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Teachallenjoy Primary Resources

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(based on 154 reviews)

An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance. You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone. Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.




An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance. You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone. Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.
Adjective Word Banks Pack

Adjective Word Banks Pack

Over 500 powerful adjectives for creative writing. Grouped into synonyms to aid understanding and save time. Use these 7 A4 page adjective banks to expand the vocabulary of your pupils. A bright and colourful pack of lists of adjectives for KS2. Designed to cover your needs for all your English units. You can use on a display, in a writer's toolkit, as part of a PowerPoint or simply printed on tables in order to expand vocabulary. Words are clearly grouped under synonyms so all ability children can benefit from these. Contains: - Persuasive Adjectives - Adjectives to describe monsters - Adjectives to describe a hero - Adjectives for a spooky setting description - Adjectives for a positive setting description - Adjectives to describe different characters -Adjectives to describe different objects All reviews welcome.
Modal Verbs Lesson Pack

Modal Verbs Lesson Pack

A complete lesson on modal verbs, with an engaging PowerPoint, posters, word bank, differentiated activities and answers. All you need to make your class confident with using modal verbs in their writing. Written for year 5 but easily adaptable for all KS2 year groups. An easy to use PowerPoint leads you through the lesson. Explaining to the children about modal verbs, their purposes, rules, when to use them and order of probability. Themed on the Simpsons it will engage your class. Bright, colourful, clear and memorable. A differentiated lesson with 4 writing activities provided and a challenge. All answers included. All reviews welcome.
Mental Health Awareness Week KS2 Assembly

Mental Health Awareness Week KS2 Assembly

An engaging assembly or lesson for raising awareness and understanding of mental health. Includes a 32 slide PowerPoint, interactive activities, reflection time, starter and plenary, higher level questioning, AFL and real life scenarios. Designed for Mental Health Awareness Weeks in primary schools. Could also be a useful PSHE lesson on discussing and coping with feelings. Takes the children through these key question: What is mental health? A child friendly definition. Why is mental health important? Explains how many children in an average class have mental health problems and more interesting facts. What do people think about mental health now? Explains the stigma associated with mental health and the importance of seeing a doctor for body and mind illnesses. What should we do when things get tough? Strategies for coping with intense feelings, inspirational quotes from well known fairy tales and reasons for keeping active. How do I keep my mind healthy? 3 easy everyday activities that can keep your mind healthy. What about other people? Supporting others with mental illness, medication and public perceptions. Who has mental health problems? 4 inspirational stories of famous people sharing their experiences. What have we learnt today? It is so important to talk about our emotions, ask for help when we need support and to look after our minds and bodies. Who can we ask for help? 4 sources of support supplied. Lots of opportunities for discussion and higher level thinking. All concepts explained clearly. All child friendly terms used. Relevant for KS2 and KS3. Check out my other updated resources for mental health awareness week: Emotion Cards Year 3-4 Week of Circle Time on Mental Health Year 5-6 week of Circle Time on Mental Health Mental Health Awareness Posters Self Esteem PSHE Lesson
Jane Goodall Science Plan Powerpoint

Jane Goodall Science Plan Powerpoint

A complete KS2 science lesson, covering the life of Jane Goodall. Includes a detailed presentation, 2 video links, a true/false activity, a writing template and differentiation. Children can learn what type of person she was, her achievements and what we can learn from her. Enthuse your pupils about being a scientist and discuss how not many women become scientists, what can we do to change this? Includes a thorough lesson plan so your lesson is ready to go. ** Highlights** Interactive 20 slide powerpoint full of information and helpful video links. . * Engaging true or false activity. Differentiated activities for a range of abilities and support sheet. Extension challenge for children to move onto. Differentiated note sheets for support. Writing template with illustrations. Interesting plenary to discuss. Focuses on the new national curriculum lesson objectives: Pupils might work scientifically by: observing and comparing the life cycles of plants and animals in their local environment with other plants and animals around the world (in the rainforest, in the oceans, in desert areas and in prehistoric times), asking pertinent questions and suggesting reasons for similarities and differences. They should find out about the work of naturalists and animal behaviourists, for example, Jane Goodall. All reviews welcome.
Discussion Texts Teaching Pack Week 2

Discussion Texts Teaching Pack Week 2

An engaging and detailed week taking children through the process of writing a discussion text. Each day there are engaging starters, main activities and plenaries. Every teaching point comes with at least one modelled text with analysis. Sequenced learning Starters review key spellings and grammatical terms from the new curriculum. Plenaries are written to encourage higher order thinking skills and encourage peer and self assessment. The main teaching points are: Writing a high quality introduction, Structuring a paragraph with PRE Using facts and opinions in discussion texts, Using modal verbs and sentence openers, Ideas of for and against points Writing a high quality conclusion. The success criteria are differentiated for three ability groups: Green - LA Blue and Yellow - MA Red - HA All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in Exploring and Planning a Discussion text Discussion text Openers
Asking Questions when Reading Lessons

Asking Questions when Reading Lessons

Five complete lessons teaching KS2 children how to ask questions when reading. Includes a teaching PowerPoint, weekly plan, starters, inputs, activities, differentiation, answers and plenaries. Covers question words, questioning grids, types of questions, questions linked to the bigger picture (themes). Questioning lesson pack provides texts, questions, think, pair share time, written activities, discussion points and progression. Each lesson builds on the previous to inspire confidence, understanding and success. The week ends with a small assessment style lesson where the children can show off what they have learnt. All reviews welcome.
Discussion Texts Teaching Pack Week 1

Discussion Texts Teaching Pack Week 1

A detailed week covering the imitate phase of learning about discussion texts. Includes open questions, higher order thinking, engaging texts, video links, differentiation, 5 teaching PowerPoints, all resources, worksheets and answers. Every day starts with an engaging starter focusing on SPAG skills, such as KS2 spellings, parenthesis, conjunctions and handwriting. Extra for experts activities for further challenge and modelled texts to support the lower ability. Learning Objectives: To understand a discussion text and identify its features To identify facts and opinions To use conjunctions to link ideas in a for or against argument To write an introduction and conclusion To plan a discussion text on ‘Is Homework Necessary?’ Main activities differentiated by colour: Green - LA Yellow and blue - MA Red - HA Highlights: Ready to teach All printables provided KS2 appropriate Cross curricular links Differentiated Check out the follow up week for this unit here.
Russia Geography KS2 Lesson Physical Features

Russia Geography KS2 Lesson Physical Features

A lesson pack teaching the physical features of Russia. Includes a teaching PowerPoint, photo analysis, paired and group activities, differentiated written work, all printables and a plenary. Highlights: Starter activity Odd one out photo analysis Videos and information on each biome Varied outcomes The Powerpoint takes you through photo and map analysis of Russia and a range of activities to give the children a deep and rounded understanding of this place. A reasoning plenary brings the lesson together. Resources Maps, videos, images and fact slides show the various biomes, animals, landscapes and weather of Russia. All printable resources included and ready-to-go. Activities Differentiated activities cover three ability groups with a reasoning challenge activity. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in these high quality Geography lessons: Tour Breathtaking Scandinavia Visit the Grand Yosemite National Park Uncover UK Coasts
Yosemite National Park Physical and Human Features Lesson 2

Yosemite National Park Physical and Human Features Lesson 2

One of eight engaging lessons which bring Yosemite National Park into the classroom. Includes a 37 slide teaching PowerPoint, photographs, videos, higher level questioning, paired and group activities, all resources and differentiation. Teaching Points What are human features? What are physical features? What is wilderness? How have these changed over time? What might the park look like in the future? Covers key KS2 National Curriculum geography and English objectives. Teach an effective lesson with no preparation necessary, just glance through the PowerPoint and you’re ready to go. Resources Included Starter Teaching input Photos to analyse in pairs and groups Integrated video link Differentiated activities Sorting worksheet Challenge Plenary Lessons in this unit are designed to support, challenge and extend learning so that every child can access, enjoy and exceed expectations. This is written for KS2, ideally for years 4, 5 and 6 but could be easily adapted for year 3. Human and Physical Geography National Curriculum Learning Objectives understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of …a region within North or South America describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including: … rivers, mountains describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, All reviews welcome. Check out my other popular geography lessons on this topic: Scandinavia Physical Features Russia Physical Features UK Coast Physical Features
Area and Perimeter PPT & Word Problems

Area and Perimeter PPT & Word Problems

Engaging lesson pack teaching children how to solve area and perimeter word problems. Includes a detailed PowerPoint, worksheets, multi step questions, real world scenarios, differentiation, consolidation of key number skills and all the answers. Use the step by step input which explains this skill whilst developing independence, confidence and enables pupils to reach the challenge activities. Delight in seeing your class tackle and solve an extensive bank of questions set in real world contexts. Most are multi step and cover key KS2 number skills. Develop mastery as this lesson caters to every child, the differentiated worksheets will ensure that every child moves on and that every child makes progress. Print all the answers included for quick and easy marking. Hand out the challenges provided so your pupils really master the concepts of area and perimeter. Finish with an open ended plenary discussion to enhance their reasoning skills and give children the opportunity to discuss and consolidate their learning. All reviews welcome. You can find many more reliable and useful KS2 maths resources at my shop: Teachallenjoy You might also be interested in: - Calculating the perimeter of regular and irregular shapes - Calculating the perimeter of composite shapes - Converting fractions to decimals word problems
Behaviour Management CPD Pack

Behaviour Management CPD Pack

An inspiring CPD pack for refreshing and updating your behaviour management toolkit. Extensive word document, bright and clear PowerPoint and survey included. Understand how to manage a class in a low energy, effective and long term way. Make small changes to your teaching to have a big impact on the focus, concentration and progress of your pupils. Download a clear, visual and easy to understand 10 page word document explaining fundamental aspects of teaching: Laying the foundations of behaviour management Explaining expectations and consequences 4 behaviour management essentials 10 top behaviour strategies Teaching for engagement alongside behaviour management Walking around school as role models Table Plans for minimum disruption Playground behaviour management Practical subjects, rewards and tidying up a classroom Evaluating and changing your practice Enjoy a 29 slide PowerPoint for training others, covering key techniques and strategies to update teaching methods. Within this there are moments to discuss, reflect and evaluate your practice. Also included is an optional anonymous survey you can give your class to find out what they think about your strengths and weaknesses - a daring but effective way to move your skills forward. This would be helpful for any NQTs and other teachers looking to refresh and update their behaviour management. Useful for individual personal CPD or to provide whole school CPD. All reviews welcome. You can find many more reliable and useful KS2 resources, lessons and plans at my shop: Teachallenjoy You might also be interested in these inexpensive and free resources Noisemeter Seating Plan Pack Dreams and Aspirations Lesson
Report Comments Mega Bundle

Report Comments Mega Bundle

4 Resources
All you need to write your English, Maths, Science and General comments for your primary reports. Over 1400 different high quality differentiated comments to save you time. Save time and energy this year when writing your primary KS2 reports. Use these extensive report banks to quickly whip up a class full of personalised English, maths, science and general comment paragraphs. Simply copy and paste a selection of thoughtful comments to suit each child, choosing from each large subject bank. Speedily create fluent paragraphs describing the whole child. Each subject is divided into sections, in total there are enough sentences to create different paragraphs for every child in your class. All appropriate and relevant to your pupils. Ideal for years 3,4,5 and 6, easily adaptable for KS1. Impress your pupils, your parents and your head teacher with articulate and positive comments for these subjects. Show your pupils and their families you do know them well by choosing comments to suit each child. End the year knowing you’ve valued and helped each pupil in your class, whilst saving time for the wellbeing of yourself outside of school. You can also find lots of other handy end of year resources at my shop. Why not use my SMART targets to choose next steps for your pupils? Or use my Assessment Guidance to speed up your end of year data decisions.
World Poetry Day Assembly KS1

World Poetry Day Assembly KS1

Inspire your pupils with this KS1 assembly celebrating World Poetry Day. Includes an engaging PowerPoint, 4 poems, geography map skills, video link, reasoning questions and interactive activities. This ready-to-go 27 slide PowerPoint leads you through the assembly explaining World Poetry Day and poetry. Read the children 4 world habitat poems written about environments from across the globe. Choose poems from a world map, before reading about the animals, landscape and climate of jungles, grasslands, deserts and the arctic. Enhance geography skills whilst developing vocabulary and a passion for poetry. An engaging video is included to provide a range of role models who clearly enjoy reading poetry and bringing it to life. Celebrate World Poetry Day every year on March 21st to encourage diversity and a shared understanding of the world. Use this assembly to inspire your pupils to become writers, enjoy the video link of a range of people reading a poem about how poets can write anywhere. Check out my other popular KS1 assemblies: Mental Health Awareness Week KS1 Assembly Albert Einstein KS1 Assembly Charles Darwin KS1 Assembly
Year 2 Reading Corner Display

Year 2 Reading Corner Display

A useful display for teachers, children, parent helpers and visitors showing the new curriculum in a bright and colourful, easy to use way. All the year 2 reading statements are simplified to child speak with engaging animals and speech bubbles, an easy way to jazz up your reading corner. Having the new curriculum statements on display for all to see will help everyone feel confident with knowing the learning objectives. All adults involved with the class will be able to ask effective questions when listening to children read. Assessments of children will be more accurate and relevant. Children could use these on an interactive display to self and peer assess and prompt reading discussions. Also included: 12 Bunting Triangles - with characters and relevant quotes from well known children’s books A large welcome title All the year 2 New Curriculum reading statements in speech bubbles from colourful animals Key reading vocabulary cards 10 Bubbles containing thought provoking questions Top Book Trump review cards Book Recommendation sheets A Reading Challenge All reviews welcome.
Spelling Lessons Years 5/6 Whole Term 3

Spelling Lessons Years 5/6 Whole Term 3

6 Resources
Includes 30 lessons, displays, engaging activities, dictations, all answers and all resources needed. Six engaging PowerPoints leading you through a term of weekly spelling lessons. All words are from the year 5/6 new curriculum spelling list. Monday - Covers the word class of each spelling, patterns, rules and definitions. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Short easy to resource spelling activities to enable children to learn these spellings in an engaging and successful way. Friday - Includes a dictation containing the spelling words covered in the week. Shows how many words there are and how many spellings. A helpful resource so that you can easily fit spellings into a busy week. Lessons could be completed on white boards, draft books or English books. Also includes a simple display of the spelling words so you can keep referring to them throughout the day. All reviews welcome.
Reading Corner Display Year 3 & 4

Reading Corner Display Year 3 & 4

A complete display for a reading corner in a year 3 or 4 classroom. Bright, colourful and engaging. Inspire reading with this pack which includes: title, bunting quotes, vocabulary, higher level questions, reading statements, images and other reading resources. A useful display for teachers, children, parent helpers and visitors showing the new curriculum in a colourful and easy to use way. All the year 3 and 4 reading statements are simplified to child speak with engaging animals and speech bubbles, an easy way to jazz up your reading corner. Having the new curriculum statements on display for all to see will help everyone feel confident with knowing the learning objectives. All adults involved with the class will be able to ask effective questions when listening to children read. Assessments of children will be more accurate and relevant. Children could use these on an interactive display to self and peer assess and prompt reading discussions. Also included: 12 Bunting Triangles - with famous inspirational quotes about reading A large welcome title Key reading vocabulary cards 10 Bubbles containing thought provoking questions Top Book Trump review cards Book Recommendation sheets A Reading Challenge Easily adaptable to fit your space, could also be used in a library to prompt whole school progression. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in my other popular reading resources: Year 3 Reading Assessment Questions Year 4 Reading Assessment Questions Bundle of KS2 Reading Lessons
Expanded Noun Phrase Machine

Expanded Noun Phrase Machine

An essential resource for teaching expanded noun phrases. Includes an engaging PowerPoint and complete word bank kits. This pack teaches how to construct expanded noun phrases. Grouped word banks scaffold the learning. It teaches children how to start with a simple noun phrase such as 'the dog' or 'the lady' and add in 8 new elements to the phrase. 3 simple noun phrases are modelled with the 'machine'. Used in year 5, also appropriate for all other KS2 classes. A|l reviews welcome.
Christmas Story Writing Bundle KS2

Christmas Story Writing Bundle KS2

2 Resources
A complete 2 week English planning pack for KS2. Download engaging PowerPoints leading you through each of the 10 lessons, differentiated resources and 2 detailed weekly plans. Enjoy teaching these full lessons which are ready to pick up and go. Each containing engaging starters, short text extracts, paired and group discussion, word banks, challenges and quick and easy plenaries. Improve your pupil’s writing whilst enjoying this festive season. Read them the Nisse story, a Scandinavian Christmas folk tale and watch as they are inspired to write about Christmas. Use the peer and self assessments so your marking is quick and effortless. Have time for family this Christmas. All reviews are welcome. Check out My Shop for more high quality resources.
Cursive Handwriting Videos

Cursive Handwriting Videos

98 Videos of every letter of the alphabet as a capital and lowercase in cursive handwriting. Example sentences and words for pupils to copy containing the focus letters. Large selection of phonic digraphs for handwriting practice as well. Have the best handwriting class in school! All reviews welcome. Check out my Teachallenjoy Shop for more amazing resources.
Year 2 SMART Writing Targets

Year 2 SMART Writing Targets

Use this resource to write Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound writing targets in year 2. Useful for teachers when writing targets so you can narrow down the statements from the National Curriculum into small steps which the children can understand. Broken down into targets for punctuation, handwriting, grammar and composition. You could print out one for each child and use as an assessment tool. Or just use when marking to save time so you can quickly choose a high quality target personalised for each child. All reviews welcome. You might also be interested in these high quality resources for the New Curriculum: Whole School SMART Targets Whole School Writing Assessment Sheets Whole School English Writing Assessment Guidance Whole School Guided Reading Questions