Le personnage de Julien dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation/lesson on the character of Julien in the film Au Revoir les Enfants of Louis Malle. It contains questions to push discussion and reflection, prompts for ideas and key scenes/quotes to consider to write an essay on this topic. Also, it gives a possible essay plan.
Écrire une critique de film (basé sur Intouchables) / Writing a film review in French
Scaffolded worksheet for KS3/4 (easily adaptable tenses wise) that allow students to gain skills to write a film review in French. Perfect in the end of year to still do some work after/before watching a film.
Activity 1: read “Intouchables” film review
Activity 2: key vocab search
Activity 3: tense search
Activity 4: translation
Activity 5: write your own review of a film including key content and language (checklist for both)
Activity 6: (peer) assessment and setting personal target
Ideal for KS3/KS4 end of year classes and GCSE (leisure topic) Could even be used for KS5 when students start studying the film in class.
L'immigration des Français à l'étranger
Range of written resources on the immigration of French people abroad with follow up questions (for discussion)
De plus en plus de Français partent étudier à l’étranger
De plus en plus de Français partent vivre à l’étranger
Quelques citations sur l’étranger…
L’invitation au voyage de Baudelaire
Les prépositions en A-level
Activity to sort out essential verbs with à or de prepositions and giving some of the main rules. Verbs can be printed and sorted out manually as a starter.
Feedback and fact sheets for A-level French speaking exam
Essential facts and research about each A-level topics for the speaking exam. Very efficient!
Feedback sheet for A-level French speaking exam.
La cybersociété - articles à discuter - A-level
4 articles about the danger of cybersociety or changes it brings in. Each article is followed by question to prompt discussion.
Les moyens de communication privilégiés par les Français pendant leurs vacances
Frédéric Beigbeder claque la porte de Facebook
Recrutement : les employeurs utilisent Facebook
Votre employeur peut-il vous coincer sur Facebook ?
La gastronomie en France - le patrimoine
Range of articles on gatronomy in France, great for the topic of heritage (patrimoine) for A-level French.
La France des records gatronomiques
Le “repas gastronomique des Français” inscrit au patrimoine de l’humanité
L’obésité a quasiment doublé en trente ans dans le monde
Statistiques surpoids
Un député veut éloigner les fast-foods des écoles
Alli, la pilule qui permet de perdre du poids
La campagne française « manger bouger »
La comparaison passé et présent - speaking (use of imperfect vs present)
Speaking activity to use comparison orally between imperfect tense and present.
French immigration abroad
Great article on French immigration with reading and speaking activities to see immigration on another point of view.
40% des Français travaillant à l’étranger ne veulent plus revenir vivre en France
Le superlatif
Speaking or writing activity.
Le subjonctif
Worksheet to explain and practise the subjunctive mood.
Le tourisme en France affecté par le temps (le patrimoine)
Series of articles on tourism in France and how the weather may affect it. Good for A-level studies on heritage/tourism to prompt discussion.
Les qualités professionnelles
Great vocab activity to spot patterns to be able to change word category.
Les ados, le droit de vote et l'engagement politique - ado motivés ou non, le droit de vote à 16 ans
Powerpoint presentation used to have students reflect on if young people should be granted the right to vote at 16 and talk about the absentation rate among young people. This presentation is design to work along the Oxford textbook AQA French Year 2 but can used independently. (“pour ou contre le droit de vote” and “Les ados et l’engagement politique - motivés ou démotivés?”) Reading, listening, writing, translation, speaking exercises. Worth 4/5 hours of lessons (29 slides)
Les ados, le droit de vote et l'engagement politique - assessment
Assessment with translations, open writing and questions on the political life in France. Great for an end of unit test.
L'importance du titre du film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation/lesson on “Analysez l’importance du film Au Revoir Les Enfants” The presentation contains many questions to develop students’ ideas and key points to develop and analyse this topic. Also, it prompts students to organise ideas in a well-structured essay.
La représentation de la collaboration dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation to foster students’ thinking on the topic of collaboration in the film Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle. The presentation contains a wealth of ideas and discussions to prompt students’ reflexion and have them come up with an essay plan.
L'importance des personnages secondaires dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation/lesson with key questions, ideas, scenes, quotes on the topic of secondary characters in Au Revoir Les Enfants of Louis Malle.
La représentation de la Résistance dans Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation/lesson/ideas on the topic of Resistance in the film. Lots of ideas, key scenes and quotes about the topic so that students should be able to come up with an essay plan by the end.
French idioms for A-level (les expressions idiomatiques)
3 different activities to push Year12/13 (A-level) students to use idiom to raise their levels in their speaking or writing. Students have to work on a range of useful idioms, finding their meaning and using them in writing and speaking.