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KS3 Personality Starter - Retrieval Grid
These resources are based on KS3 personality descriptions but can be adapted to suit any topic and review old topics.
This resource contains a copy of the retrieval grid, a sentence builder on personality and an editable PowerPoint slide.
The most recent topics/easiest carry one point for a correct answer and the older topics/more difficult questions will carry two, three or four points - giving a total out of 30.
Great to use as a starter for all topics, ages and abilities!

KS3 Spanish School Subjects Wordsearch
A simple wordsearch to cover school subjects. Ideal for use as a starter/settler. Students write the words in Spanish first then find the words in the wordsearch.

KS2/3 Spanish - Family Puzzle Starter
Ideal for a quick starter/settler for the family topic.
Students unscramble the letters to spell the words for family members correctly.
Then, using the numbers, they should spell out the sentence at the bottom!

KS3 French - Describing Personality
This package includes a PowerPoint presentation, which includes the verb être, masculine and feminine personality adjectives, as well as practice activities (victim game and mind readers) and a writing challenge.
Also included are a picture vocabulary page and sentence builder which students can stick in their books.

KS2/3 Spanish Descriptions - Hair + Eyes
Students read the descriptions and draw/colour in the blank faces to match the descriptions. The last one is for pupils to draw and describe themselves.

KS2/3 French Descriptions - Hair and Eyes
Students read the descriptions and draw/colour in the blank faces to match the descriptions. The last one is for pupils to draw and describe themselves.