
Paris - informations
Worksheet on Paris to find information about the city and recognize its main landmarks.

UEFA Euro 2012 text + building opinion L4 to 6
Worksheet with texts and activities designed to build on opinion with reason from level 3 to up to level 6.

UEFA Euro 2012 text + building opinion L4 to 5
Worksheet with two texts and activities design to build on opinion reaching level 4 to 5.
KS3, year 7 or 8.

UEFA Euro 2012 - Text and activities on racism
Text on the issue of racism in the Euro 2012. Activities enclosed. Designed to reach level 3 up to level 7.

Coronavirus / COVID-19 - listening, reading, grammar and writing exercises
Activities on the coronavirus pandemic based on authentic material with the answer key. Available in PDF and Microsoft word formats.
It contains the following exercises:
listening / reading comprehension on 5 key questions about the virus
speaking / writing task
reading/vocab task on zoonotic diseases
translations on advice to keep safe
grammar work - transforming sentences into the subjunctive mood (can be adapted by switching subjunctive with “il est important de…” or other similar structures)
GCSE writing task - 130 - 150 words on the situation
This can be used for GCSE (topics: health or environment) and the International Baccalaureate (IB)

UEFA Euro 2012 - ICT task (level 5 to 7)
Worksheet to guide pupils in the making of a powerpoint presentation about the UEFA Euro 2012. Excellent to develop ICT skills.

Direct and indirect pronouns devinettes
Students have to guess possible nouns that are replaced by direct and indirect pronouns. Great to make them reflect and see their use in context.

ICT project - my town/holiday - GCSE
Great online project to do in class time or as homework for student to use all the vocab from “My Town” unit in GCSE. Could be linked with the topic of holiday too. Students have to plan an exchange in France and have to go through a series of 10 questions to build up their project. They can present it to the class, send it online or print it. Excellent for independent learning and cultural knowledge as they have to research information on a French town.

Mes projets de Saint-Valentin (le futur simple)
Lesson to revise the future tense in the context of Valentine’s Day.

French connectives - les connecteurs
Useful sheet with the main connectives. Great for GCSE and A-level students.

Le futur simple - chanson "La semaine prochaine" de Marc Lavoine
Gap fill activity on song “La semaine prochaine” Great for culture and revise simple future tense.

Feedback and fact sheets for A-level French speaking exam
Essential facts and research about each A-level topics for the speaking exam. Very efficient!
Feedback sheet for A-level French speaking exam.

Battleship with verbs
Battleship with verbs, great to engage students and develop speaking. Initially used for work on Passé Composé but can be used with any tense. -ER, -IR, -RE verbs.

Le tourisme en France affecté par le temps (le patrimoine)
Series of articles on tourism in France and how the weather may affect it. Good for A-level studies on heritage/tourism to prompt discussion.

Les qualités professionnelles
Great vocab activity to spot patterns to be able to change word category.

Où je vais pendant la semaine (verbe aller + lieux)
Worksheet to introduce the verb ALLER in the context of town and leisure.
vocab search
verb conjugation and translation
places of the town word search
grammar activity on how to say “to the” in French
writing task based on the reading

Les ados, le droit de vote et l'engagement politique - introduction
Powerpoint presentation to introduce students with the main facts they need to know about the French political system. Then it prompts them into presenting about the main political parties with specific guidelines.

La politique et l’immigration - introduction (unit 12 - A-level)
Introductory lesson on Unit 12 (la politique et l’immigration) with some statistics and facts. Then it prompts students to prepare presentations on each main political party’s programme for immigration.