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Coronavirus / COVID-19 - listening, reading, grammar and writing exercises

Coronavirus / COVID-19 - listening, reading, grammar and writing exercises

Activities on the coronavirus pandemic based on authentic material with the answer key. Available in PDF and Microsoft word formats. It contains the following exercises: listening / reading comprehension on 5 key questions about the virus speaking / writing task reading/vocab task on zoonotic diseases translations on advice to keep safe grammar work - transforming sentences into the subjunctive mood (can be adapted by switching subjunctive with “il est important de…” or other similar structures) GCSE writing task - 130 - 150 words on the situation This can be used for GCSE (topics: health or environment) and the International Baccalaureate (IB)
ICT project - my town/holiday - GCSE

ICT project - my town/holiday - GCSE

Great online project to do in class time or as homework for student to use all the vocab from “My Town” unit in GCSE. Could be linked with the topic of holiday too. Students have to plan an exchange in France and have to go through a series of 10 questions to build up their project. They can present it to the class, send it online or print it. Excellent for independent learning and cultural knowledge as they have to research information on a French town.
Battleship with verbs

Battleship with verbs

Battleship with verbs, great to engage students and develop speaking. Initially used for work on Passé Composé but can be used with any tense. -ER, -IR, -RE verbs.
Où je vais pendant la semaine (verbe aller + lieux)

Où je vais pendant la semaine (verbe aller + lieux)

Worksheet to introduce the verb ALLER in the context of town and leisure. reading vocab search verb conjugation and translation places of the town word search grammar activity on how to say “to the” in French writing task based on the reading