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Applications of chemical reactions (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Applying the knowledge of chemical reactions into everyday life practice. This lesson discuss products of reactions between acids and alkalis, applications of neutralization in everyday life, chemistry hazard symbols.
A part of a science course for grade 8 (Chemistry).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Rates of reactions (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Rates of chemical reactions - the factors the speed or slow down the rate of chemical reactions. A part of a science course for grade 8 (Chemistry).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Energy in chemical reactions (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Energy in chemical reactions (Exothermic Vs. Endothermic). A part of a science course for grade 8 (Chemistry).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Chemical reactions (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Chemical reactions. Covers the reactions between metals and oxygen, metals and water, metals and acids, acids and carbonates. Includes videos to show the reactions that you cannot do in class.
A part of a science course for grade 8 (Chemistry). The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides. In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Chemical Equations (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Chemical equations. The proper way the deal with chemical equations by folloying simple rules.
A part of a science course for grade 8 (Chemistry).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Radioactive elements (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Radioactive elements. Their properties, dangers and uses.
A part of a science course for grade 8 (Chemistry).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Separation methods (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Separation methods. Covers Filtration, Magnetic attraction, Centrifuge, Evaporation, Crystallization, Simple and Fractional distillations, Chromatography. With examples.
A part of a science course for grade 8 (Chemistry).
A board game is included as a lesson starter to engage the students in the various separation methods and their us abilities.
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Compounds and Mixtures (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Compounds and Mixtures. Explain the differences between compounds and mixtures with examples. Discuss physical change vs. chemical change. Review the different types of mixtures (solution, colloid, suspension) and classify them to homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.
A part of a science course for grade 8 (Chemistry).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Elements, Compound, Mixture (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Elements, Compound, Mixtures. Elements and the periodic table, Properties of metals, non-metals and metalloids.
A part of a science course for grade 8 (Chemistry).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Acid-Base (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Acids and Bases. The properties of acids and bases and the difference between base and alkali. Use litmus paper and pH scales to measure acidity, understand the product of reactions between acids and alkalis. Apply the knowledge of acids and bases in everyday life.
A part of a science course for grade 7 (Chemistry).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Concentration (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Concentration of solutions. The lesson discuss the making of solutions, how to calculate its concentration and how to dilute an exiting solution to achieve a desire concentration.
A part of a science course for grade 7 (Chemistry).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Solubility (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Solubility. Understand how to change solubility, Explain how to affect the solubility of a solution and Analyze solubility graphs.
A part of a science course for grade 7 (Chemistry).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Solutions (Chemistry)
This lesson is about Solutions.
How to make solutions
Recognize the different stages of solutions
Understand the different types of solutions
A part of a science course for grade 7 (Chemistry).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Classification of Matter
This lesson is about Classification of Matter. Sorting substances to groups according to their properties: Particle arrangements (solid, liquid, gas), Combination of particles (element, compound, mixture). Element (metals, non-metals, metalloids). Discuss the properties of elements, compounds and mixtures with practical examples. Covers the properties of metals, non-metals and metalloids.
A part of a science course for grade 7 (Physics-Energy).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Properties of Matter
This lesson is about Properties of Matter. This lesson discuss Strength, Flexibility, Hardness, Density, Electrical and Thermal conductivity, Melting and Boiling points. The difference between physical and chemical changes.
A part of a science course for grade 7 (Physics-Energy).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

This lesson is about Matter. Understand the meaning of matter. Tell the difference between matter and non-matter.
A part of a science course for grade 7 (Physics-Energy).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

State of Matter
This lesson is about State of Matter. A part of a science course for grade 7 (Physics-Energy).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Effects of Heat
This lesson is about Effects of heat. A part of a science course for grade 7 (Physics-Energy).
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.

Resistance calculation (Physics)
This lesson is about Resistor and resistance calculations in series and parallel. A part of a science course for grade 9 (Physics). The files contain the theories, lecture and practices, as well as links to videos and online simulations.
The set includes Power-Point presentation and iBook, which is an Interactive Book, where the students fill the blanks that goes in accordance with the PPT slides.
In addition there are all the answers to the iBook for the teacher.