
Biological molecules - carbohydrates
Exam past paper questions on carbohydrates with mark scheme
suitable for AQA/OCR A-level

Cell components
Resource sheets with information on different cell components and booklet style format.
Suitable for AS/A-level Biology

Practical booklet which pupils complete - covers biuret test in a different and fun context, where pupils have to find out which sample is the 'real' blood sample (contains the globular protein - hemoglobin).
Suitable for all years and can be adapted very easily via end page (questions are pre-set for AS/A level Biology students but can be changed easily to differentiate for classes you may teach).
Requisition practical equipment (test tubes, blood looking samples e.g. tomato paste, ketchup, paint, order real animal blood etc).
Has embedded peer-assessment, where pupils can comment on how each pupil wrote their report, focusing on particular sections for areas of improvement e.g. for KS3, may not have included all materials and methods.

Drugs PSHE
Various activities for teaching drugs in PSHE.
1. Starter > True/false
2. Addiction perspective worksheet > Pupils complete worksheet and have a class discussion about addiction and the impact/consequences of drug use
3. Drugs fill in table > Fill in table with information on different drugs (information sheets attached as PPT - print in A3).

Adaptation Lesson & Worksheet
Within this, there is a PowerPoint which introduces the topic of Adaptations to students, with a worksheet for animal adaptations; consolidating the students learning from the powerpoint.

Photosynthesis Lesson
Contained is a powerpoint and worksheet aimed at KS3, with a fun worksheet aimed at lower-ability students.

Nitrogen in Plants Lesson
Contained is a powerpoint aimed at Year 8 studying plants, and a fun activity to consolidate the students learning.

Smoking Presentation
Contained is a smoking presentation which outlines what smoking is and the effects of smoking, aimed at Years 7-9, KS3.

Respiration PPT'S
Contained is two powerpoints which introduce and consolidate the topic of respiration to the students, aimed at KS3, Years 8-9.

Menstrual Cycle & Reproduction
Contained is a powerpoint and starter activity for studying the menstrual cycle & reproduction. Aimed at Years 8-9, KS3

Extinction Lesson
Contained are 2 powerpoints and a learning mat which are aimed to apply knowledge about extinction, and consolidate learning, aimed at KS3, Years 8-9.

Pesticides Lesson
Contained are a powerpoint and a worksheet on pesticides and effects. Aimed at KS3, Years 7-9.

Pregnancy & Birth Lesson
Contained is a KS3 PowerPoint which demonstrates pregnancy, accompanied with a card sort.

Muscles Lesson
Contained is a muscles powerpoint, a help sheet for lower ability students and a worksheet to consolidate the learning.

Contained is a powerpoint about the basics of classification, and also a card sort to enable students to understand classification.

Digestion Lesson
Contained are a PowerPoint and a worksheet on an introduction to the topic of digestion. Aimed at Years 7-9, KS3.

Vaccination Lesson
Contained is an powerpoint about vaccines and a factsheet with questions, aimed at Years 7-9, KS3.

Eukaryotic cells AS level
Used for teaching AS Biology, adapted for IAL Edexcel but can be used with all examination boards.