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French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: secondarymfl@gmail.com. I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!




French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: secondarymfl@gmail.com. I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!
Spanish GCSE Translation Exam Practice Booklet

Spanish GCSE Translation Exam Practice Booklet

A comprehensive translation booklet with 30 different texts to translate, on 15 different aspects of GCSE topics with answers. These will help pupils to hone their translation skills and boost the quality of their writing. Please preview the quality with a free sample of one of the topics and two of the translations which is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-gcse-environment-el-medio-ambiente-translation-practice-revision-11860205 The chunks of text are exam style and include a range of tenses and complex phrases to stretch pupils. The 15 topics include: 1 El medio ambiente (The environment) 2 Internet (Internet) 3 El tiempo libre (Free time) 4 La vida sana (Healthy living) 5 Las tareas domésticas (Household chores) 6 Mis planes para el futuro (Future plans) 7 El insti (School) 8 La tele (TV) 9 Las redes sociales (Social media) 10 Mi casa (My house) 11 Mi familia (My family) 12 Un año sabático (A gap year) 13 Las normas en mi colegio (School rules) 14 Mis estudios (My studies) 15 De niño (As a child)
A level Spanish illegal immigration to Spain from Senegal: reading comprehension & translation

A level Spanish illegal immigration to Spain from Senegal: reading comprehension & translation

A comprehensive worksheet on the cooperation between Spain and Senegal to limit illegal immigration to Spain. This is a structured reading activity based on the immigration from Senegal to Spain and the measures the Spanish government are taking to solve this problem. There are reading activities: comprehension, synonym search, gap-fill and translation from and into Spanish. Suggested answers included.
Spanish GCSE writing booster: complex language revision booklet & translation practice

Spanish GCSE writing booster: complex language revision booklet & translation practice

A four page revision booklet of key complex phrases & structures that pupils should include in their speaking & writing to achieve Grade 9. This is a definitive list of complex and higher structures that I encourage my pupils to use in their work. The phrases are split into 22 sub-groups across four A4 pages, each with some translation practice too, so as pupils can see how easy it is to manipulate these themselves in a variety of topics. Suggested answers are included and the document can be downloaded in .doc and .pdf. **The structures are grouped in 22 mini-sections: ** Shiny phrases + infinitives Opinion phrases Structures of obligation Conditional sentences Imperfect constructions Before/ after Past tense phrases Key past tense verbs Pasar + gerund Future tense constructions Conditional constructions Past conditional constructions Subjunctive constructions Acabo de + infinitive Soñar con + infintive Desde hace + present tense Lo (adjective) es que constructions Introducing someone else’s opinion Interesting adjectives Conjunctions Adverbs Opinions A similar resource is available here in French too: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-gcse-complex-and-idiomatic-phrases-full-revision-list-with-translation-practice-12173311
Spanish A Level subjunctive practice: sentences about inmigración, subjunctive or indicative?

Spanish A Level subjunctive practice: sentences about inmigración, subjunctive or indicative?

A resource to practice recognising subjunctive triggers and conjugating verbs, in the context of immigration vocabulary. Pupils must read and understand the sentences, deciding whether to use the subjunctive or indicative. More immigration resources available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-level-spanish-immigration-el-impacto-de-la-inmigraci-n-en-la-sociedad-espa-ola-11801567
A Level Spanish reading comprehension: immigration (inmigración) - accepted or marginalised?

A Level Spanish reading comprehension: immigration (inmigración) - accepted or marginalised?

A reading and language activity with a series of facts about immigrants in Spain, and pupils must decide if they show that immigrants are marginalised or accepted. There is also a ‘language hunt’ activity and some oral questions to answer, using all the stimulus material. The statements are all based on immigration in Spain and will provide pupils with key facts and statistics for this topic.
Spanish A Level Bundle: Reading, Vocabulary, Translation & Grammar  Bundle (20  Resource Packs)

Spanish A Level Bundle: Reading, Vocabulary, Translation & Grammar Bundle (20 Resource Packs)

20 Resources
Save 72% with this bundle which includes over £53 worth of my most popular A Level resources. (all new specification - 2016 onwards). The activities are varied and target different skills including comprehensive translation into Spanish & English, high challenge reading texts and comprehensive questions & grammar tasks. The topics include: grammar, the influence of Internet, employment, youth issues, festivals, racism, immigration (challenges and integration), impact of tourism, the family structure in Spain, music, food and traditions in Spain and more.
Spanish Immigration: inmigración y el sistema escolar español / integration in schools A Level

Spanish Immigration: inmigración y el sistema escolar español / integration in schools A Level

A text for 6th form which focuses on the impact of immigration on Spanish schools, the problems it causes and possible solutions. The text is scaffolded in chunks with reading tasks: gap-fill, synonym search and true/ false questions. The level of challenge is high and there is translation into English and into Spanish, focusing on some key grammatical constructions. Suggested answers are included.
Spanish Hobbies Past tense / el fin de semana pasado

Spanish Hobbies Past tense / el fin de semana pasado

A bundle of resources to use to support pupils learning the past tense, in the context of 'last weekend' and hobbies/ free time. It includes regular conjugation exercises, key past tense verbs and practice, and also an assessment to test understanding. There is a mixture of reading, translation and conjugation activities and enough materials to use over a few lessons.
French work experience (mon stage en entreprise): supported translation task and key vocabulary

French work experience (mon stage en entreprise): supported translation task and key vocabulary

A scaffolded translation task with key vocabulary to introduce the topic of work experience, followed by a translation that recycles all this language, requiring manipulation. The translation requires use of the perfect and imperfect tenses with some other key language structures revised too. There is also a completed translation for checking. PDF & Word doc formats included.