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I'm a teacher at an International School in Asia and I really enjoy making all types of well-designed resources for my class. I hope that you may also find them useful and that your children will enjoy them too!




I'm a teacher at an International School in Asia and I really enjoy making all types of well-designed resources for my class. I hope that you may also find them useful and that your children will enjoy them too!
Daily Student Notices

Daily Student Notices

In this editable presentation there is a slide for each day of the week (Monday to Friday). On each slide, there is a space for the day and date, information about where the names of the days originate and a space for notices including a riddle of the day. It’s a colourful and fun way to present any school notices to the children at the beginning of each day.
Weekly Planning Template

Weekly Planning Template

This is a weekly planning template which is setup in scheduled class order. I use it to plan the main objectives and basic activity outlines for each lesson during the week. It is also a document I show to the children so they know what is happening throughout the day and week. It could be printed but I mainly use it to display on the projector and enlarge when necessary. It’s a fully editable document so you can change the text and colours and add in extra rows or columns as you need. If you like this free resource, please take a look at some of my other products on Edumacatin’… https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Sherwen
PowerPoint Timers

PowerPoint Timers

Round (tick) timers for 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 seconds. Bar (fade) timers for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes. Simply select around the timer of choice with your mouse and then copy and paste it into your presentation. Click on it to start!
Battleships (4 and 6-figure) Grid-Reference Activity

Battleships (4 and 6-figure) Grid-Reference Activity

Through the classic game of Battleships, this activity will help reinforce the concept of (coordinates), specifically 4 and 6 digit grid-references in a fun way. There are two pages to this download. The first contains a 4-digit grid-reference game and a separate 6-digit game. The second page is the same setup, except their are more ships available to place on the board. Instructions: The idea is that each student in a pair gets a copy of the worksheet. They then place the designated ships on their grid using the letters. They may also colour them as well. Tip: Make sure they place all their ships on the grid and that they don’t split them up into pieces. Once the ships have been positioned, the first player will give a grid-reference to ‘bomb’. If they get a direct hit on one of the other players ships, the other player must say so and also tell what type of ship they hit. The first player can then mark on their own sheet whether it was a hit or miss. The first player to destroy all the enemy ships is the winner. My children really loved this game and it really does help them remember how to read grid-references and get quick at doing so! If you enjoy this activity, please kindly leave a review. Thank you.
Parts of the Skeletal System Worksheet

Parts of the Skeletal System Worksheet

This worksheet comprises of four activities that all relate to the parts of the skeletal system -skull, tibia, fibula, ulna, pelvis, ribs, spine, femur, patella etc. The activities are as follows: a) Anagrams of the parts of the skeletal system. b) Label a diagram with some of the parts of the skeletal system. c) A word search with some of the parts of the skeletal system with extra bonus words hidden within. It serves as a review or follow-up to an introduction of the system and the basic process. Children are expected to know the names of the parts, how to spell them, identify them on a diagram and understand what their basic role is in the system. *Extension task idea: Ask the children to choose one or two of the bones in the skeleton and relate it’s structure to its function. They could also create their own version of the skeletal song or create their own mnemonic to help remember the names of the bones. * The document is mostly editable so you can change some of the parts to suit your children’s needs.
The Skeletal System - Large Activity Sheet

The Skeletal System - Large Activity Sheet

This A3 worksheet contains several different activities about the human skeletal system. The activities are as follows: Unscramble the parts of the system. Label a humurous diagram of the system. Find words related to the system in a word search. Fill in blanks for a short paragraph about the systems function. Draw diagrams of the different types of joint. Match the parts of the system with their function. Bonus: Write 2-3 interesting facts about the system. Because of its size, this activity sheet lends itself nicely to pair work. Children really enjoy the variety of activities available. The document is editable so you can make adjustments to suit your needs. Please kindly leave a review if you have a moment. Thank you.
The Planets of our Solar System - Large Puzzle Sheet

The Planets of our Solar System - Large Puzzle Sheet

This A3 puzzle sheet contains several different activities about the planets, solar system and space. The activities are as follows: Unscramble the planets and other space related words. Label the different space related pictures. Find the space related terminology in the word search. Fill-in the blanks for these statements about the planets and our solar system. Draw a picture of an astronaut walking on the moon. Match the space related terms with their correct definition. Bonus: Write Neil Armstrong’s first words as he took his first steps on the moon Because of its size, this activity sheet lends itself nicely to pair work. Children really enjoy the variety of activities available. The document is fully editable so you can make adjustments to suit your needs. I’ve also included a colourful version as well as a B&W version in the document. I hope you enjoy this resource! If you do, please leave a review if you have a moment. Thank you.
The Digestive System - Parts and Functions Crossword

The Digestive System - Parts and Functions Crossword

This A3 worksheet is made up of two activities relating the digestive system. The first activity is a crossword which comprises a description of the functions of different parts. The second activity involves labeling the parts of the digestive system scattered around the crossword. Here are some example questions/clues for the crossword… Muscular tube which moves ingested food to the stomach. Produces digestive enzymes. Where food enters the body. Parts and other keywords covered in the worksheet include… Mouth, teeth, oesophagus, stomach, bile, acid, small and large instestine, pancreas, liver, gall-bladder, recyum, anus etc. This worksheet works as a nice review for individual or pair work. It gives you a chance to see if the children can identify the function and ID different parts of the digestive system.
Homework Projects - Energy (Light, Electricity and Sound)

Homework Projects - Energy (Light, Electricity and Sound)

A series of homework projects headed under: Word Smart Science, Maths, ICT Smart Art, Design & Creativity Smart Each activity compliments the children’s study of Energy (light, electricity and sound) and encourages them to have fun doing them at home, hopefully furthering their passion or interest in the subject. *The included file is a Word Document and every part is fully editable, including the year group logo. *
Leveled Comprehension Questions for Pie Corbett's, The Storm Unicorn

Leveled Comprehension Questions for Pie Corbett's, The Storm Unicorn

This worksheet involves questions that relate to the text of Pie Corbett’s Storm Unicorn. The questions cover basic recall and then move onto more advanced comprehension skills such as inference. The final section leaves a space for the children to attempt to draw the Storm Unicorn based on the details of the report. It encourages children to think flexibly and relates the plight of the unicorn with that of rhino’s. It also opens up a wealth of discussion surrounding that point too. I usually use this after the children have read, mapped and analysed the report in detail first. It acts a good gauge for their understanding. *The document is fully editable so you can change questions as you please. *
A Re-write of Pie of Pie Corbett's Storm Unicorn Report - The Candy Unicorn

A Re-write of Pie of Pie Corbett's Storm Unicorn Report - The Candy Unicorn

We study the Storm Unicorn by Pie Corbett during literacy. Leading up to this we look at other examples before the children write their own (non-chronological) report with the aid of the text. This is a re-write of the Storm Unicorn called the Candy Unicorn. Sub-titles have been added in as we encourage the use of them for better organisation. There is also another report by Pie Corbett called the Frost Unicorn which we use in addition to this as another example report text. The document is fully editable so you can change parts as you please.
Reading Bookmarks with Questions to Improve Understanding.

Reading Bookmarks with Questions to Improve Understanding.

A set of four colourful bookmarks which contain questions for readers to ask themselves (or by their parent or friend). The questions are designed to help further the children’s understanding about what they are reading. They are split into questions for before, during and after reading. *The document is fully editable so you can change any aspect of the bookmarks. Print duplex on the short side, cut out and laminate for best result. *
Paper-cup Phones Practical

Paper-cup Phones Practical

In teaching the topic of sound and look at vibrations and how sound travels, the children perform this practical. It involves making the paper-cup phones by following the instructions and writing it up using the scientific method. The equipment and method are done already but the children are expected to select their own hypothesis and write up a short analysis and conclusion.
Continents and Oceans of the World Puzzle-sheet

Continents and Oceans of the World Puzzle-sheet

This worksheet comprises of three activities relating the oceans and continents of the world. The activities are as follows: a) Anagrams of the oceans and continents of the world. b) Label a world map with the oceans and continents of the world. c) Choose three continents and write down three countries for each. Children may need an atlas or access to Google Maps or existing world map for this. It serves as a review or follow-up to an introduction to the oceans and continents of the world. Children are expected to know the names of the of them all, how to spell them and be able to locate them on a map of the world. The document is mostly editable so you can change some of the parts to suit your children’s needs.
A3 Board Games Pack [Fully Editable]

A3 Board Games Pack [Fully Editable]

4 Resources
4 well-designed, colourful and fully editable A3 board game designs. Each of these games is very popular with my students and I hope your children can enjoy them too. Included in this pack are the following games… Board Game Template Word Warrior - CVCC & CCVC Words Word Warrior (Different Colours)- Phase 2-5 High Frequency Words The End of the Beginning Board Game
PowerPoint Games and Tools Pack

PowerPoint Games and Tools Pack

4 Resources
This pack includes a selection of different well-designed, colourful and fully editable games and tools that you can use with PowerPoint in your class. Included in this pack are the following games/tools… Interactive Memory Game Anagrams Game - Gobbledygook! Reveal the Picture Game Spinning Wheel Selector (3 types of wheels)
Giant A3 Ancient China Crossword Puzzle

Giant A3 Ancient China Crossword Puzzle

This is a giant A3 sized crossword puzzle that I use to review our Ancient China unit at the end of term. I usually let children work in pairs if they want to. Also, initially I won’t let them consult any resources or ask questions, just to see how far they get first. There are more than 20 questions in total! Here are some of them to give you an idea of the level required. A type of ceramic invented by the Chinese. It is thin, strong, and beautiful. It is often called “china” in the west. A type of varnish used to protect items and make them more beautiful. A legendary monster that terrorized a Chinese village until they used fireworks and noise to scare it off. A revered mythical creature that has the long body of a serpent, sharp teeth, four legs with sharp talons, and can fly. This puzzle is would be suitable for upper KS2 and KS3.