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Attention Autism Stages 1-3 Transport Planning
6 week planning for Attention Autism on the topic of Transport. 2 stage 2 and one stage 3 idea per week.
Attention Autism Planning Stages 2 + 3
5 weeks worth of Attention Autism planning for stages 2 and 3.
Covers topics: New Year, Winter, Night Time, Snow/Ice and Chinese New Year.
Restorative Justice Behaviour Reflection with Widgit
A resource for students with SEN to guide them to reflect on their behaviour. Pages include: What happened?
What were you thinking or feeling?
Who has been affected?
What needs to happen to put it right?
How do you feel now?
Who game with Widgit
A board game to practice answering who? questions.
Made on Widgit Online.