
This 35 page document contains all 333 past exam questions from the A Level Business & Economics Spec (2009) to the current Edexcel Economics B Spec.
Questions are fully mapped to the Specification.
Students can use the document for revision and independent study (my students love this document).
Teachers can use the document to plan class questions, homeworks or assessments.
Some questions from the old Spec have been amended to fit current Spec and provide more practice for students.

5 Assemblies on the Theme of VALUES
*Please be aware this resource was last updated in 2018
FIVE ‘Ready-to-go’ resources on the themes of:
Making Good Choices
Finding Purpose
Each is very straightforward to follow, is engaging and has been tried and tested with good response.

Assembly: Stewardship - The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Please be aware, this resource was last updated in 2018
A values-based Assembly or Lesson resource on Stewardship of the World through the example of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Would be suitable for Key Stages 2 to 4.
information on the issue and its location
how we got to the situation we are in and how the rubbish got their in the first place
what is being done about it around the world
a short video clip to consolidate
what can we do about it?
The slides are clear and easy to follow.
Depending on your time-slot for Assembly, this material will cover 15 to 30 minutes.

Lesson: Introduction to Behavioural Economics
Please be aware, this resource was last updated in 2018
An introduction to Behavioural Econ through experiments, theorists and research.
i designed this for my Y12 groups for their return from Study Leave, to be delivered in that strange world between Y12 and Y13. I needed to engage them quickly so put together this set of lessons.
There is enough material to cover either 3 or 4 lessons. It took my groups and I three lessons just to get through the content on the PowerPoint as they really enjoyed the discussion and the introduction of new material and terminology. I then organised the groups for the presentation activity at the end of the 4th lesson.
recap of the Law of Demand
introduction to the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility through the wonder of Bruce Bogtrotter, Miss Trunchbull and a touch of Homer Simpson’s donuts.
the rational consumer v the irrational consumer
EXPERIMENT 1 Based on the Dictator experiment with clear instructions and application of theory
EXPERIMENT 2 based on ‘anchoring’ through the auctioning of products such as Keynes’ book and an illuminating alarm clock
EXPERIMENT/RESEARCH 3 based on ‘nudges’. Students consider how effective nudges are, particularly around school.
there are various opportunities for note-taking and discussion
Is money fungible? (Richard Thaler)
A short Dan Ariely clip - are we in control of our decisions, plus an activity to bring concepts together.
the worksheet that I used for the activity that includes a walk around the school site
It is entirely up to you and the needs of your students, as this resource is completely flexible.

Lesson: Monopolistic Competition
Please be aware that this resource was last updated in 2018
Suitable for all A Level Economics Specifications.
40 fully adaptable slides
theory, characteristics and assumptions of Monopolistic Competition
step by step coverage of assumptions and characteristics with examples
application of concept to example scenarios
step by step instructions for construction of: SR and LR Monopolistic Competition diagrams, plus step by step guidance and application of Allocative and Productive Efficiency
summary activity comparing Perfect Competition and Monopolistic Competition.

A Level Economics- Revision/Retrieval Board Game
****Join Milton, Elinor, Maynard and Friedrich, your Animal Spirit Guides, as they undertake a perilous journey. (AKA: is your subject knowledge good enough?! Along the way you will encounter Bulls and Tigers and Bears…oh my! But, worst of all, you may see (or not see!) the Invisible Hand…that is never good news. Join us my friends, for the night is dark and full of animals…
**It is a IDEAL for revision or retrieval practice or for assessing understanding at the end of a topic **
This board game comes complete with:
Game Board
Instructions for Preparation
Instructions for Teachers
Rules for Players
Questions Place Mat
Tiger Challenge ‘Scribble Sheet’
Animal Spirit Guides – template for Playing Pieces
Additional images of ‘animals’
A full topic set of 84 question cards (Economic Methodology and the Economic Problem) as an introductory offer.
Although the set of questions included is based on Section 1 of the AQA A Level Economics Specification - Economic Methodology and the Economic Problem, it would suit all other Specifications. You could even use it for GCSE by removing a few cards.
Best wishes.