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Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology. Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D misskwaddington@outlook.com if you have any issues or requests :D




Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology. Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D misskwaddington@outlook.com if you have any issues or requests :D
L15: Youth Justice System

L15: Youth Justice System

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 15: The Youth Justice system is covered via students completing a worksheet, video clips are then used to provide a deeper understanding of the Youth Court and The Youth Offending Teams. Students then read through 3 case studies and decide what each aspect of the Youth Justice system could do for the individual. Finish with comprehension questions. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L14: Parole

L14: Parole

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 14: Looks at the role of the Parole Board, information given for students to learn about the different aspects. Students then watch one episode of Parole on BBC Iplayer and decide on the outcome of the two offenders before showing them the outcome. Final task is a case study with comprehension activities. Will need an Iplayer log on for it. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L13: Prison (and Prison Reform)

L13: Prison (and Prison Reform)

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 13: Planned for a double lesson (2 hours). Careers link to working within prison to start, complete a worksheet on prison, extension tasks and video clips to allow for a deeper understanding. Students then complete comprehension questions that are exam style questions. There is green pen improvement time and answers provided. Students then use the Prison reform website to complete a worksheet- if you only want a single lesson, this can be given as homework (or suitable for cover). I have a laptop trolley so this is my extension for the double lesson. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L12: How do we deal with those who commit crime

L12: How do we deal with those who commit crime

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 12: Looks at the purpose of sentencing criminals (punishment, deterrence, rehabilitation, protection and reparation). Students completed a worksheet, and complete a series of comprehension questions to demonstrate their understanding. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L11: Factors affecting crime rates.

L11: Factors affecting crime rates.

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 11: Looks at what factors affect crime rates. Students consider the stereotypes of criminals, consider individualistic vs collectivist views on crime and use a resource sheet to answer comprehension questions Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L8: Juries/ Jury duty

L8: Juries/ Jury duty

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 8: Looks at Jury selection. From what a Jury summons is, to the role and expectations of a Jury. It also looks at the advantages and disadvantages of jury trials. The class are then split into teams of 12 and take on the role of a jury member, they select who they want to be and have to provide reasons as to why they are disregarding 8 of the selection. They are given an “evidence” file and they have to reach a unanimous decision on if the defendant is guilty or not. Students then complete a write up task to reflect on the jury process. When taught, this took me a double lesson (2 hours) rather than the 1 hour I had planned, simply because my class are very keen and had a lot of debates in the simulation task. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L9/10: The Nature of Criminality

L9/10: The Nature of Criminality

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 9/10: The nature of criminality in the UK I have put together these two lessons as Lesson 9 requires IT. There is a small amount of input on recorded crime statistics and the issues with them, students then research the current picture of crime in the UK. They can do this by sharing the worksheet electronically and students populate it using the link. Equally they could hand write it. Lesson 10 is not essential, however, it is a good contrast to the Summer riots of 2024. This lesson focuses on a documentary about the UK riots of 2011, students then write a report on the reasons for it starting. I have them start this in lesson, and finish as homework. If this was all completed in lesson, there is over 3 hours of learning in this bundle. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L7: The roles of the judiciary

L7: The roles of the judiciary

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 7: The roles of the judiciary An overview of crown and magistrate courts. Students complete an overview of the different roles within court, and the main task looks at the difference between a magistrate and judges. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L6: The Criminal Prosecution Service [CPS]

L6: The Criminal Prosecution Service [CPS]

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. **Lesson 6: The CPS ** The lesson looks at a break down on the role of the CPS and why they were introduced. It also encourages students to consider why it is criticised. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L5 The Role of the Police

L5 The Role of the Police

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 5: The role of the police Whilst this is planned for GCSE, it would be suitable for PSHE/Careers based lesson, as I use this as an opportunity to embed careers. The lesson looks at the different routes into the Police, followed by an overview of the Police Comissioner and a hierarchy of the different roles within the police force. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L4: The age of Criminal Responsibility

L4: The age of Criminal Responsibility

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 4: The Age of Criminal Responsibility Looking at the difference in ages of criminal responsibility across the UK, and a consideration of the reasons for Scotland’s increase. The lesson includes a documentary on Jamie Bulger, which students write a report about. If this is watched, this lesson could be stretched over 3 lessons. I however teach this over a double and make the report a homework task. Depends on your curriculum time. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L3: Global Differences in Law

L3: Global Differences in Law

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 3: Global Differences in law Looking at the differences in laws globally. There is a deep study into Human Rights and considering countries such as Poland and Norway and their different approaches to laws/life. The european arrest warrant is covered briefly, and the main contrasts studied are gun laws and the death penalty. If the documentary is watched at the end, the lesson would be over 2 hours long Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L2: Rights & Laws overtime

L2: Rights & Laws overtime

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 2: Rights & Laws over time Looking at the importance of law, police and courts. Input on Statute law (Common vs civil law), Magna Carta and looking at specific examples of laws that have changed over time including LGBTQ rights & the introduction of the Equality Act. Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
L1: Fundamental Principles of Law

L1: Fundamental Principles of Law

AQA GCSE Citizenship- Topic 2- Rights & Responsibilities. Lessons are planned to be delivered by non-specialists, they do not require any textbooks. Lessons are planned for 60 minutes unless stated in the description below. They incorporate a retrieval grid, teacher input, and a practice task that links to either direct exam questions, or practicing an exam based skill. Lesson 1: Fundamental Principles of Law [will take a double lesson if you do the shipwreck task] Retrieval grid links to last lessons from Life in Modern Britain. Lesson starts with an activity where students consider life on Island where there are no rules and they debate how their society will operate. Lesson looks at rules, law, The rule of law, presumption of innocence looking at those accused of sexual offences and their “right” to anonymity (or not) using Jimmy Saville and Cliff Richard as examples. The lesson also considers Foreign National Offenders and uses the example of Abu Qatada Bundle: Life in Modern Britain https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889 Bundle: Rights & Responsibilities [to be uploaded in Jan 2025]
Life in Modern Britain EOU Revision

Life in Modern Britain EOU Revision

GCSE AQA Citizenship End of Unit Homework booklet I print the Student copy version as a booklet, which is completely adaptable, I then use the teacher copy for students to mark their homework before we sit the June 2021 past paper for the remainder of the lesson. If you download please review. Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
GCSE Citizenship- Life in Modern Britain

GCSE Citizenship- Life in Modern Britain

16 Resources
Complete Unit: AQA GCSE Citizenship topic Life in Modern Britain. It can be easily adapted to suit other exam boards, or used as part of a PSHE curriculum. All lessons are planned suitable for a non-specialist delivery, do not refer to textbooks and have plenty of exam practice embedded. Please review if you purchase
19. Making a Change (Active Citizenship)

19. Making a Change (Active Citizenship)

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. Making a change. Looking at case studies that link to active citizenship. This lesson looks at Marcus Rashford, Justice for Hillsborough and Fathers4Justice. This is the final lesson in this unit. Students will then sit a past paper Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
18. NGOs

18. NGOs

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. NGOs- Oxfam, The Red Cross/Crescent, specific work in Syria and a debate question on UK spending on foreign aid with peer assessment and teacher model Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
17. International Disputes- Sanction and Force

17. International Disputes- Sanction and Force

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. International Disputes- Sanctions and Force. Lesson looks at the Iraq war, The Chilcot Enquiry, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889
16. International Disputes- Mediation

16. International Disputes- Mediation

Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements. Life in Modern Britain. International Disputes. Lesson heavily focusses on “The Troubles” and the Good Friday agreement Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/life-in-modern-britain-13094889