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Science teacher here to share concise and detailed resources! I have been tutoring/teaching for 5+ years and worked as a content creator for various online education sites including MyVideoTutor & Oxbridge Learning




Science teacher here to share concise and detailed resources! I have been tutoring/teaching for 5+ years and worked as a content creator for various online education sites including MyVideoTutor & Oxbridge Learning
GCSE Biology - Adaptations

GCSE Biology - Adaptations

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Adaptations A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Types of Adaptations (Structural, behavioural & functional) Adaptations in animals (Polar bear, artic fox, camels) Adaptations in plants (Marram grass, cactus) Extremophiles (Bacteria in deep sea vents and other examples) Exam Practise Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: Save with the Unit 7 Lessons BUNDLE 1 - Intro to Ecology 2 - Ada 3 - Food Chains & Predator Prey Cycles 4 - Trophic Levels & Pyramids of Biomass 5 - Quadrats & Transects 6 - The Carbon & Water Cycles 7 - Decay 8 - Biodiveristy & Waste Management 9 - Land Use & Deforestation 10 - Global Warming & Maintaining Biodiveristy 11 - Food Security, Farming & Fishing 12 - Biotechnology Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology
GCSE Biology - Communicable Diseases

GCSE Biology - Communicable Diseases

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Communicable Diseases A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Different types of pathogens How diseases are spread and prevented Viral Diseases (HIV, Measels & TMV) Bacterial Diseases (Salmonella & Gonorrhoea) Funal Diseases (Rose Black Spot) Protist Diseases (Malaria) Exam Practise Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: 1 - Communicable Diseases 2 - The Immune System 3 - Vaccines 4 - Antibiotics & Drugs 5 - Monoclonal Antibodies 6 - Plant Disease & Defence Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology
GCSE Biology - The Nervous System & Brain

GCSE Biology - The Nervous System & Brain

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on The Nervous System & The Brain A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Structure of the Nervous System CNS vs. PNS The role of motor, relay and sensory neurones Electrical nerve impulses Synapses & Neurotransmitters Reflexes and Reflex Arcs Understand the structure of the brain * The Cerebral Cortex * The Cerebellum * The Medulla Oblongata * The Hypothalamus * The Pituitary gland Learn how to study the brain using various techniques
GCSE Biology - Inheritance

GCSE Biology - Inheritance

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Inheritance A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Chromosomes, genes and alleles Inheritance key words Genetic crosses and punnet squares The work of Gregor Mendel & the history of Genetics
GCSE Biology - Genetic Disorders & Sex Determination

GCSE Biology - Genetic Disorders & Sex Determination

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Genetic Disorders & Sex Determination A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: X & Y chromsomes and sex determination Sex determination using punnet sqaures Inherited Disorders * Polydactly * Cystic Fibrosis How to intepret family trees / pedigrees Screening for genetic disoders
GCSE Biology - Evolution, Variation & Speciation

GCSE Biology - Evolution, Variation & Speciation

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Evolution, Variation & Speciation A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Variation (Genetics vs. Environment) Evolution: Lamarck & Early Ideas Evolution: Charles Darwin and Natural Selection Evolution: Accepting Darwin’s Ideas and Alfred Russel Wallace’s Contribution Speciation
GCSE Biology - Endocrine System and Negative Feedback

GCSE Biology - Endocrine System and Negative Feedback

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on The Endocrine System and Negative Feedback A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: What is the endocrine system? Location of main glands in the human body and the hormones they produce The endocrine system vs. the nervous system The Pituitary Gland & hormones it releases The role of adrenaline in increasing heart rate The role of thyroxine in metabolism and the concept of negative feedback
GCSE Biology - Control of Blood Glucose Levels

GCSE Biology - Control of Blood Glucose Levels

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on The Control of Blood Glucose Levels A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: How glucose enters the body The role of Insulin in lowering blood glucose levels The role of Glucagon in raising blood glucose levels (Higher Tier) The concept of negative feedback Diabetes * Type I * Type II
GCSE Biology - The Menstrual Cycle

GCSE Biology - The Menstrual Cycle

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on The Menstrual Cycle A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Human reproduction & secondary sex characteristics The role of testosterone in sperm production Female reproduction and the menstrual cycle The role of FSH, LH, oestrogen and progesterone in the control of the menstrual cycle Exam questions with answers
GCSE Biology - Contraception & Treating Infertility

GCSE Biology - Contraception & Treating Infertility

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Contraception & Treating Infertility A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Hormonal contraception * Oral Contraceptives * Injection, implant or skin patch * Intrauterine devices Non-hormonal contraception * Barrier methods * Intrauterine devices * Spermicidal agents * Abstinence * Surgical methods of sterilisation Infertility Treating Infertility * Fertility Drug * In-vitro Fertilisation
GCSE Biology - Plant Hormones

GCSE Biology - Plant Hormones

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Plant Hormones A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: The role of auxin in phototropisms & gravitropisms The role of gibberlines and ethene The uses of plant hormones * Auxin - killing weeds, growing from cuttings, promoting growth in cultures * Gibberellin - controlling dormancy, promoting flowering, increasing fruitsize * Ethene - control ripening of fruit during storage and transport
GCSE Biology - Selective Breeding

GCSE Biology - Selective Breeding

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Selective Breeding A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: What is selective breeding How is Selective Breeding carried out? Selective breeding in animals (why is done? for which characteristics? examples of cattle and dogs) Selective breeding in plants (why is done? for which characteristics? examples of wild brassica) Problems with Selective Breeding (Inbreeding, inherited defects & new diseases) Multiple choice questions & Exam Questions
GCSE Biology - Genetic Engineering

GCSE Biology - Genetic Engineering

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Genetic Engineering A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Genetic Engineering and examples of it use in agriculture, medicine, fight diseases and treating inherited disorders Stages of Genetic Engineering GM Crops and concerns surrounding their use
GCSE Biology - Cloning

GCSE Biology - Cloning

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Cloning A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: What is Cloning? Types of cloning * Cuttings * Tissue Cultures * Embryo Cloning * Adult Cell Cloning Risks and benefits of cloning
GCSE Biology - Fossils

GCSE Biology - Fossils

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Fossils A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Fossil Formation (the 3 ways fossils can form) Using fossils to explain evolution (identifying how organisms have and haven’t changed over time e.g. horses vs. sharks) Why the fossil record is incomplete Extinction Factors causing extinction * New Diseases * New Predators * New Competitors * Physical Factors (Ice Age, Drought, Flooding) * Catastrophic Events Exam Questions
GCSE Biology Required Practical 6

GCSE Biology Required Practical 6

A lesson / revision PowerPoint covering all information needed and containing informative slides and practise questions Required Practical 6 -Investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis using an aquatic organism such as pondweed This powerpoint covers AT 1 (use appropriate apparatus to record the rate of production of oxygen gas produced; and to measure and control the temperature of water in a large beaker that acts as a ‘heat shield’), AT 2 (use a thermometer to measure and control temperature of water bath), AT 3 (use appropriate apparatus and techniques to observe and measure the process of oxygen gas production), AT 4 (safe and ethical use and disposal of living pondweed to measure physiological functions and responses to light), AT 5 (measuring rate of reaction by oxygen gas production) and includes all practical and mathmatical skills required. The powerpoint covers: Background on how the rate of photosynthesis is affected by light intensity & wavelength, temperature, CO2 concentration and the amount of chlorophyll Aim of the practical Required apparatus A suitable method A look at results A suitable results table to record data Details of the Inverse Square Law Practise calculations of Light Intensity Safety concerns & improvements Past paper exam questions on Summary
GCSE Biology Required Practical 4

GCSE Biology Required Practical 4

A lesson / revision PowerPoint covering all information needed for Required Practical 4 containing informative slides and practise questions Required Practical 4 -Use qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins to include: Benedict’s test for sugars; iodine test for starch; emulsion test for lipids; and Biuret reagent for protein. This powerpoint covers AT 2 (safe use of a Bunsen burner and a boiling water bath), AT 8 (use of qualitative reagents to identify biological molecules) and includes all practical and mathmatical skills required. The powerpoint covers: Background on Digestion and food tests Aim of the practical Required apparatus A suitable method for each test Explanation of the Biology behind the experiment A suitable results table to record data Safety concerns Past paper exam questions Concise summary table of each food test
GCSE Biology - The Eye & Vision Defects

GCSE Biology - The Eye & Vision Defects

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on The Eye & Vision Defects A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Parts of the eye and their function The role of the iris in adjusting for bright and dim light Accommodation and the role of suspensory ligaments and ciliary muscles Short & Long sightedness (Myopia vs. Hyperopia) and how classes correct these defects Contact lenses, laser eye surgery and replacement lens surgery Past paper questions throughout
GCSE Biology Required Practical 5

GCSE Biology Required Practical 5

A lesson / revision PowerPoint covering all information needed, containing informative slides and practise questions Required Practical 5 - Investigate the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of amylase enzyme This powerpoint covers AT 1 (use appropriate apparatus to record mass and time), AT 2 (safe use of a water bath or electric heater), AT 5 (measure the rate of osmosis by water uptake), AT 8 (use of qualitative iodine reagent to identify starch by continuous sampling) and includes all practical and mathmatical skills required at GCSE The powerpoint covers: Background on Amylase & Enzymes Aim of the practical Required apparatus A suitable method Explanation of the Biology behind the experiment A suitable results table to record data How to draw graphs and analyse the data collected Consideration of variables How to calculate rate of reaction Safety concerns & possible improvements Past paper exam questions on Required Practical #5
GCSE Biology - Plant Disease & Defence

GCSE Biology - Plant Disease & Defence

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Plant Disease & Defence A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Plant Diseases (TMV, Rose Black Spot, Aphids) Plant Ion Deficiencies (nitrate & magenesium) Signs of plant disease and identifying plant disease Plant Defence Systems * Physical * Chemical * Mechanical Practise Questions Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: 1 - Communicable Diseases 2 - The Immune System 3 - Vaccines 4 - Antibiotics & Drugs 5 - Monoclonal Antibodies 6 - Plant Disease & Defence Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology