Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.
Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.
These Year 5 and Year 6 review worksheets, covering ‘ough’ words, are an excellent way to revise and practise spelling.
The worksheets include 5 different activities in which children look at spelling patterns, identify misspelt words and apply their spellings in context.
The worksheets are suitable for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils and older SEN or EAL pupils. They can be used within lessons, as an assessment or as a homework task.
Use these KS2 reading comprehension worksheets to teach your children about the Loch Ness Monster. The text covers Scottish folklore, sighting, photographs and modern day interest.
A set of comprehension questions are included, which tackle key reading skills such as inference and retrieval.
This pack is also a great prompt for writing scary stories.
These spelling review worksheets, covering the Year 2 suffixes -ed, -ing, -er and -est, are an excellent way to revise and practise these word endings.
The worksheets include 5 different activities in which children look at spelling patterns, identify misspelt words and apply their spellings in context.
The worksheets are suitable for Year 2 pupils and older SEN or EAL pupils. They can be used within lessons, as an assessment or as a homework task.
Use these primary school worksheets to practise and review Year 4 spelling patterns for words from the National Curriculum spelling list. Year 5 spelling words are covered across five challenge sheets, each containing three different types of spelling challenge.
The spelling patterns covered are:
word endings which sound like ‘shuss’ spelt -cious or -tious
word endings which sound like ‘shul’ spelt -cial or -tial
words ending in -ant, ance/ancy, -ent, -ence/-ency
words ending in -able and -ible also -ably and -ibly
words containing the letter string ‘ough’
words with silent letters
words with the /i:/ sound spelt ei after c
These review worksheets, which show that the ‘or’ sound can be spelt ‘a’ before ‘l’ or ‘ll’, provide an excellent way to revise and practise this Year 2 spelling pattern.
The worksheets include 5 different activities in which children look at spelling patterns, identify misspelt words and apply their spellings in context.
The worksheets are suitable for Year 2 pupils and older SEN or EAL pupils. They can be used within lessons, as an assessment or as a homework task.
This spelling Bingo resource pack is a fun way to support children in Year 5 and above in practising key spelling patterns. The game can be played as a class or in small groups.
Included in this pack are:
30 bingo cards, each containing 16 words containing spelling patterns from Year 2.
1 tick-list to mark off the spelling patterns called out.
The spelling patterns covered in this pack include:
ge and dge sound
s sound spelt c before e, i and y
n sound spelt kn or gn at the beginning of words
r sound spelt wr
l or el sound at the end of a word spelt -le
l or el sound spelt el at the end of words
The l or el sound spelt al at the end of words
Words ending -il
ai sound spelt y at the end of words
Add -es to nouns and verbs ending in -y
adding -ed, -ing, -er and -est to a root word ending in -y with a consonant before it
Adding the endings – ing, –ed, –er, –est and –y to words ending in –e with a consonant before it
Adding –ing, –ed, –er, –est and –y to words of one syllable ending in a single consonant letter after a single vowel letter
The /ɔ:/ sound spelt a before l and ll
The u sound spelt o
The long e sound spelt –ey
The /ɒ/ sound spelt a after w and qu
The ur sound spelt or after w
The /ɔ:/ sound spelt ar after w
The zh sound spelt s
The suffixes –ment, –ness, –ful , –less and –ly
The possessive apostrophe (singular nouns)
Words ending in –tion
Homophones and near-homophones
This spelling Bingo resource pack is a fun way to support children in Year 3 and above in practising key spelling patterns. The game can be played as a class or in small groups.
Included in this pack are:
30 bingo cards each containing 9 words containing a Year 3 spelling pattern.
1 tick-list to mark off the spelling patterns called out.
The spelling patterns covered in this pack include:
dis- prefix
mis- prefix
re- prefix
un- prefix
Add suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words of more than one syllable.
Add the suffix -ly
Words with endings sounding like ‘zh’ and ‘ch’
Words with endings which sound like ‘zhun’
Words containing the ‘i’ sound spelt ‘y’ elsewhere than at the end of words
Words containing the ‘u’ sound spelt ‘ou’
Words with the ‘k’ sound spelt ‘ch’
Words with the ‘sh’ sound spelt ‘ch’
Words with the ‘sh’ sound spelt ‘ch’
Words with the ‘ay’ sound spelt ‘ei’, ‘eigh’ or ‘ey’
An information text on the 8 known planets and 5 dwarf planets. This can be used as part of a guided reading session or as homework.
Included are 12 comprehension questions covering the different reading skills of data retrieval, inference and the use of vocabulary.
This writing review worksheet is an excellent way to revise and practise using assonance in KS2. It contains examples of assonance and 5 different assonance challenges which can be used during one lesson or spread over a number of teaching sessions.
Questions encourage creative responses as well as revision, and include interesting images to stimulate ideas.
This pack contains a variety of Upper Key Stage 2 spellings split into different spelling patterns. Children can be given sets of word cards and asked to discuss the common spelling patterns, before sorting the cards into groups. It’s a hands-on way to revise and improve pupils’ understanding of key spellings.
The Spelling patterns covered in the year 5 spelling pack are:
Spell word endings which sound like ‘shus’ spelt -cious or -tious
Spell word endings which sound like ‘shul’ spelt -cial or -tial
Spell words ending in -ant, -ance/-ancy, -ent, -ence/ -ency
Spell words ending in -able and -ible also -ably and -ibly
Spell words containing the letter-string ‘ough’
Spell some words with ‘silent’ letters
Words with the /i:/ sound spelt ei after c
These spelling word worksheets provide a great way to practise and review the Year 3 words from the National Curriculum Spelling List.
All of the Year 3 spelling words are covered across 11 challenging worksheets, each containing three different types of spelling check challenges, including anagrams and cryptic clues.
The spelling patterns covered are:
use the prefix un-, dis-, mis-, re-
add suffixes with vowel letters to words of more than one syllable.
add the suffix -ly
spell words with endings sounding like ‘zh’ and ‘ch’
spell words with endings which sound like ‘zhun’
spell homophones
spell words containing the ‘i’ sound spelt ‘y’ elsewhere than at the end of words.
spell words containing the ‘u’ sound spelt ‘ou’
spell words with the ‘k’ sound spelt ‘ch’
spell words with the ‘sh’ sound spelt ‘ch’
spell words with the ‘ay’ sound spelt ‘ei’, ‘eigh’ or ‘ey’
These KS2 reading comprehension worksheets include lots of information about Neil Armstrong and the Apollo moon missions, telling the story of Apollo 11 and other Apollo missions that came before and after. The resource can be used as part of a guided reading session or as homework.
Also included are 12 comprehension questions covering the different reading skills of data retrieval, inference and the use of vocabulary.
Retell the story of Christmas using this bright and colourful sequencing cards resource for the primary classroom.
The pack contains eight images which retell Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus.
Children can cut out the eight images, place them in sequence and write a description of each image underneath.
There are two ways in which to use the images:
As a worksheet: once completed, all of the images can be glued onto an A4 worksheet.
As a display: an A4 version of each image is available, with the option to add text. These images can then be arranged to make a class or hall display.
These reading challenges provide a quick burst of comprehension practice, ideal for morning work, a short reading session or even sparking an interest in a classic text.
Each section contains a classic poem by Robert Louis Stevenson, with a range of reading challenge questions focusing on the key reading skills of inference, information retrieval and the use of language.
The poems included are:
From a Railway Carriage
My Shadow
The Land of Story-Books
A pack designed to support teaching reading skills in preparation for the end of KS2 SATs reading test. It should be used in conjunction with the 2018 KS2 reading test materials. This pack contains:
Lesson plans
The pack is made up of three lessons. Each of these focuses on a different reading skill, and prepares children for the test by enabling them to gain confidence in these key areas. The children complete simple activities based on that skill before answering practice questions. Following a review of the question answers, the children can then complete the relevant questions on the past SATs paper.
Lesson 1 – 2b – Retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
Lesson 2 – 2a – Give / explain the meaning of words in context.
Lesson 3 – 2d – Make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text.
Practice questions and additional resources are included for each lesson.
A slideshow to support the teaching of the three reading lessons.
This Y3 spelling, punctuation and grammar revision worksheet opens up plenty of ways to practise root words and word families in KS2 English lessons.
The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions, and there are engaging images to inspire children’s responses to the questions.
Teach children how to write amazing fantasy stories with this KS2 text types resource pack. There are sheets to help pupils plan against success criteria, instructions on the ingredients of fantasy tales, two detailed model texts and a story planner to help children structure their stories.
The four sections to the resource are:
A fantasy text writing prompt mat
Inspiring images to help children build a convincing fantasy world
A fantasy text writing plan
Two example fantasy texts
The images in this pack are designed to support children in developing their inference skills. Children can practise making inferences based on the visual clues in the pictures provided, and using evidence to support their answers.
This pack contains:
The powerPoint models how to construct inferences from an image and use evidence to support these.
Inference Question cards
Children can be provided with cards as individuals, or they can be shared in groups, in order to prompt discussion.
Inference Recording sheets
These sheets include an image from which children must draw inferences. Space is included for children to include their inferences, and the evidence they have to support these. A space at the top is available for children to add a title for their image.
Inference images
Each of the inference images is available as a poster. These can be placed on display or shared with groups of children during reading discussions.
42 different idioms (a piece of cake, open a can of worms) are presented with exciting and arresting images. The idioms and their meanings are also provided on separate cards, so children can be challenged to match each idiom to its definition, which makes for a great group work activity in KS2 English lessons.
Also included are completed idiom cards that can be used for classroom display.
This KS2 grammar resource provides everything you need to teach five 15-minute lessons on expanded noun phrases. As well as learning how to identify and construct expanded noun phrases, children are challenged to come up with creative responses in their writing to this area of grammar, with colourful images included to help inspire their work.
The five SPaG lessons are designed to be taught across one week. Alternately, you may wish to teach the sessions in larger chunks, spread over a longer period of time or intersperse them with different grammar, punctuation and spelling lessons.
The resources included in this pack are:
Expanded noun phrase worksheets
Noun cards
Upleveling sentences worksheets