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Carbon cycle

Carbon cycle

Good for Year 7, 8 and 9. Covers the carbon cycle, best used with A3 paper and A3 information sheets scattered around the room.
Earth and early atmosphere booklet C1

Earth and early atmosphere booklet C1

Good for covering Earth and early atmosphere and can be used as a revision aid. Suited for the AQA specification. The page numbers are those which match with the text-book for AQA GCSE Chemistry C1. Pupils complete the booklet, with various exam questions and identification/recall questions.
Properties of Materials

Properties of Materials

Covers: Ceramics Advantages and Disadvantages of using ceramics How some ceramics are formed Monomers Polymers Properties of Polymers Pupils complete placemat activity where they have to fill in the various bits of information. Contains checks for pupils to show progress via self-assessment. Included additionally: A composite worksheet, where pupils have to design their own base-layer/composite. Good for KS3 and KS4.
Limestone activity mat

Limestone activity mat

Limestone activity mat that covers the limestone cycle, testing for limestone, uses of limestone, effects of quarrying and the advantages and disadvantages of the limestone industry.
Fuels and combustion activity mat

Fuels and combustion activity mat

Good for KS3 Covers: Fuels and non-fuels (card-sort) Fuels Uses of fuels Combustion and Incomplete combustion Fire triangle and safety Use with the information sheets, pupils complete it independently & teacher facilitates.
Stoop effect

Stoop effect

Complete lesson on the Stoop effect. Good for cross Science engagement. Pupils make their own neutral and stoop lists, and then turn this into a practical investigation.
Drawing line graphs - Volcanoes

Drawing line graphs - Volcanoes

Instruction sheet for drawing line graphs, provides some data for volcanoes for pupils to use. Good for cross-curricular Science engagement (Geography with HSW). Works best for KS3, use in combination with line graph drawings on IWB to help model expectations.
Practical worksheet science

Practical worksheet science

Good worksheet that goes through and covers the different aspects of carrying out a practical investigation. Models and scaffolds pupils thinking to help them plan and carry out a practical investigation.
Alkanes worksheet

Alkanes worksheet

Pupils complete the worksheet table, where they have to give the molecular formula, number of carbons, number of hydrogens and draw the structural formula of alkanes. Can help pupils by having more or less pre-filled information. Suitable for KS3/KS4
Elements & Compounds Lesson

Elements & Compounds Lesson

Contained is a powerpoint for elements & compounds, a learning mat activity and an activity on making compounds, aimed at KS3, Years 7-9.
Mixtures Lesson

Mixtures Lesson

Contained is a mixture powerpoint and a worksheet, aimed at KS3, Years 7-9, studying chemistry.