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Simply Effective Education

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High quality, great value & complete resources. Need to get in touch? Please email: help@simplyeffectiveeducation.co.uk




High quality, great value & complete resources. Need to get in touch? Please email: help@simplyeffectiveeducation.co.uk
Equivalent Fractions (Snap Cards)

Equivalent Fractions (Snap Cards)

Test your pupils' ability to recognise equivalent fractions with this set of snap cards. There are 20 cards featuring diagrams and various equivalent fractions. The cards can be used to play traditional snap or a number of other match and memory games (all variations are explained in the resource). You'll get full instructions, ideas for support and extension, and extra challenge questions - everything you need for a great lesson! Get this resource as part of our great value Snap Cards Bundle Try a resource like this for free!
Histograms (Bingo)

Histograms (Bingo)

This bingo game on calculating frequency density would make a great starter for lessons on interpreting histograms. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson. No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn! Try a resource like this for free!
Probability (Bingo)

Probability (Bingo)

This bingo game on basic probability would make a great starter for lessons on probability of multiple events and harder probability questions. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson. No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn! Get this resource as part of our great value Algebra and Shape Bingo Bundle Try a resource like this for free!
Next Term (Bingo)

Next Term (Bingo)

This bingo game on finding the next term would make a great starter for lessons on finding the nth term of a sequence or generating sequences from writtten rules. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson. No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn! Get this resource as part of our great value Algebra and Shape Bingo Bundle Try a resource like this for free!
Trig Values (Snap Cards)

Trig Values (Snap Cards)

Test your pupils' knowledge of trig values with this set of snap cards. There are 20 cards featuring pictures of triangles and the sine and cosine values. The cards can be used to play traditional snap or a number of variations. You'll get full instructions, ideas for support and extension, and extra challenge questions - everything you need for a great lesson! Get this resource as part of our great value Snap Cards Bundle Try a resource like this for free!
Vector Arithmetic (Bingo)

Vector Arithmetic (Bingo)

This bingo game on vector arithmetic would make a great starter for lessons on solving harder vector problems such as showing vectors are parallel. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson. No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn! Get this resource as part of our great value Algebra and Shape Bingo Bundle Try a resource like this for free!
Mixed Numbers (Bingo)

Mixed Numbers (Bingo)

This bingo game on converting mixed numbers would make a great starter for lessons on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing mixed numbers. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson. No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn! Get this resource as part of our great value Number Bingo Bundle Try a resource like this for free!
Substitution with Negatives (Bingo)

Substitution with Negatives (Bingo)

This bingo game on substitution would make a great starter for lessons on solving linear equations, plotting linear graphs and generating sequences from the nth term. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson. No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn! Get this resource as part of our great value Algebra and Shape Bingo Bundle Try a resource like this for free!
Recursive Formulae (Bingo)

Recursive Formulae (Bingo)

This bingo game on recursive formulae would make a great starter for lessons on iteration and trial and improvement. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson. No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn! Get this resource as part of our great value Algebra and Shape Bingo Bundle Try a resource like this for free!
Substitution Squaring Negatives (Bingo)

Substitution Squaring Negatives (Bingo)

This bingo game on substitution would make a great starter for lessons on plotting quadratic graphs and generating quadratic sequences from the nth term. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson. No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn! Get this resource as part of our great value Algebra and Shape Bingo Bundle Try a resource like this for free!
Evaluating Trigonometry Functions (Bingo)

Evaluating Trigonometry Functions (Bingo)

This bingo game on finding trig values from a calculator would make a great starter for lessons on solving trig problems using the ratios, or the sine and cosine rules. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson. No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn! Get this resource as part of our great value Algebra and Shape Bingo Bundle Try a resource like this for free!
Pythagoras (Bingo)

Pythagoras (Bingo)

This bingo game on Pythagoras would make a great starter for lessons on harder Pythagoras questions such as those where the hypotenuse is given and those set in a context. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson. No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn! Get this resource as part of our great value Algebra and Shape Bingo Bundle Try a resource like this for free!
Substitution (Bingo)

Substitution (Bingo)

This bingo game on substitution would make a great starter for lessons on direct and inverse proportion formulae. Use a mastery approach and make sure your students have the prior knowledge in place to access your lesson. No printing, copying or fussing - just a great starter to engage your students and get them ready to learn! Get this resource as part of our great value Algebra and Shape Bingo Bundle Try a resource like this for free!
Wimbledon Number Revision Lesson

Wimbledon Number Revision Lesson

These resources can be used as an end of term lesson themed around Wimbledon. Starter A catchphrase-style game which covers fractions, percentages and ratio. Main A mystery activity based around the amount of prize money given out at Wimbledon. The mystery involves fractions, percentages and ratio and will also require some problem solving. The resources are ideal for KS3 and foundation KS4, but may also work well as a revision activity for higher students. Instructions and solutions are included.
Expressions (Higher) Mastery Assessment

Expressions (Higher) Mastery Assessment

An end of topic assessment on expressions, suitable for a GCSE Higher class. Written for the new 9-1 spec. The assessment covers: expanding and factorising into one bracket expanding and factorising quadratics expanding the product of three binomials simplifying algebraic fractions application to geometric questions The resource comes with worked solutions, making it easy for you or your students to mark. Also included is a follow-up resource which contains questions for strengthening understanding, as well as extending it. This supports a mastery style of teaching - if students do not demonstrate full understanding they're given more support before moving on to a new topic. If students have fully understood, they complete extension work.
Non-Calculator Arithmetic Mastery Assessment

Non-Calculator Arithmetic Mastery Assessment

An end of topic assessment on non-calculator arithmetic, suitable for a GCSE Foundation class (or a Higher class who need to practise this topic). Written for the new 9-1 spec. The assessment covers: all four operations on integers dividing with a remainder bank statements multi-step worded questions multiplying decimals The resource comes with worked solutions, making it easy for you or your students to mark. Also included is a follow-up resource which contains questions for strengthening understanding, as well as extending it. This supports a mastery style of teaching - if students do not demonstrate full understanding they're given more support before moving on to a new topic. If students have fully understood, they complete extension work.
Evaluating Functions (Differentiated Questions)

Evaluating Functions (Differentiated Questions)

A set of differentiated questions on evaluating functions. There are three levels of difficulty: substituting a value into a function (mild) substituting an expression into a function (spicy) substituting a binomial expression into a quadratic function (extra hot) The resource includes a 'check-in' question. This can be attempted on mini-whiteboards to give you and the students an idea of how well they understand the topic. The feedback from the question will help students to choose which set of questions to answer, and will tell you who needs extra support. Full solutions are included, making it easy for you or your students to mark.
Solving Equations with Functions (Differentiated Questions)

Solving Equations with Functions (Differentiated Questions)

A set of differentiated questions on solving equations with functions. Students will need prior knowledge of solving linear and quadratic equations, as well as substituting expressions into a function. There are three levels of difficulty: mild questions, such as: f(x) = 5x + 1, solve f(x) = 2 spicy questions, such as: f(x) = 5x + 1, solve f(x + 1) = 2 extra hot questions, such as: f(x) = 5x + 1, g(x) = 2x, solve f(x + 1) = g(3x) The resource includes a 'check-in' question. This can be attempted on mini-whiteboards to give you and the students an idea of how well they understand the topic. The feedback from the question will help students to choose which set of questions to answer, and will tell you who needs extra support. Full solutions are included, making it easy for you or your students to mark.
Percentages Mastery Assessment

Percentages Mastery Assessment

An end of topic assessment on percentages, suitable for a GCSE Foundation class or a weaker Higher class. Written for the new 9-1 spec. The assessment covers: calculating percentages of amounts percentage increase and decrease writing one quantity as a percentage of another original value problems repeated percentage change worded and geometric problems The resource comes with worked solutions, making it easy for you or your students to mark. Also included is a follow-up resource which contains questions for strengthening understanding, as well as extending it. This supports a mastery style of teaching - if students do not demonstrate full understanding they're given more support before moving on to a new topic. If students have fully understood, they complete extension work.
Christmas Calculated Colouring (Rounding)

Christmas Calculated Colouring (Rounding)

A calculated colouring activity in which students create their own Christmas card featuring a jazzy Christmas jumper! Students have to answer the questions in order to reveal the colours to shade the jumper. The questions involve rounding numbers using both decimal places and significant figures. Once complete and coloured in they can add their own greeting to the front and the inside of the card. This makes a great task for the end of term and gives the students a nice card to take home, with all the maths on the back of the card for them to show off! The resource includes full instructions, a clear solution and ideas for how to extend students who finish. It can easily be made into a full lesson by combining it with other resources from our Christmas bundle. Get this resource as part of our great value Christmas Maths Bundle