
Electricity Complete Course
This bundle is about Eelectricity for grade 9 (Physics). Includes
(1) What is electricity
(2) Ohm's law
(3) Circuits - series & parallel
(4) Resistance calculations in various circuits
(5) Electronic components
(6) Electricity generation
(7) Electrical power
(8) Electrical safety
The files contain the theories, lectures and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentations and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Heat Energy Complete Course
This bundle is about Heat Energy for grade 7 (Physics). Includes
(1) Heat Vs. Temperature and temperature scale conversions
(2) Heat flow (Conduction, Convection, Radiation)
(3) Effects of heat in our everyday life and
(4) Absorption and Radiation of heat.
The files contain the theories, lectures and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentations and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Light Energy Complete Course
This bundle includes the complete topic of light energy for grade 8 students.
It covers
(1) the properties of light, reflection
(2) refraction
(3) vision types (humans and animals)
(4) Colors and how colored objects appear in different colored lights or through light filters.
The files contain the theories, lectures and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentations and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Energy Sources (Physics)
This lesson is about Energy Sources. Every energy source is explained with examples and the process of its conversion to electricity. The sources are sorted to renewable and non- renewable with advantages and disadvantages for each energy source. A part of a science course for grade 9 (Physics - Energy). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Energy Conservation (Physics)
This lesson is about Energy Conservation. Ways to save energy and a project to design an energy efficient house. Includes interactive self study applications. A part of a science course for grade 9 (Physics - Energy). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Energy Changes (Physics)
This lesson is about Energy Changes. How we convert one type of energy to another in everything we do in life. A part of a science course for grade 9 (Physics - Energy). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Energy Types (Physics)
his lesson is about Energy Types, stored energies (potential, chemical, nuclear) and working energies kinetic, heat, light, sound, electrical). Includes calculations and everyday example.
A part of a science course for grade 9 (Physics - Energy). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Light and color (Physics)
This lesson is about Colors, how we see colors and the affect of light sources, light filters etc.
Absorption and reflection of colors, white light and newton's wheel. Primary and secondary colors.
A part of a science course for grade 8 (Physics - Energy). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Sight and Vision - defect and limitations (Physics)
This lesson is about limitations of sight and sight defects with ways to correct them. The lesson split into two part (1) sight defects (2) sight limitations. A part of a science course for grade 8 (Physics - Energy). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Light Refraction (Physics)
This lesson is about Light refraction. How refraction occurs, Effects of refraction of light. Natural phenomena like rainbow, prism disperse and “broken” straw in water.
A part of a science course for grade 8 (Physics - Energy). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Light energy and reflection (Physics)
This lesson is about Light energy and reflection. Includes the properties of light, light sources, reflection of light, mirrors, etc. A part of a science course for grade 8 (Physics - Energy). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Absorbtion and Radiation of Heat (Physics)
This lesson is about Absorption and Radiation of Heat. Includes examples from everyday life where colors and types of material affect the amount of heat absorbed and radiate by objects. A part of a science course for grade 7 (Physics - Energy). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Effects of Heat (Physics)
This lesson is about Effects of Heat. Includes examples from everyday life where we use expansion and contraction of matter. Useful application such as bi-metals use in thermostats, thermometers, hot air balloon and natural phenomena such as see breeze, land breeze etc. A part of a science course for grade 7 (Physics - Energy). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Heat Flow (Physics)
This lesson is about Heat flow. The way heat travels by conduction, convection, and radiation. A part of a science course for grade 7 (Physics - Energy). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Heat and Temperature (Physics)
This lesson is about Heat and Temperature. Includes temperature scale conversions (Kelvin, Fahrenheit, Celsius). The difference between heat and temperature, thermal equilibrium, the factors affecting the amount of heat contained by an object.
A part of a science course for grade 7 (Physics - Energy). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Types of Motion (Physics)
This lesson is about Types of Motion. Includes Linear motion, Free fall, Projectile motion, Circular motion, Rotary motion, Oscillatory motion and everyday applications of them.
A part of a science course for grade 9 (Physics). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. Additionally there is a PPT file for extra practice in class.
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Moment of Force (Physics)
This lesson is about Moment of forces. How to balance a lever, Calculate the moment of force and the
3 classes of levers.
A part of a science course for grade 9 (Physics). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. Additionally there is a PPT file for extra practice in class.
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Friction Force (Physics)
This lesson is about Friction forces. Includes Static friction, Kinetic friction, Fluid friction, Rolling friction, coefficient of friction and ways to increase and reduce friction.
A part of a science course for grade 9 (Physics). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. Additionally there is a PPT file for extra practice in class.
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Buoyancy Force (Physics)
This lesson is about Buoyancy force as related to Newton's third law of motion (action-reaction). A part of a science course for grade 9 (Physics). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. Additionally there is a PPT file for extra practice in class.
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Newton's third law of motion - Action-Reaction (Physics)
This lesson is about Newton's third law of motion (Action-Reaction). A part of a science course for grade 9 (Physics). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations. Additionally there is a PPT file for extra practice in class.
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.