seasons (6 slides) ♦ Why the sun is high, medium or low in the sky (4 slides) ♦ Why the Sun never rises or sets on the North/ South Pole (8 slides)


Matter: This matter bundle includes all of my cootie catchers on matter. Playing directions and folding Directions (with pictures) are Included. Important: All these Cootie Catchers sell for $7.35; as a bundle they are 25% off, for $5.50! Matter Cootie Catchers Contents: There are 3 different topics about matter which include the following matter vocabulary: ♦ Atomic Structure Vocabulary: Atom, Proton, Neutron, Electron, Nucleus, Electron cloud, Isotope, Element ♦ Element, Compound, & Mixture Vocabulary: Element, Compound, Mixture, Homogeneous mixture, Heterogeneous mixture, Solvent, Solute ♦ States of Matter Vocabulary: Solid, Liquid, Gas, Atom, Element, Compound, Mixture, Molecule And Mass, Volume, Matter, Evaporation, Condensation, Melting, Physical Change, Chemical Change
Moon Phases Activities Bundle

Moon Phases Activities Bundle

Moon Phases Activities Bundle: Includes a Flip Book, Oreo Moon Phases, Wheel Dial & and Cootie Catcher/ Fortune Teller! This bundle includes all four of my Phases of the Moon activities and allows students to learn while having fun! All these lessons sell individually for $10; as a bundle they are 20% off, for $8! Moon Phases Bundle Contents: 1. Moon Phase Flip Book: A. Completed version: students cut and assemble B. Incomplete version: students shade in the Moon phase, then cut and assemble C. Blank version: Students can draw everything themselves, shade in the Moon phase, then cut and assemble 2. Oreo Moon Phases: A. Moon Phase identification: Followed by Oreo shaping & placement B. Oreo's around the Earth: 2 different Sun, Earth, Moon Formats: 1. One showing a persons perspective from Earth with viewing angle 2. One without the viewing angle C. Two pages of Answers 3. Moon Phases Wheel Dial: A. Moon phase board for students to shade in and label. B. Color Wheel with instructions C. Ink friendly black and white wheel D. Answer board E. Smaller version of the board (for small notebooks) and the wheel in color F. Smaller version of the board (for small notebooks) and the wheel in black & white 4. Moon Phases Cootie Catchers/ Fortune Tellers A. Identify the Moon Phase from the picture B. Identify the Moon Phase from the picture (low ink version) C. Students shade in the Moon Phase to Identify D. Students Identify the Moon Phase from descriptions E. Students identify the Moon Phase from descriptions (low ink version)