Fun anagram starter. The students are given a list of 15 countries. All of the letters have been jumbled up. They have an allotted time to unscramble all 15. Activity and cut-out cards included.
Fun anagram starter. You are going to have 19 things you can eat or drink. All of the words have been jumbled up. You have 3 minutes to unscramble all 19.
Fun anagram starter. The students are given a list of 15 animals. All of the letters have been jumbled up. They have an allotted time to unscramble all 15. Activity and cut-out cards included. My students love it.
Fun anagram starter. The students are given a list of 15 movies. All of the letters have been jumbled up. They have an allotted time to unscramble all 15. Activity and cut-out cards included. My students love it.
THREE SEPARATE Fun anagram starters. The students are given a list of celebrities / foods/ countries/ movies/ animals. All of the letters have been jumbled up. They have an allotted time to unscramble all the words. Activity and cut-out cards included.
A fun starter where students discuss what makes them embarrassed and why. After a number of discussion activities, the students have to rank embarrassing situations 1-10. They are then given a final embarrassment score! The students love this.
A PowerPoint and resources on how to write a grade 9 narrative. The students really love this lesson as it' s modern topic they all have an opinion on. The following topics/resources are included:
- grade 9 structure
- character
- dialogue
- exemplar material
- adjectives, adverbs & verbs
- sentence starters
- figurative language
- sensory language
- dialogue tags
- show, don't tell
A great lesson on the Coming of Age Genre. Includes the following:
-Discussion topics
-Interactive starter
-Coming of age soundtrack task
All points explained thoroughly with interesting tasks. The following is included:
The Great Depression
The American Dreams
Power on the Ranch
Plot points
The original title explained
12 different PowerPoints on writing A* grade PEEs (+zoom in + context) on Of Mice and Men. Each PowerPoint comes with an excellent lecturer podcast. The following topics each have their own PowerPoint and podcast on writing A* PEEs:
The colour red
A different side to Curley's wife
Steinbeck's use of light
Curley's wife's relationship with Curley
Curley's wife lack of name
Women being treated like sex objects
1930s USA
A fun, informative and interactive quiz on letter writing.
It comes in a PowerPoint or video format.
I have also included marked exemplar working on letter writing. Marked by the exam board.
My students love this!
A fun and interactive group activity that you can play like dominoes. Cut out the cards and get every single student involved. The two resources provided are a general English one (literary terms, grammar etc.), one general knowledge / trivia one and one on Of Mice and Men.
Lesson resources on writing a grade 9 article in the GCSE English writing exam.
The lesson is based on the theme of survival and includes a great starter on surviving 100 deadly situations. The students love it! All resources and video clips included.
Two fun psychological tests that the students love!
Journey in Life - Try to get your group as relaxed as possible and ask them to close their eyes and listen to you. Set the scene of a day in the country. They are just about to start out on a walk. Ask them to imagine each of the following in turn, and each time write down what they saw in their imagination. Tell them they should write down the first image that comes into their head – not think about it for too long. After they have written down each description you can interpret their images using the ideas below.
DRAW A TREE - Give each student a blank piece of paper and ask them to draw a tree. Tell them they are not to ask any questions about how to draw it – it is up to them. Then take in all the drawings and display them on the floor or where they can all see them. You may be able to group them at this stage. The following are possible interpretations of their drawings – they could make up their own interpretations!
A really fun 25 slide PowerPoint starter where students are given a statement and they have to decide whether it is a fact or a.........fib! I have also included two videos of the starter set to music if you want to do it as an individual task!
The students have a lot of fun debating!
A fun, informative and really interesting activity on 100 Deadly Skills.
Using text and images from a real member of the SAS, this task can be used as a fun starter or an English activity for summarizing information. Could also be used for a S&L activity.
All images included.
A really fun and interactive used in creative writing lessons. The students work individually or in a group in this exciting quiz on famous opening & final lines in books/TV/movies. The following are included: Toy Story, A Christmas Carol, Of Mice and Men, Matilda, A Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter etc.
The students love it!