Get this resource as part of our great value Crossnumber Bundle!
Engage your students with this crossnumber on converting between different units of length. Students solve the interleaved questions and use their answers to complete the crossnumber. Extend the thinking of those who complete the questions by getting them to write a new set of questions - a considerable skill!
Full instructions, ideas for support, and a solution are provided in the resource - what more could you need?
Try a resource like this for free!
This bingo game on multipliers would make a great starter for lessons on percentage increase and decrease, compound percentages and original value problems. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson.
No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn!
Get this resource as part of our great value Number Bingo Bundle
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This bingo game on halving would make a great starter for lessons on any kind of mental and written calculations. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson.
No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn!
Get this resource as part of our great value Number Bingo Bundle
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Promote independent thinking and problem solving strategies with this resource on equations of straight lines. Pupils must use their mathematical knowledge along with the clues provided to solve the 'mystery'.
Full instructions, ideas for support and extension, and a solution are provided in the resource - what more could you need?
Get this resource as part of our great value Mysteries Bundle
Try a resource like this for free!
This bingo game on basic index rules would make a great starter for lessons on harder simplifying questions and evaluating fractional and negative indices. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson.
No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn!
Get this resource as part of our great value Algebra and Shape Bingo Bundle
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A calculated colouring activity in which students create their own Christmas card featuring a jazzy Christmas jumper! Students have to answer the questions on area of circles in order to reveal the colours to shade the jumper. They can then add their own greeting to the front and the inside of the card.
This makes a great task for the end of term and gives the students a nice card to take home, with all the maths on the back of the card for them to show off!
The resource includes full instructions, a clear solution and ideas for how to extend students who finish. It can easily be made into a full lesson by combining it with other resources from our Christmas bundle.
Get this resource as part of our great value Christmas Maths Bundle
See if your students can reveal the identity of the secret admirer by working with distance, speed and time!
Put your students' problem-solving abilities to the test by asking them to solve this mystery using the clues provided. This activity is super-engaging and great for developing resilience and independent learning.
Full instructions, ideas for support & extension and a solution are provided in the resource. What more could you need?
Try a resource like this for free!
See if your students can make sure everyone has a date for Valentine's day using a systematic approach to matching!
Put your students' problem-solving abilities to the test by asking them to solve this mystery using the clues provided. This activity is super-engaging, and great for developing resilience and independent learning.
Full instructions, ideas for support & extension and a solution are provided in the resource. What more could you need?
Try a resource like this for free!
Get all of these calculated colouring activities PLUS three cards games, a mathematical mystery and a Christmas treasure hunt in our Christmas Maths Bundle - outstanding value at only £6.00!
All of our Christmas calculated colouring activities in one great value bundle!
You’ll get nine calculated colouring activities in which students create their own Christmas card featuring a jazzy Christmas jumper!
Students have to answer the questions to reveal the colours to shade the jumpers. They can then add their own greeting to the front and the inside of the cards.
These makes a great task for the end of term and gives the students a nice card to take home, with all the maths on the back of the card for them to show off!
Each resource includes full instructions, a clear solution and ideas for how to extend students who finish. They can easily be made into a full lesson by combining them with other resources from our Christmas Maths Bundle.
This bingo game on simplifying surds would make a great starter for lessons on rationalising the denominator, expanding brackets with surds and leaving answers in surd form. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson.
No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn!
Get this resource as part of our great value Number Bingo Bundle
Try a resource like this for free!
Get this resource as part of our great value Christmas Maths Bundle!
16 cards featuring festive characters
Students will have to evaluate a calculation to decide which category to challenge their partner with
The student with the highest scoring category wins their opponent’s card for their collection
This activity is sure to engage all your classes this Christmas and make a great starter. You can extend it to a whole lesson using the blank cards provided and asking students to make up their own questions.
There are sure to be lots of discussions about whether turkey is better than Christmas pudding, but they’ll be doing lots of maths too!
All of our Christmas resources in one great value bundle!
The bundle includes everything you could need for the last days of term:
9 calculated colouring activities
3 card games
a mathematical mystery
a treasure hunt
Look at the individual listings for more information.
All the resources include full instructions and solutions so they really are fuss-free.
One of our great value bingo bundles!
Download a free sample resource!
These bingo games make brilliant no-fuss starters which will engage your class from the get-go. The games require no printing and come with full instructions and answers.
These bingo games also make great revision resources, why not use one a week with year 11. Or they could be used as numeracy activities in form time.
Test your pupils' knowledge of area formulae with this set of snap cards. There are 20 cards featuring pictures of shapes, their names and their area formulae. The cards can be used to play traditional snap or a number of other match and memory games (all variations are explained in the resource).
You'll get full instructions, ideas for support and extension, and extra challenge questions - everything you need for a great lesson!
Get this resource as part of our great value Snap Cards Bundle
Try a resource like this for free!
All of our mystery resources in one great value bundle!
Download a free sample resource!
Mysteries are a great way to incorporate problem solving into your lessons. Pupils will have to use the clues provided to solve the mysteries which range from figuring out if a deadly virus can be stopped to working out whether or not a penguin will sink in the snow!
The resources are really easy to use with minimal printing, full instructions and solutions.
One of our great value bingo bundles!
Download a free sample resource!
These bingo games make brilliant no-fuss starters which will engage your class from the get-go. The games require no printing and come with full instructions and answers.
These bingo games also make great revision resources, why not use one a week with year 11. Or they could be used as numeracy activities in form time.
Promote independent thinking and problem solving strategies with this resource on angles in polygons. Pupils must use their mathematical knowledge along with the clues provided to solve the 'mystery'.
Pupil will have to use exterior angles to work out the number of sides a regular shape has. They will have to work out the exterior angle from the interior angle. They will also have to use the formula for the sum of interior angles.
Full instructions, ideas for support and extension, and a solution are provided in the resource - what more could you need?
Get this resource as part of our great value Mysteries Bundle
Try a resource like this for free!
All of our algebra target tables in one great value bundle!
Download a free sample resource!
Target tables are perfect to use as a main activity. Pupils have to reach a target score, set by you, by answering questions from the table. The questions are differentiated, with different point values, so pupils can choose their own difficulty level.
These resources require no printing and come with full solutions, they really are fuss-free!
Engage your students with this spooky mystery on upper and lower bounds. Students need to use the 12 clues to work out whether or not the witches cauldron will overflow. To do this they will have to work out upper and lower bounds and convert between ml and litres.
Mystery activities like this are a great way to develop problem solving skills. The resource can be used in a variety of ways and includes full instructions, a worked solution and ideas for support and extension.
Get this resource as part of our great value Mysteries Bundle
Try a resource like this for free!
Test your pupils' knowledge of adding algebraic fractions in a motivating and engaging way with this differentiated target table. The aim is to reach a target score, set by you, by answering questions from the table. The questions are differentiated, with different point values, so pupils can choose their own difficulty level.
The easiest questions have a numerical denominator and a single term numerator. The hardest questions have a binomial denominator. In all the questions students will have to first get a common denominator before adding or subtracting.
This resource is designed in line with the new curriculum for 2017 and would be ideal for a higher group.
You'll get full instructions, answers and a thoughtfully differentiated resource - everything you need for a great lesson!
Get this resource as part of our great value Algebra Target Tables Bundle
Try a resource like this for free!