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Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.




Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.
KS1 Father's Day Activity Pack - Newspaper Report

KS1 Father's Day Activity Pack - Newspaper Report

This Father’s Day activity will give pupils the opportunity to write a newspaper report about the World’s Greatest Dad! They will explore why their dads are special, covering aspects of PSHE, and use the worksheet to create their very own newspaper report. There is also a version of the newspaper which allows pupils to write about an alternative significant male (uncle, grandfather, step-dad) in their lives. English Objectives covered are: to combine words to make sentences (Y1) to write for different purposes (Y2) PSHE Objectives (taken from Relationships Education, statutory guidance) covered are: to know that stable, caring relationships are at the heart of happy families
Antonyms – Year 6 Writing Features Challenge Worksheet (KS2)

Antonyms – Year 6 Writing Features Challenge Worksheet (KS2)

Key Stage 2 English worksheets This bright, appealing grammar worksheet is an excellent way to practise and revise using antonyms in Y6. This primary resource is divided into five sections: Understand Match words with their antonyms and find two antonyms for the words given Challenge Rewrite the example sentences, replacing each of the words in bold with an antonym Test Circle the antonym for each word below. Then circle two words in each sentence that are antonyms of each other Explain Write an explanation of the difference between antonyms and synonyms, using at least two examples Apply Write a description of the scene shown, using as many antonyms of the four words given as possible Activities include SATs-style questions and opportunities for creative writing responses, with eye-catching images as prompts. What is an antonym? An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Antonym examples Fast and slow Big and small Light and dark Good and bad Up and down National Curriculum English programme of study links Children will learn how words are related by meaning as synonyms and antonyms [for example, big, large, little].
Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 1

Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 1

This year 3/4 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 3 and year 4. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 3 and 4, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: circle, quarter continue, length eight, February eighth, straight regular, answer
Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 5

Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 5

This year 3/4 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 3 and year 4. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 3 and 4, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: describe, earth promise, remember sentence, forward special, notice strange, build
Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 3

Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 3

This year 3/4 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 3 and year 4. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 3 and 4, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: accident, busy address, difficult different, appear occasion, opposite possible, possess
Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 2

Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 2

This year 3/4 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 3 and year 4. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 3 and 4, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: history, learn though, therefore thought, arrive woman, women often, perhaps
Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 4

Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 4

This year 3/4 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 3 and year 4. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 3 and 4, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: actual, complete disappear, early group, heard important, fruit question, popular
Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 8

Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 8

This year 3/4 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 3 and year 4. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 3 and 4, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: breath, breathe exercise, bicycle medicine, strength natural, probably
Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 7

Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 7

This year 3/4 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 3 and year 4. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 3 and 4, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: believe, centre calendar, increase position, century weight, height
Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 6

Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 6

This year 3/4 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 3 and year 4. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 3 and 4, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: experiment, favourite famous, heart interest, potatoes naughty, mention
Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 9

Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 9

This year 3/4 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 3 and year 4. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 3 and 4, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: occasionally, grammar possession, pressure suppose, purpose through, although
Year 2 SPaG Challenge Mat: verbs

Year 2 SPaG Challenge Mat: verbs

This bright, appealing grammar worksheet is an excellent way to practise and revise using verbs in Year 2. It is divided into five sections: understand, challenge, test, explain and apply. Activities include SATs style questions and opportunities for creative writing responses, with eye-catching images as prompts.
Year 3 SPaG Challenge Mat: subordinating clauses

Year 3 SPaG Challenge Mat: subordinating clauses

This bright, appealing grammar worksheet is an excellent way to practise and revise using subordinating clauses in Year 3. It is divided into five sections: understand, challenge, test, explain and apply. Activities include SATs style questions and opportunities for creative writing responses, with eye-catching images as prompts.
Y2 Common Exception Words - spelling pack 3

Y2 Common Exception Words - spelling pack 3

This year 2 common exception word (CEW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the 64 tricky words. Each worksheet includes two or three words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to develop letter formation using handwriting line guides. Common exception words included in this pack are: any, many because, again great, steak, break parents, Christmas pretty, beautiful
Year 5-6 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 1

Year 5-6 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 1

This year 5/6 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 5 and year 6. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 5 and 6, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: competition, community committee, communicate bargain, achieve category, correspond occur, occupy
Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 10

Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 10

This year 3/4 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 3 and year 4. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 3 and 4, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: certain, decide enough, ordinary guard, guide particular, peculiar
Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 11

Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 11

This year 3/4 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 3 and year 4. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 3 and 4, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: caught, business consider, knowledge experience, extreme island, imagine
Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 12

Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling Words (SSW) - practice pack 12

This year 3/4 statutory spelling word (SSW) pack allows pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the statutory spellings for year 3 and year 4. Each worksheet includes two words for pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to practise handwriting, making them perfect for independent practice during spelling lessons, for use as revision activities and for home learning. There are 12 packs available, one for each half term throughout years 3 and 4, together covering all of the statutory words in the spelling curriculum. Statutory spelling words included in this pack are: library, material minute, recent reign, separate surprise, various