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It’s OK to Make Mistakes Social Story
Social stories use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation however social stories can also be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event.
This social story is about accepting that everyone makes mistakes at school when they are learning and that that is OK. It also covers some ways to overcome your mistakes.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt.

Time Out Cards
Time out cards to use as a behaviour management resource in the classroom.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art

Tidy Up Time Social Story
A social story to encourage children to tidy up without fuss when their teacher instructs them to do so.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art

Putting my Hand Up to Speak Social Story
Social stories use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation however social stories can also be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event.
This social story is about remembering to put your hand up to speak in class instead of calling out.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt.

Nonsense Words Worksheets
11 Worksheets with different activities to recognise and find nonsense words. Nonsense words are an important part in assessing phonics and decoding because a student can only decode and read the word if they understanding the phonic sounds within the word.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Children’s Illustrator

Social Skills Assessment
This is a self assessment for children about their social skills. It may help you to see where they think they are at in terms of their own social skills. Good to do before and after work on social skills or friendships.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art

Behaviour Choices Worksheet
Cut and Stick worksheet in which children should look at the pictures and decide whether they show good or bad behaviour choices.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art

1-10 Number Lines
1-10 Number lines to support children in maths.
Clipart images courtesy of Pretty Grafik

Recognising 2D Shapes
Worksheet with lots of basic 2D shapes: circles, squares, rectangles and triangles. Children can identify and find different shapes, count how many of each shape there are and colour each type of shape a different colour.

Counting to 10 Worksheets
Basic counting to 10 worksheets. Count the number of objects and write the corresponding number in the box.
In this pack there are 8 different versions showing insects, safari animals, fruit, blocks, crayons, farm animals, dinosaurs and transport.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Children’s Illustrator.

Counting and Matching to 10 with Counting Hands and Cubes
Number shown in figures and counting hands and children have to count the pictures and match the correct number of objects. Perfect for an independent workstation activity.
Clipart images courtesy of Arty Clips Graphics

I Am Special Book
Book for children to fill in all about themselves including pages for photos and achievements. This is particuarly useful for children with low self esteem or an insecure sense of self.

British Sign Language Alphabet Chart
Alphabet Chart showing the BSL signs for each letter of the alphabet.
Clipart images courtesy of Little Tots Learning

All About Me Activity Book
Simple activity book for them to fill out information all about themselves
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art

Identify and Count 2D Shapes
Worksheets with pictures made up of basic 2D shapes: circles, squares, rectangles and triangles. Children can identify and find different shapes within the pictures and count how many of each shape there are.

Behaviour Prompt Fans
These behavior prompt fans can be used in class to easily instruct children without words. This can helpful during whole-class teaching when you do not want to interrupt the flow of teaching and can be particularly helpful for visual learners.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art