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Teachallenjoy Primary Resources

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(based on 154 reviews)

An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance. You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone. Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.




An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance. You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone. Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.
Christmas Column Subtraction KS2 Lesson

Christmas Column Subtraction KS2 Lesson

A complete lesson, perfect for the Christmas season to teach and review column subtraction. Includes a 25 slide teaching PowerPoint, starter activity, modelling, differentiated worksheets, challenges, reasoning and problem solving questions and all the answers. Written for year 3 and 4, also relevant to years 5 and 6. A complete lesson, all ready-to-go. No preparation needed, just print and teach. Highlights: Differentiated Hinge Point Scaffolded Answers on PPT for easy marking Why not check out my other popular Christmas resources for KS2: Christmas Column Addition Christmas Poetry Lessons Christmas Comprehensions
Christmas Column Addition Lesson KS2

Christmas Column Addition Lesson KS2

A complete lesson teaching column addition with a Christmas theme. Includes teaching PowerPoint, hinge point, independent tasks, differentiated worksheets, extensions, answers and plenary game. All you need for a successful Christmas maths lesson. Developing in difficulty, covering carrying into the tens and hundreds. Highlights: Differentiated Ready-to-go Engaging Includes a challenge and reasoning and problem solving extension tasks. All answers included on PowerPoint for easy self marking. All reviews welcome. Check out my other popular Christmas resources: Christmas Comprehensions 'Twas the night before Christmas 5 Poetry Lessons Christmas Story Writing Week
Addition and Subtraction Year 3 Lessons Week 5

Addition and Subtraction Year 3 Lessons Week 5

5 complete lessons with starters, activities, differentation, worksheets, challenges and answers. All you need to teach the second week of the Autumn term addition and subtraction unit, week 4 in year 3. Included in this pack is a colourful, engaging Powerpoint which leads you through each complete lesson, with starters and plenaries introducing and building on learning; differentiated worksheets for every lesson providing a range of engaging activities; challenges, extensions and answers for efficient marking. Each lesson takes you through the small steps and advice given by White Rose, with progression through fluency, reasoning and problem solving. This sequence of learning also contains an overview showing you how Teachallenjoy’s planning covers the year 3 addition and subtraction small steps over the 5 week unit. Every lesson also contains activities for reviewing the relevant year 2 small steps. Also in this extensive pack is a detailed plan for the week. Year 3 Small Steps Covered: Add and subtract 3-digit and 2-digit numbers - not crossing 100 Add 3-digit and 2-digit numbers - crossing 100 Subtract a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number - crossing 100 Add and subtract 100s Highlights of this addition and subtraction pack: Range of activities Interactive animations of mathematical concepts on PPT Visual and colourful Differentiation Designed to enable mastery Supports variation theory Special Features: Starter activities are building blocks for the lesson Reasoning and Problem Solving questions for every lesson Extension activities for every lesson Friday lesson reviews learning from the week so the addition and subtraction small steps will last the 5 weeks allocated by White Rose in the overview. All reviews welcome. Why not check out my Unit for the first 3 weeks of term: Place Value Unit
Addition and Subtraction Year 3 Lessons Week 4

Addition and Subtraction Year 3 Lessons Week 4

All you need to teach the first week of the Autumn term addition and subtraction unit, week 4 in year 3. A colourful, engaging Powerpoint using some of the questions and images from White Rose. All worksheets, extensions, challenges and answers included. Also in this extensive pack is a detailed plan for the week. 5 lessons included, with full differentiation across year 3 and extending into year 2 - reviewing small steps covered last year to make up for any gaps due to the Corona Virus school closures. Small Steps Covered: Add and subtract multiples of 100 Add and subtract 3-digit and 1-digit numbers - not crossing 10 Add 3-digit and 1-digit numbers - crossing 10 Subtract a 1-digit number from a 3-digit number - crossing 10 Highlights of this addition and subtraction pack: Range of activities Simple games Interactive animations of mathematical concepts on PPT Visual and colourful Designed to enable mastery Supports variation theory Special Features: Starter activities are building blocks for the lesson Reasoning and Problem Solving questions for every lesson Extension activities for every lesson Friday lesson reviews learning from the week so the addition and subtraction small steps will last the 5 weeks allocated by White Rose in the overview. All reviews welcome. Why not check out my Unit for the first 3 weeks of term: Place Value Unit
Year 3 Place Value Autumn Block

Year 3 Place Value Autumn Block

5 Resources
All you need to teach the first 3 weeks of the Autumn Block of Place Value as advised by White Rose; complete PowerPoints leading you through the lessons, differentiated worksheets, all answers and a plan for each week. All the 15 lessons builds through concrete, to pictorial and then abstract to give pupils a secure understanding and confidence with place value. High quality and engaging lesson inputs, full of modelled and animated guided maths to encourage independence and achievement. Variety of activities including differentiated worksheets, board games, dice games, small cards, treasure maps and code breaking tasks. Thoughtful questions designed to enable mastery and to support variation theory. Download this to save time, enjoy teaching maths and to show progress. All reviews welcome.
Place Value Year 3 Lessons Week 3

Place Value Year 3 Lessons Week 3

All you need to teach the third week of the Autumn term place value unit, week 3 in year 3. A colourful, engaging Powerpoint using some of the questions and images from White Rose. All worksheets, extensions and challenges included. Also in this extensive pack of 5 lessons, is a detailed plan for the week. Covers these small steps: Ordering numbers, Counting in 50’s, Counting in 4’s, Counting in 8’s, Problem solving using an understanding of place value. Highlights of this week 2 pack: Range of activities Simple games Animated and engaging PPT Visual and colourful Designed to enable mastery Supports variation theory Differentiated worksheets Special Features: Starter activities are building blocks for the lesson Reasoning and Problem Solving questions for every lesson Fast finisher activities for every lesson Unique version of Monopoly for HA All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in my: Week 1 Place Value Week 2 Place Value Place Value Display Or purchase this all as A Discounted Bundle.
Place Value Year 3 Lessons Week 2

Place Value Year 3 Lessons Week 2

All you need to teach the second week of the Autumn term place value unit, week 2 in year 3. A colourful, engaging Powerpoint using some of the questions and images from White Rose. All worksheets, extensions and challenges included. Also in this extensive pack of 5 lessons, is a detailed plan for the week. Key Small Steps Covered: Number lines, 10 and 100 more and less, Comparing objects, Comparing numbers. Highlights of this week 2 pack: Range of activities Simple game Concrete, pictorial and abstract maths Visual and colourful Designed to enable mastery Supports variation theory Special Features: Starter activities are building blocks for the lesson Reasoning and Problem Solving questions for every lesson Fast finisher activities for every lesson A ‘Crack the code to find the treasure in the map’ lesson reviewing all the objectives covered All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in my: 5 star review Year 3 Week 1 Place Value NEWYear 3 Week 3 Place Value Place value display
Place Value Year 3 Lessons Week 1

Place Value Year 3 Lessons Week 1

All you need to teach the first week of the Autumn term place value unit, week 1 in year 3. A colourful, engaging Powerpoint using some of the questions and images from White Rose. All worksheets, extensions, challenges and answers included. Also in this extensive pack is a detailed plan for the week. 4 lessons included as most people have an INSET the first week back. Small Steps Covered: Counting in 100s 100s, 10s and 1s Place Value up to 1,000 Problem Solving with place value Highlights of this week 1 pack: Range of activities Simple games Links to useful interactive activities on PPT Visual and colourful Designed to enable mastery Supports variation theory Special Features: Starter activities are building blocks for the lesson Reasoning and Problem Solving questions for every lesson Fast finisher activities for every lesson All reviews welcome. Why not check out: Year 3 Week 2 Place Value Year 3 Week 3 Place Value Place Value Display
Area of Shapes KS2 Lesson

Area of Shapes KS2 Lesson

An engaging lesson teaching the area of shapes. Includes a this 39 slide PowerPoint, worksheets, starter, input, scaffolding, plenaries, higher level questioning, challenges and all answers. Covers a range of shapes: rectangles, squares, triangles and parallelograms, enabling mastery of this area of maths. Animated slides ensure understanding, competence and confidence. Starters, mini plenaries, extension and challenges ensure progression. Worksheets differentiated 3 ways and each work through these styles of maths: Fluency - Do It! Misconception - Check It! Reasoning - Prove It! Application - Test It! Problem Solving - Solve It! Think outside the box - Do It Yourself! All answers included to enable easy and quick marking. Written for Year 5, but easily adaptable for all KS2 classes. Check out my shop for more time saving resources!
Report Comments Mega Bundle

Report Comments Mega Bundle

4 Resources
All you need to write your English, Maths, Science and General comments for your primary reports. Over 1400 different high quality differentiated comments to save you time. Save time and energy this year when writing your primary KS2 reports. Use these extensive report banks to quickly whip up a class full of personalised English, maths, science and general comment paragraphs. Simply copy and paste a selection of thoughtful comments to suit each child, choosing from each large subject bank. Speedily create fluent paragraphs describing the whole child. Each subject is divided into sections, in total there are enough sentences to create different paragraphs for every child in your class. All appropriate and relevant to your pupils. Ideal for years 3,4,5 and 6, easily adaptable for KS1. Impress your pupils, your parents and your head teacher with articulate and positive comments for these subjects. Show your pupils and their families you do know them well by choosing comments to suit each child. End the year knowing you’ve valued and helped each pupil in your class, whilst saving time for the wellbeing of yourself outside of school. You can also find lots of other handy end of year resources at my shop. Why not use my SMART targets to choose next steps for your pupils? Or use my Assessment Guidance to speed up your end of year data decisions.
Maths Report Comments

Maths Report Comments

Create your primary maths reports quickly using these 280 differentiated maths report comments for KS2. The subject of maths is broken down into 7 skill sections, relevant for all year groups, with 4 ability groups provided. Use the girl and boy versions to save time, just quickly choose the right comments to suit each child. There are enough comments to create different personalised paragraphs of comments for at least a whole class of 30 children. High Quality Written for the whole of KS2 focusing on learning aptitudes and the general areas of maths. Some spaces are left for you to add some relevant objectives for your year group. These are perfect for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 as they cover: Attitude Mathematical concepts Lesson content Operations and calculations Mental strategies Reasoning Problem Solving Understanding, explaining and checking solutions Strengths and Assessments Presentation Targets Differentiated Maths report comment banks for four different ability groups are provided with at least 70 comments in each, so a minimum of 280 different statements for your reports. Easy to Use They all come in a girl and a boy version saving you having to change any pronouns. All names are shown with 3 stars so you just have to find and replace, to insert names. Save Time Teaching is busy enough without report writing as well, save time whilst doing a good job. Easily copy and paste these thoughtful comments to create personalised and admired reports. Also… Check out these other handy end of year resources: General Report Comments 320 English Report Comments Geography Report Comments
Angle Bundle

Angle Bundle

3 Resources
A bundle of high quality angle lessons and resources for KS2. Bright and clear PowerPoints, worksheets, plan and display all aimed at ensuring confidence and accuracy in this area. Download these 3 popular packs to save time, enjoy teaching and challenge your pupils: Measuring Angles A good lesson with a football theme teaching how to estimate and measure angles. Opportunities provided for developing mastery within their understanding of measuring angles. Drawing Angles An effective lesson teaching how to draw angles set in the context of aliens with opportunities for your pupils to consolidate other key maths skills. Angle Fact Posters Colour coded images and captions showing and explaining the 8 main angles, 3 equal sets of angles and the interior angles of 8 regular and irregular polygons. Pop up on your maths display to consolidate and extend your pupil’s learning. Save time with these handy lessons and resources. Engage your pupils, enhance their learning and enjoy teaching with this download. All reviews welcome. For more high quality primary resources why not visit my shop.
Angle Display KS2

Angle Display KS2

A complete KS2 angle display including titles, interactive questions, images, angle types, tips, key words, strategies and reminders. Contains 37 elements. A visual and colourful angle display for your classroom which can also be used in a maths toolkit or as support cards during lessons. All ready to print and put up so your pupils are engaged, enthused and excited about angles. Bright and visual posters of essential angle facts. This extensive display, includes: 3 titles to choose from Question and answer bubbles explain key aspects of this topic. A question flap with an answer inside 5 easy steps to measure angles 10 simple steps to draw angles Key word cards to label an angle and protractor Real life images with a range of angles in to show pupils how this links to life outside of school. Colour-coded images and captions showing and explaining these key angles: acute angle right angle obtuse angle straight line reflex angle complete turn 45, 135, 225, 270, 315 degrees on cards angles on a straight line angles around a point Colour-coded examples showing and explaining equal angles: when two lines intersect when a line intersects a parallel line set 1 when a line intersects a parallel line set 2 Colour-coded examples showing and explaining interior angles of shapes and regular polygons: Triangle Quadrilaterals Pentagon Hexagon Heptagon Octagon Decagon Dodecagon Enthuse your children with learning angles, help them remember these important facts with ease. Use as a display, toolkit or support. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in my other popular angle resources: Drawing angles with games and the context of aliens Measuring angles in the context of football
Area and Perimeter Lesson Bundle

Area and Perimeter Lesson Bundle

3 Resources
3 differentiated lesson packs on perimeter and area; includes detailed PowerPoints, diffferentiated worksheets, word problems and answers. Calculating Perimeter Effortlessly teach perimeter of squares, reasoning shapes questions, perimeter of rectangles, perimeter of composite shapes and perimeter of triangles. A differentiated lesson of two halves - well pitched reasoning questions are provided for while you teach the higher half and lower half. Develop independence and mastery at the same time. All resources and answers provided. Perimeter of Composite Shapes Show children this tricky concept in a clear and memorable way. A 29 slide animated PowerPoint clearly showing the method needed for calculating missing sides and finding the perimeter of composite shapes. A lesson that is ready to go, taking you through the teaching points step-by-step, from starter to plenary. A differentiated lesson by input and activities. Word Problems A bright and visual fully editable 24 slide PowerPoint teaching children how to solve area and perimeter word problems. Includes an extensive set of questions where children need to use their understanding of area and perimeter to solve word problems. Most questions are multi step and cover key KS2 number skills (which are covered in the PowerPoint). A differentiated lesson with 3 engaging worksheets with all the answers provided. Two challenges are also included so the pupils can really master these concepts. All reviews welcome.
Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Different Denominators Game

Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Different Denominators Game

An engaging and effective game enabling children to add and subtract fractions with a purpose. Use to structure a maths lesson on fractions for KS2 children. Differentiated through output, children can move onto the extensions when they are ready. 3 styles of questions are included to ensure mastery in this skill. Children will become confident at adding fractions, subtracting fractions and solving fraction word problems. Question Styles Adding Fractions cards: A mixture of calculations involving fractions with different denominators. Subtracting Fractions cards: A mixture of calculations involving fractions with different denominators. Lucky Dip cards: Mixture of word problems, ordering and comparing fractions, equivalent fractions and converting decimals to fractions questions. Challenge 5 extensions are included to challenge the children once they are confident with playing the game. Including the children writing their own cards on the blank cards supplied. This game has a fun cat and mouse theme. All you need is one dice. The children can also choose and cut out one of 6 mice to be their game piece. Each go they can choose a card and answer the questions. All answers provided so pupils can work independently on this game. For many more popular maths resources click here to visit my shop. You might also be interested in: Adding and Subtracting Fractions with the same Denominator Game Converting Fractions to Decimals Word Problems Adding and Subtracting Fractions Differentiated Word Problems
Adding and Subtracting Fractions with the Same Denominator Game

Adding and Subtracting Fractions with the Same Denominator Game

An engaging and effective game enabling children to add and subtract fractions with a purpose. Includes a game board, mice game pieces, differentiated question and word problem cards and all answers. Use to structure a maths lesson on fractions for KS2 children. Differentiated through output, children can move onto the extensions when they are ready. 3 styles of questions are included to ensure mastery in this skill. Children will become confident at adding fractions, subtracting fractions and solving fraction word problems. Adding Fractions cards: A mixture of calculations involving fractions with the same denominator. Subtracting Fractions cards: A mixture of calculations involving fractions with the same denominator. Lucky Dip cards: Mixture of word problems, ordering and comparing fractions, equivalent fractions and converting decimals to fractions questions. Challenge 5 extensions are included to challenge the children once they are confident with playing the game. Including the children writing their own cards on the blank cards supplied. This game has a fun cat and mouse theme. All you need is one dice. The children can also choose and cut out one of 6 mice to be their game piece. Each go they can choose a card and answer the questions. All answers provided so pupils can work independently on this game. For many more popular maths resources click here You might also be interested in: Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Different Denominators Game Converting Fractions to Decimals Word Problems Adding and Subtracting Fractions Differentiated Word Problems
Measuring Angles PowerPoint KS2

Measuring Angles PowerPoint KS2

A complete lesson pack teaching KS2 children to measure angles. Includes an engaging 47 slide PowerPoint, differentiated worksheets set in real life contexts and all answers. Easily help children move through fluency, reasoning and problem solving to an enhanced understanding of angles. Lesson Pack All necessary resources provided: 2 lesson starters to choose from 47 slide editable PowerPoint (includes all resources) Video hyperlink Activities Worksheets - independent tasks, main activities and challenges Answers Whole Lesson This is a good lesson with a theme of football to engage your class whilst challenging and extending their understanding. Teach KS2 how to estimate and measure angles and to develop mastery with their understanding of angles. The visual PowerPoint covers all the key teaching points, taking the class through from starter to plenary. Differentiation A differentiated lesson by input and worksheet. SEN - Measure the important angles with a protractor. LA - Estimate angles using angle facts then measure using a protractor. MA - Measure the angles in a game of football. Design your own game and measure the angles. HA - Estimate acute, obtuse and reflex angles game, check with a protractor. Investigate angles in a game of football, plan how you will collect and present your answers in a systematic way. Challenge: Two different reasoning, application and problem solving investigations. Possibility for a differentiated lesson of two halves - Middle and Higher ability can independently play an angles game while you teach the lower and middle ability how to estimate and measure angles. Then they can be independent while you talk through the reasoning and main activity with the highers. Children can move on to the challenges when they feel confident. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in these high quality KS2 maths resources: Drawing Angles Lesson Area and Perimeter Lesson Bundle Angle Fact Sheets Place Value Chart
Convert Percentages to Decimals PowerPoint

Convert Percentages to Decimals PowerPoint

An engaging and detailed lesson teaching children how to convert percentages to decimals. Includes a 29 slide PPT, plan, resources, challenges and all answers. Steps to Mastery The starter reviews times and divide by 10 to build into the main concept of the lesson. Lots of clear images included to model each concept and develop mastery of this area. Learning is scaffolded with many examples to do with the class before independent work. Covering these key aspects: What are percentages? The meaning of the word is explained and what this means in maths with a visual representation. 6 examples covered and linked to fractions. What are decimals? The meaning of the word is explained and compared with whole numbers, shown on number lines to represent the value of tenths, hundredths and thousandths and so on. How do they link? Visual representation showing decimals and percentages as parts of 100 or 10, showing the same amount written in different ways. How do I convert between percentages and decimals? Modelled examples showing how to divide and multiply to convert between the two. How do I times and divide by 100? Links back to starter and shows an example using a place value chart. Can I remember this? Children now try 8 examples independently before discussing answers as a class. Resources Place Value chart for scaffolding. Differentiated worksheets for 3 groups with calculations and word problems included. Extra challenge for fast finishers. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in these high quality KS2 maths resources: Converting Fractions to Decimals Word Problems Place Value Display Multiply and Divide Decimals
Place Value Display

Place Value Display

A complete and colourful display for a KS2 maths unit on place value. Includes 3 titles, vocabulary cards, fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions, interactive activities and concrete images of this concept. Quickly pop up on your display board to start the term organised. Contains: Place Value titles (3 formats) Place value chart Place value vocabulary cards Fish theme images Fluency questions Reasoning questions Problem solving questions Abacus images Interactive activities Provided in a beach theme, this will spark, support and extend your topic in an engaging and effective way. Enjoy the cheerful summer theme of the seaside and brighten up your room. Ideal for KS2. All reviews welcome. Check out my other popular maths resources in My Shop!
Place Value Charts

Place Value Charts

Place value calculation charts, colour coded for mastery and showing links with multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. Download these editable, easy to use, charts showing place value titles to build confidence. Ensure mastery and accuracy. There is no space for the decimal point on the charts to prevent the common misconception. Available in lots of formats: Enlarged for modelling multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Blank chart to laminate for multilpying and dividing by 10 (labelled arrows drawn on to show movement) Black and white printable chart for children to write on and move numbers on 7 blank lines Colour coded chart showing the place value titles grouped into 3s to enhance understanding Various charts could be used in a maths toolkit, stuck into maths books or homework books, put on display or as helpful sheets on tables. Or print out place value title cards with matching colours for a maths sorting activity or an interactive display. Check out my other popular maths resources at The Teachallenjoy Shop. Why not print my whole Place Value Display?