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Teach Science & Beyond

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Over 200 resources available for KS3-KS4 Science, KS5 Chemistry and Whole School! Lesson resources are suitable for live lessons in school, remote teaching at home or independent student study. It’s your choice how you use them 😊 Don’t forgot to explore my free resources too!




Over 200 resources available for KS3-KS4 Science, KS5 Chemistry and Whole School! Lesson resources are suitable for live lessons in school, remote teaching at home or independent student study. It’s your choice how you use them 😊 Don’t forgot to explore my free resources too!
How to Balance Chemical Equations

How to Balance Chemical Equations

Step by Step checklist on how to balance any symbol equation. To support this checklist there is a worked example document with two examples of balancing equations using the steps from the checklist. Perfect for teaching KS3-KS5
Drawing Line Graphs in Science

Drawing Line Graphs in Science

A 9 point checklist that can be used by students to help them construct the perfect line graph in science. This checklist can also be used by teachers when giving feedback to students on their constructed line graphs
Names and Formulae of Compounds and Ions

Names and Formulae of Compounds and Ions

A great revision tool for GCSE and A Level Chemistry students for learning how to construct symbol equations in chemistry . Test students regularly on the list of compounds and ions so they can build their recall on this topic
Practical Safety Rules

Practical Safety Rules

Creating a safe learning environment is important during pracitical activities. This Practical Routine is great for practical based subjects such as science, food tech, design techology and art. These rules can be delivered during a practical lesson or it can be used as displays in your classroom
A Level Chemistry Keywords (Year 13)

A Level Chemistry Keywords (Year 13)

A useful list of all the keywords and definitions students will be introduced to during the OCR A, A level Chemistry Specification in Year 13. (NOTE: This document can also be used and adjusted as necessary for other specifications such as AQA and Edexcel, as there is a large overlap in the topics taught across these specifications) A printable flashcard revision of this resource can be found in my shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12891372
A Level Chemistry Keywords (Year 12)

A Level Chemistry Keywords (Year 12)

A useful list of all the keywords and definitions students will be introduced to during the OCR A, A level Chemistry Specification in Year 12. (NOTE: This document can also be used and adjusted as necessary for other specifications such as AQA and Edexcel, as there is a large overlap of topics taught across these specifications) A printable flashcard revision of this resource can be found in my shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12890451
Book Quality Checklist

Book Quality Checklist

Help students keep their workbooks to a high quality with this book quality checklist that students can stick in the inside cover, back cover or first page of their work books or it can be used as a classroom display. Please amend as necessary
Target Stickers

Target Stickers

These target stickers enables teachers and students to track their progress in science or other subjects on a weekly or biweekly bias. These stickers should be stuck in students’ books so they can take responsibility of their own learning and work progress. Teachers can easily see which students are not meeting targets and therefore requires intervention strategies
Classroom Duties List

Classroom Duties List

Students take pride when they are given a responsible duty in the classroom (plus it also helps to reduce teacher workload!). Use the classroom duty list to select students every half term for the following roles writing book monitor textbook/ worksheet monitor equipment monitor. There is also space to add substitutes in case students are absent
AQA A Level Chemistry Specification Checklist

AQA A Level Chemistry Specification Checklist

Student friendly personalised learning checklist for AQA A level Chemistry (7405) This resource includes key specification statements for papers 1-3 This resource has been split into three separate Excel documents for: 3.1 physical chemistry 3.2 inorganic chemistry 3.3 organic chemistry The exam paper number linked to each topic can be found in the left hand corner of each checklist to aid student exam revision.
OCR A Level Chemistry Specification Checklist

OCR A Level Chemistry Specification Checklist

Student friendly personalised learning checklist for OCR A level Chemistry (H432) This resource includes key specification statements for papers 1-3 This resource is one Excel document with tabs for: Module 2: Foundations in Chemistry Module 3: Periodic Table and Energy Module 4: Core Organic Chemistry Module 5: Physical Chemistry and Transition Elements Module 6: Organic Chemistry and Analysis The exam paper number linked to each topic can be found in the left hand corner of each checklist to aid student exam revision.
Flashcards: A level Chemistry Equations

Flashcards: A level Chemistry Equations

56 flashcards on OCR A level Chemistry equations and formulae (both year 12 and 13 content) Specific printing instructions have been included and should be followed so that flashcards can be successfully printed. Important Note: These flashcards are only suitable to be printed as A6 flashcards (1/4 size of A4) Included are keywords from the following OCR A Level chemistry modules: Module 2 – Foundation Chemistry Module 3 – The Periodic Table & Energy Module 5 – Physical Chemistry & Transition Elements Module 6 – Organic Chemistry & Analysis
Flashcards: Y12 Chemistry Keywords

Flashcards: Y12 Chemistry Keywords

68 flashcards on OCR A level Chemistry keywords and definitions - Year 12 content only Specific printing instructions have been included and should be followed so that flashcards can be successfully printed. Important Note: These flashcards are only suitable to be printed as A6 flashcards (1/4 size of A4) Included are keywords from the following OCR A Level chemistry modules: Module 2 – Foundation Chemistry Module 3 – The Periodic Table & Energy Module 4 – Core Organic Chemistry
Flashcards: Y13 Chemistry Keywords

Flashcards: Y13 Chemistry Keywords

52 flashcards on OCR A level Chemistry keywords and definitions - Year 13 content only Specific printing instructions have been included and should be followed so that flashcards can be successfully printed. Important Note: These flashcards are only suitable to be printed as A6 flashcards (1/4 size of A4) Included are keywords from the following OCR A Level chemistry modules: Module 5 – Physical Chemistry and Transition Elements Module 6 – Organic Chemistry and Analysis
PAG 1 Exam Revision

PAG 1 Exam Revision

A theory revision lesson reviewing the methods and exam questions for PAG 1 (1.1-1.3) OCR Practicals. Included in this resource is a printable handout which enables students to: Recall the experimental set up and method for OCR PAG 1 Practicals Evaluate the practical methods Complete exam style questions There are 5 exam style questions included. Answers to these questions are also included These resource is ideal for revision of PAG 1 practicals in the run up to external exams or mocks.
AS Chemistry Revision:Chemical Reactions

AS Chemistry Revision:Chemical Reactions

3 revision documents summarising the equations and conditions students need to remember for the following chapters in AQA AS Chemistry: The halogens Group 2 metals Alkanes Declaimer: Please refrain from purchasing this popular resource for an interview lesson or a formal observation. This is because planning your own lessons, including using your own lesson PowerPoints, is a fundamental skill of a qualified/unqualified teacher that will be assessed during the scenarios outlined above