Drama Teacher with over 10 years experience. A range of accessible and detailed resources to make Drama and Theatre teaching fun, inspiring and awesome. Any questions please ask!
Drama Teacher with over 10 years experience. A range of accessible and detailed resources to make Drama and Theatre teaching fun, inspiring and awesome. Any questions please ask!
A note from the author:
I use this with my pupils. If everyone in a group brings in everything on the sheet then the group can share a mini-bag of pic ‘n’ mix sweets for that lesson(not included in this resource :-) )
Drama GCSE Complete (also available as part of this bundle)
GCSE Drama Component One: Devising Theatre (also available as part of this bundle)
Please note:
Purchasing this resource allows you to amend it in any way you would like.
Does not include real pic ‘n’ mix!
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I like to give gifts to my Year 11s when they go off on study leave. I always also give them one of these with my top tips for the written exam on! These can be printed on card and adapted to suit your teaching methods!
Drama GCSE Complete (also available as part of this bundle)
GCSE Drama Component Three: Written Exam (also available as part of this bundle)
Please note:
Purchasing this resource allows you to amend it in any way you would like.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
A selection of guides and model examples to support pupils in tehir craft and creation of the ‘Portfolio of Supporting Evidence’ to go alongside their Devised Work, and work 20% of their overall GCSE.
Drama GCSE Complete (also available as part of this bundle)
GCSE Drama Component One: Devising Theatre (also available as part of this bundle)
Model Portfolio
Section A Guide & Model Examples
Section A Guide & Model Examples
Section A Guide & Model Examples
Final Week Rehearsals Notes Log fro Section C
Please note:
Purchasing this resource allows you to amend it in any way you would like.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20 pages stimuli booklet on the topic of Democracy
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
In this bundle you get six stimuli packs (each pack contains a minimum of 20 A4 pages - so 120+ pages in total!) to use when creating devised theatre with your pupils.
For more details please see the descriptions on each resource item.
You save 40% by purchasing this bundle as opposed to buying separately!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20+ pages stimuli booklet on the topic of Loneliness & Solitude
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20+ pages stimuli booklet on the topic of The 12 Signs of the Zodiac
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I created these posters to add a contemporary feel to my studios and classrooms. They give a real boost to creativity and imagination for my students, especially when they are creatively blocked or stuck. These work well in A4 or A3 as posters / visual displays, or I have also used them as handouts for group devising as A4 and A5 sizes, individually laminated or combined to make a booklet.
1x Quality Quotes - Devising Stimuli Poster
Please note:
This resource is also part of a bundle / collection of all devising posters.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I created these posters to add a contemporary feel to my studios and classrooms. They give a real boost to creativity and imagination for my students, especially when they are creatively blocked or stuck. These work well in A4 or A3 as posters / visual displays, or I have also used them as handouts for group devising as A4 and A5 sizes, individually laminated or combined to make a booklet.
1x Luminous Lyrics - Devising Stimuli Poster
Please note:
This resource is also part of a bundle / collection of all devising posters.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
This was the quiz that I hosted for our annual Drama Department Dinner. 4 rounds, takes approximately 70 minutes or so depending on numbers and method of scoring (we used the teacher table to score). Our students are placed into different Theatre Companies (drama houses) for various events that they partake in each year.
Round 1 - Picture Round - TV, Film & Theatre
Round 2 - Theatre Round - General Theatre Knowledge
Round 3 - Music Round - Musicals
Round 4 - Quote Round - Plays
Overview of Resources:
These resources are for a complete quiz event.
Quiz Questions
Quiz Answer Sheets
Quiz Pictures 1 (Round 1)
Quiz Pictures 2 (Round 1)
Please note:
You will have to supply the music for the music round. You can source these on Youtube / Spotify. Ensure you cut off with the last line prompt or it may give away the title of the song or some other key piece of information.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
These quizzes were created as a key event for our Annual Drama Department Dinner that I hosted. The quizzes vary from 45 minutes to 90 minutes or so depending on numbers and method of scoring (we used the teacher table to score). Our students are placed into different Theatre Companies (drama houses) for various events that they partake in each year.
Overview of Resources:
These resources are for three complete quiz events.
Quiz No. 1 - 45 minutes approx (3 rounds - General Theatre, School Drama Department (will need adapting) & Musical Round) Total of 50 points.
Quiz No. 2 - 70 minutes approx (4 rounds - Picture Round, General Theatre, Musical Round & Play Quote Round) Total of 100 points.
Quiz No. 3 - 90 minutes approx (5 rounds - General Theatre, Picture Round, School Drama Department, Musical Round & Theatre Superstitions) Total of 75 points.
Please note:
You will have to supply the music for the music rounds. You can source these on Youtube / Spotify. Ensure you cut off with the last line prompt or it may give away the title of the song or some other key piece of information.
You will also have to tailor the questions in the School’s Own Drama Department Rounds to your own school’s drama department. You can use mine as a basis.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
Tes paid licence
A note from the author:
This was the quiz that I hosted for our annual Drama Department Dinner. 5 rounds, takes approximately 90 minutes or so depending on numbers and method of scoring (we used the teacher table to score). Our students are placed into different Theatre Companies (drama houses) for various events that they partake in each year.
Round 1 - General Theatre, Film & TV
Round 2 - Picture Round - Name the Actor & Character
Round 3 - School Drama Department (Make these your own!)
Round 4 - Music Round - Name Musical & Song
Round 5 - Theatre Superstitions
Overview of Resources:
These resources are for a complete quiz event.
Quiz Questions
Quiz Answer Sheets
Quiz Pictures Powerpoint (Round 2)
Please note:
You will have to supply the music for the music round (Round 4). You can source these on Youtube / Spotify. Ensure you cut off with the last line prompt or it may give away the title of the song or some other key piece of information.
You will also have to tailor the questions in Round 3 to your own school’s drama department. You can use mine as a basis.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
A detailed 2 Page guide sheet to be used as a template and guide for school theatre productions / class or exam pieces for supporting backstage crew or Assistant Stage Managers.
Overview of Guidance:
Food / Consumables
School Production Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
Prop Table Guidance
Please note:
Purchasing this document allows you to amend and reproduce the sheet in anyway that you wish.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I have this poster on my studio walls as a fun and informative way for students to gain initial exposure to the ‘Father of Naturalism’.
Overview of Resource:
1 x Practitioner Poster - Constantin Stanislavski
Practitioner Posters (Bundle)
Practitioner Pack - Stanislavski (Bundle)
1x Poster
Please note:
Purchasing this poster allows you to amend and reproduce it for use in your school.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I have this poster on my studio walls as a fun and informative way for students to gain initial exposure to Uta Hagen.
Overview of Resource:
1 x Practitioner Poster - Uta Hagen
Practitioner Posters Pack (Bundle)
1x Poster
Please note:
Purchasing this poster allows you to amend and reproduce it for use in your school.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I have this poster on my studio walls as a fun and informative way for students to gain initial exposure to Jerzy Grotowski.
Overview of Resource:
1 x Practitioner Poster - Jerzy Grotowski
Practitioner Posters Pack (Bundle)
1x Poster
Please note:
Purchasing this poster allows you to amend and reproduce it for use in your school.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
An Introduction Booklet that I use in the first lesson with my Year 7 & 8 pupils to set goals, expectations and ground rules for ensemble making.
Introduction to Drama Resources (All Year Groups 7-13!) (also available as part of this bundle)
Resources Included:
Year 7 & 8 Introduction to Drama Booklet
Pages Include:
Pg 1 - Ensemble Member Profile
Pg 2 - Comedy Mask (or things we like to see in Drama)
Pg 3 - Tragedy Mask (or things we like to avoid in Drama)
Pg 4 - Pupil Contract
Please note:
Purchasing this resource allows you to amend it in any way you would like.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I crafted these resources to accompany teaching the devised component of GCSE Drama, after successfully teaching it for 10 Years. It includes helpful resources and model responses.
These are there to support the formation and creation of the creative log / Portfolio of supporting Evidence. I have separate resources available for:
GCSE Drama Component One - General Devising Resources
GCSE Drama Component One - Performance Resources
GCSE Drama Component One - Evaluation
Model Answers
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
The full collection of my resources when teaching Component One of GCSE Drama - Devising
Overview of Resources:
These resources will really help you deliver amazing lessons for students and pupils in your GCSE C1 lessons. There are displays, lesson resources, stimulus packs, model answers, guidebooks and more!
Component One GCSE Devising - Component One - Performance Examples - Scripts & PowerPoints
Component One GCSE Devising - Component One - Portfolio of Supporting Evidence / Creative Log
Component One GCSE Devising - Component One - Evaluation
Component One GCSE Devising - Component One - General Devising Resources
1 x Physical Theatre SOW
1 x Love & Hate Devising SOW
5 x Devising Stimuli Posters (Illustrations, Lyrics, Photographs, Quotes, Questions)
5 x Devising Stimuli Packs (Anxiety, Democracy, Feminism, Hate, Perfection)
Frantic Assembly Resources
Please note:
This is a selection of resources that I use for Component One. This is not a complete SOW, although it does include a devising SOW and a physical Theatre SOW which I embed into my teaching.
You save 63% with this bundle!
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I crafted these resources to accompany teaching the devised component of GCSE Drama, after successfully teaching it for 10 Years. It includes helpful resources, lessons activities and model responses.
These are there to support the final performances, mark sheets, examples scripts, examples background power points, example music lists. I have separate resources available for:
GCSE Drama Component One - General Resources
GCSE Drama Component One - Creative Log / Portfolio of Supporting Evidence
GCSE Drama Component One - Evaluation
Also available in my Bundles:
GCSE Drama Component One Complete Bundle
GCSE Drama Complete Bundle - Components One, Two & Three
Backdrop PowerPoints to accompany Scenes
Example Scenes
Cue Sheets
Mark Sheets
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!