World languages
Cryptogram halloween - reading and writing, present and near future
Great settling activity that pushes literacy in French by having students spell words properly, read and translate a text, judge it and write a reply. This has worked very well with my wildest students! Used it for Year 7 and Y8 students, can be adapted to include past tense. Answer is provided.
Chanson "Mercy" - Madame Monsieur (la politique d'immigration)
Lesson based on the song “Mercy” (Madame Monsieur) to talk about the immigration policies and personal stories. This lesson is designed to push speaking skills but questions can be used for writing productions.
La comparaison passé et présent - speaking (use of imperfect vs present)
Speaking activity to use comparison orally between imperfect tense and present.
Quiz Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle -with answers and reflection + creative parts
Quiz with 15 questions to check students’ knowledge of key facts of the film. Answers are included. There is also a reflection’s section and a creative section for students to push their knowledge.
Traduction Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle - avec corrections et markscheme
Translation (149 words) from English to French on the topic of Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle with corrections and markscheme.
La routine de Kylian Mbappé - les verbes réfléchis/pronominaux
Reading comprehension about Kylian Mbappé’s routine to teach reflexive verbs. It contains short achievable and differentiated activities: vocab search, true or false, regular -ER reflexive verb conjugations, match up, quick translations and a short writing to finish with. Ideal for beginners.
Answers are provided.
Erreurs principales d'essai à corriger sur Au Revoir les Enfants de Louis Malle
5-page long worksheet designed to make students reflect on the main mistakes found in essays on the film Au Revoir les Enfants of Louis Malle and correct them. Students have to explain why some options are wrong. They can do it in pairs too. Corrections are included.
Essai "Pour beaucoup de critiques, La Haine est un chef d’œuvre du cinéma."
Examplar essay on La Haine by Matthieu Kassovitz on the title: Pour beaucoup de critiques, La Haine est un chef d’œuvre du cinéma. Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec ce jugement? Students must assess it.
IB DP French B - oral card description (expérience)
Example of an oral card description for students with activities to assess it on the topic of experience (travelling, tourism)
Les loisirs des Français - listening and speaking activity
Listening activity based on a video on leisure and French people. Prompts for discussion.
Les différences entre le système scolaire français et britannique
Les différences entre le système scolaire français et britannique - worksheet to search independently differences between the French and British system and to develop opinion with a range of vocab and structures.
La criminalité: la délinquance juvénile - chanson "Petit Frère" de I AM
Work on youth crime from the song “Petit Frère” (easily found on youtube) Several exercises:
Fill in the gaps
True or false
Discussion questions
Summary (exam style)
How to get an A* in KS3 - KS5 French exams
KS3 - KS5 phrases d'opinion, connecteurs, negations, adverbs de fréquence, pronoms et phrases pour exprimer ses emotions (GCSE/IGCSE/A-level)
Worksheet / test on possessive and demonstrative adjectives
Included gap fill, match up and translation.
La France bénévole - statistiques, résumé et questions d'oral
Worksheet to give student essential facts about volunteering in France. From this, students have to do an exam type summary and have some questions to answer (either in writing or speaking) to practise for the speaking exam (the card part)
Les vacances - questions dans tous les temps
Les vacances - questions dans tous les temps à préparer à l’écrit ou à l’oral pour l’unité GCSE “Holidays”
Le 7ème art: Marion Cotillard
Lesson on Marion Cotillard including a reading from the A-level Year 1 Oxford University Press, a listening activity drawn from a France 24 interview, some short clips of the actress and a speaking in the end. Ideal to work on a successful example of a famous contemporary French actor.
L'immigration des Français à l'étranger
Range of written resources on the immigration of French people abroad with follow up questions (for discussion)
De plus en plus de Français partent étudier à l’étranger
De plus en plus de Français partent vivre à l’étranger
Quelques citations sur l’étranger…
L’invitation au voyage de Baudelaire
Essay writing assessment 2 - Au Revoir Les Enfants - Louis Malle
assessment sheet to prompt student to use a range of structures in their essays
feedback sheet with grading criterias.