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AS/A Level Year 12/13 Biology Biological Molecules Carbohydrate Revision Cards

AS/A Level Year 12/13 Biology Biological Molecules Carbohydrate Revision Cards

PowerPoint Presentation containing printable “fill the gap” revision cards (plus answers) for AS/A Level Year 12/13 (OCR) Biology (Biological Molecules) Carbohydrate Lessons. Cards include: Monosaccharides - alpha-glucose, beta-glucose, and ribose. Disaccharides - maltose, sucrose, and lactose. Polysaccharides - amylose/amylopectin (starch), glycogen, and cellulose (how their structure is related to their function). Glycosidic bonds, condensation reactions, and hydrolysis reactions. All cards are colour-coded, numbered, and link to each other.
KS3 Year 8 Biology Science Aerobic Respiration Full Lesson

KS3 Year 8 Biology Science Aerobic Respiration Full Lesson

Full Year 8 science (biology) lesson on aerobic respiration, containing… Starter activity: bronze, silver and gold level (plus extra challenge). What is aerobic respiration? How are the reactants/products of respiration transported around the body? Quick check: TRUE or FALSE questions. Why do we need energy? Comparison of aerobic respiration to breathing, combustion, and anaerobic respiration. Quick check: Word Match activity.
KS3/KS4 Biology Gas Exchange System Lungs Breathing Respiration Full Lesson

KS3/KS4 Biology Gas Exchange System Lungs Breathing Respiration Full Lesson

Whole lesson PowerPoint containing… BRONZE/SILVER/GOLD differentiated starter questions Learning objectives Numeracy activity labeling the structure of the gas exchange system How we inhale/exhale Links to aerobic respiration How the lungs are adapted to gas exchange Composition of the air we inhale and exhale How lung volume is measured QUICK CHECK true or false questions What have I learnt today plenary.