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French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: secondarymfl@gmail.com. I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!




French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: secondarymfl@gmail.com. I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!
French Holidays Past Tense - Mes dernières vacances

French Holidays Past Tense - Mes dernières vacances

Two standalone worksheets to support pupils to talk about holidays in the past tense. Resource 1: Introduces key past tense verbs and recycles key language with a sentence builder, gap fill reading and translation practice. There is also a summary of how to form past tense verbs with avoir and a grammar gap fill task. Resource 2: Review of key past tense verbs with a GCSE reading comprehension task (a note taking question with a vocabulary search). Format: Word document and PDF with answers.
Spanish GCSE Translation Exam Practice Booklet

Spanish GCSE Translation Exam Practice Booklet

A comprehensive translation booklet with 30 different texts to translate, on 15 different aspects of GCSE topics with answers. These will help pupils to hone their translation skills and boost the quality of their writing. Please preview the quality with a free sample of one of the topics and two of the translations which is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-gcse-environment-el-medio-ambiente-translation-practice-revision-11860205 The chunks of text are exam style and include a range of tenses and complex phrases to stretch pupils. The 15 topics include: 1 El medio ambiente (The environment) 2 Internet (Internet) 3 El tiempo libre (Free time) 4 La vida sana (Healthy living) 5 Las tareas domésticas (Household chores) 6 Mis planes para el futuro (Future plans) 7 El insti (School) 8 La tele (TV) 9 Las redes sociales (Social media) 10 Mi casa (My house) 11 Mi familia (My family) 12 Un año sabático (A gap year) 13 Las normas en mi colegio (School rules) 14 Mis estudios (My studies) 15 De niño (As a child)
Spanish Verbs: Tenses Booklet for GCSE with answers

Spanish Verbs: Tenses Booklet for GCSE with answers

A 16 page GCSE Spanish verb workbook with detailed revision notes on all key tenses, with conjugation practice & answers. This can be used in class, for homework, for revision or independent study. There is a free sample here to preview the quality: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-verb-revision-pack-free-sample-present-tense-regular-and-irregular-practice-with-answers-11913580 The grammar topics covered include: Regular Present Tense Verbs, Irregular Present Tense Verbs The Gerund Root-changing Verbs Immediate Future Tense The Pure Future Tense The Conditional Tense The Regular Preterite The Irregular Preterite The Imperfect Tense Answers included.
A Level French Grammar & Translation Pack: independent grammar study pack & answers

A Level French Grammar & Translation Pack: independent grammar study pack & answers

A revision or study pack, for pupils, reviewing nearly aspects of all A Level grammar points through exercises and translation. There is a total of 12 Grammar Challenge sheets which target different topics. Each sheet also contains a translation activity focusing on a particular linguistic topic. Suggested answers are also included. The sheets are ramped in terms of difficulty and linguistic complexity and this can be given to pupils as a revision booklet, for homework or independent study. (I have also included some separate previews of some of the pages). The grammar topics include: present tense perfect tense future tense imperfect tense pluperfect tense conditional perfect tense subjunctive mood negation nouns & gender adjectival agreement possessive adjectives relative pronouns interrogatives verbs with prepositions conditional sentences adverbs
Spanish A Level las mujeres en el mercado laboral: translations on women & employment with answers

Spanish A Level las mujeres en el mercado laboral: translations on women & employment with answers

Consider purchasing the full A Level Translation Bundle here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-level-spanish-translation-practice-bundle-range-of-topics-into-english-and-spanish-12050364 An exam style text on women in the labour market in Spain to translate into English followed by translation into Spanish, recycling the same vocabulary. Suggested answers are also included and the text provides key cultural references that can be used in the Speaking exam. There is a free example here on the topic of paternity leave, to preview the quality: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-level-permiso-de-paternidad-translations-on-el-mercado-laboral-and-paternity-leave-with-answers-12043678
Weather / le temps - French (3 worksheets)

Weather / le temps - French (3 worksheets)

Three worksheets and a quizlet (below) on the topic of ‘weather expressions’ in French to drill and perfect this key language point. Resource 1: Introduces the ‘faire’ expressions, with exercises, and then the ‘il y a’ expressions. There is also a sentence builder, with si/quand, and a reading comprehension. Resource 2: Reviews all weather expressions with match up , gap-fill & reordering activities followed by gapped-translation, translation into English and a mosaic translation introducing the immediate future. Resource 3: GCSE Reading Comprehension on weather - ‘mets une lettre dans chaque case’ Answers included. There is also a Quizlet link here with key weather vocabulary: https://quizlet.com/_8jfi3e?x=1qqt&i=2syx7b
French Mon collège / école: my school  - 7 Worksheets for GCSE

French Mon collège / école: my school - 7 Worksheets for GCSE

Seven resources to use for the topic of ‘mon école’. Resource 1: Includes key adjectives, vocabulary and opinion expressions for describing your school with practice. Resource 2: A worksheet to review the language in Resource 1 and to practice ‘il y a’ and ‘il n’y a pas de’. Resource 3: A worksheet reviewing the language & structures from Resources 1 & 2 and introducing the structure ‘ce que j’aime, c’est…’ Resource 4: A GCSE style reading comprehension with a vocabulary search and plenary translation into French. Resource 5: A GCSE reading comprehension on school - ‘who says what?’ Resource 6: My primary school - imperfect tense description. Resource 7: A standalone worksheet to revise various aspects of this topic including vocabulary, translations and a reading comprehension.
17 Translation Worksheets - GCSE Spanish

17 Translation Worksheets - GCSE Spanish

17 Resources
Save** 91%** with this bundle of 17 translation worksheets on 17 different topics. Each worksheet has six different translation exercises which recycle the same key language and introduce new linguistic items in a scaffolded way. The exercises are then ramped in terms of difficulty and final activity is a plenary translation task into Spanish. To preview the quality, take a look at this free example worksheet here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-gcse-mi-barrio-mi-ciudad-town-and-my-area-translation-worksheet-12398469 Topics: El medio ambiente La pobreza y los sin techo El transporte Las tareas domésticas Mi rutina cotidiana Mi asignatura preferida En mi infancia/ cuando era joven El tiempo Las vacaciones Mi familia Mis planes para el futuro Mis próximas vacaciones Mis vacaciones ideales Mis últimas vacaciones La Navidad Mi barrio / mi ciudad La tele
Spanish My School / Mi colegio GCSE

Spanish My School / Mi colegio GCSE

Describe tu colegio. A standalone worksheet on the topic of ‘talking about my school’. The resource includes a longer reading comprehension, with answers in Spanish, and reformulation translation tasks based on the text. There are pre-reading tasks too: revision of interrogatives and translation in English. Answers included.
GCSE Spanish las asignaturas: School subjects & opinions writing & structures mat

GCSE Spanish las asignaturas: School subjects & opinions writing & structures mat

This is a vocabulary builder for teaching school subjects and opinions that will allow pupils to make progress quickly. The language mat contains all the vocabulary needed for pupils to be able to write and talk about their subjects and the activities are incremental and will engage pupils actively with the vocabulary. There is a plenary activity of reading in Spanish, translation into Spanish and a short writing question. This plenary allows pupils to demonstrate the progress made in lessons or can be used as a test or revision activity. Answers included too.
GCSE Spanish Shopping / Ir de compras - Scaffolded Writing & Grade 9 Structures

GCSE Spanish Shopping / Ir de compras - Scaffolded Writing & Grade 9 Structures

A standalone resource on the topic of shopping and free time to help pupils to succeed in a GCSE writing question. This resource is not exam board specific and is suitable for any question in which pupils respond to bullet points on a theme. The activities are scaffolded and include: tips for planning and writing, matching up connectives and opinions, complex structures translation and a scaffolded worksheet for pupils to write their own answers. There is a model answer too.
Viva 1 School - Mi insti (11 worksheets) Spanish KS3

Viva 1 School - Mi insti (11 worksheets) Spanish KS3

11 worksheets which make up an entire unit on the topic of school for Key Stage 3/ beginners. The worksheets are based on Unit 3 in Viva 1, ‘mi insti’, and will support pupils to talk about subjects, opinions, school description and what they do during break. Format: 11 word/pdf documents with answers.
Spanish GCSE 3 Speaking Board Games: 100+ oral questions on different topics for exam revision

Spanish GCSE 3 Speaking Board Games: 100+ oral questions on different topics for exam revision

Three speaking board games for preparing for GCSE/IGCSE speaking exams. One has 34 speaking questions and is of medium challenge, the second has 40 questions and has more challenging questions (targeting grades 7,8.9). The third has 60 + questions in range of tenses and are more challenging to push grade 8/9 pupils. Pupils roll a dice and move around the board answering as they land on the questions. If they can give two sentences in response to the question to their partner, they can stay on the square they have moved to.