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Teachers Resource Force

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A teacher of teens, passionate about integrating character, creativity and technology in lessons đź’ś Get a free gratitude journal here --> bit.ly/FreeGratitudeJournal




A teacher of teens, passionate about integrating character, creativity and technology in lessons đź’ś Get a free gratitude journal here --> bit.ly/FreeGratitudeJournal
99 This or That Ice Breaker Dilemmas for Teachers (editable!)

99 This or That Ice Breaker Dilemmas for Teachers (editable!)

Are you looking for some gripping ways to lighten the mood at the start of a staff meeting after a long, stressful day? Here are 99 of completely unique, written by yours truly, "would you rather" / "this or that" dilemmas - especially for teachers! I have done all the hard work for you and come up with 99 funny and realistic "this or that" icebreakers that teachers can totally relate to, into one neat PowerPoint that you can pull up on a projector or even print off! Let's be real here, most of us dread staff meetings, but having such a huge variety of "would you rather" prompts all neatly packaged in this PowerPoint means teachers will actually start to look forward to them - simply pull up this document and have it ready on the board for your colleagues when they enter the room! They work on an automatic timer to effortlessly scroll through allowing time for colleagues to have a good laugh before the meeting starts! These create an immediate buzz and rapidly boost morale after a long, stressful day. There are 99 dilemmas to choose from which will last you YEARS, and each one is completely EDITABLE to allow for cultural differences in language! Take away the anxiety of being greeted with grumpy faces at the next staff meeting, and simply pop these ice breakers on in the background - your colleagues will totally love them!
Valentine's Day Colouring Pages

Valentine's Day Colouring Pages

Valentine's Day: fun and relaxing colouring pages for teens! These Valentine’s doodle colouring pages are a wonderfully motivating, encouraging and fun resource for your students to colour and even share with the ones they love! You’d be amazed at the wonders it can do for students’ well-being and mindfulness just by giving them some time to colour in these loving quotes– no matter what their age - it is something that is very therapeutic and inspiring. These would work great for tutor time, lunch clubs or for students who just need time out to calm and relax themselves. There are 5 different colouring pages to choose from. Students can just colour in using whatever shades make them happy, but there is also white space available for students to add their own doodles too if they want to personalise and explore their creativity further. So get your students thinking about their loved ones and friends, by giving them the opportunity to just take time to be creative and calm reflecting on love and friendship this Valentine’s Day!
End of the Year Trivia Quiz (2016-17) - For Teens!

End of the Year Trivia Quiz (2016-17) - For Teens!

End Of Year Trivia Quiz (2016-17) - For Teens! This is a fun way to wrap up the school year with your tutor group as it quizzes your students on current affairs and celebrity gossip that teens can relate to! The best part is, it’s specific to this current school year which is a lovely way to reflect and remember all that has happened. Some might learn a new fact or two as well! There are 3 different options for delivering this quiz: • One is a PowerPoint with a question on each slide so you can do the quiz as a whole class activity with students working in groups. • The second is an individual quiz which students can do on their own or in pairs. • The third is a set of cards which students can do in pairs or small groups. They take it in turns to read each other a question and answer them; if they get it correct they keep the card. The winner is the person with the most cards! Save yourself hours of preparation and get your hands on this end of year quiz! Enjoy!
Valentine's Day Activities for Teens

Valentine's Day Activities for Teens

Valentine's Day Activities for Teens This Valentine's Day Activities for teens resource pack contains fun activities for teenagers and young students, ideal for tutor time or PSHE. The worksheets are simple and fun to work through, require no preparation from you and will be sure to entertain them for the week leading up to Valentine's Day! You can select which activities you would like students to complete, or you can offer them the independence to choose their own in class or for homework. Encourage your students to think about those they care about (family, friends, partners or even pets!) and reflect on how they can show love in creative and loving ways whilst developing their literacy skills! Product includes: • Love Poem • Build-a-Love-Bear • Show Them You Care • The Perfect Date • Acrostic Love Poem • Valentine's Day Word Search (and answers) • The Language of Love (in different languages!) Your students are bound to enjoy these creative Valentine's Day themed activities which will stretch their imaginations whilst having fun! These will work really well with the new Valentine's Colouring Pages for teens which have quotes all about love and friendship: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/valentine-s-day-colouring-pages-11195344
Growth Mindset Emoji Interactive Notebook Exit Tickets - editable!

Growth Mindset Emoji Interactive Notebook Exit Tickets - editable!

Your students are going to love these Interactive Notebook Emoji Exit Tickets – ideal for Growth Mindset! They are a great way for students to reflect on their Growth Mindset behaviour and thinking in a fun, interactive and relatable way! They also provide you with great feedback to assess student progression in your lesson that you can then use to plan differentiated lessons to suit their needs. There are 10 types of Interactive Notebook Emoji exit tickets all prompting something different for students to reflect on. They work well for early finishers and as they come in different sizes, they work well for bulletin boards too! I know your students will definitely think you are the most super awesome teacher ever when you pull these out in your lesson; this is a great way of getting them excited and enthused in your lessons - plus, they look fantastic up on display in your classroom!
Self-Esteem Values Lesson: Character Education PSHE (PowerPoint, Task Cards & Printables)

Self-Esteem Values Lesson: Character Education PSHE (PowerPoint, Task Cards & Printables)

This values unit on self-esteem for PSHE / Tutor Time is a crucial element for strengthening the core curriculum and ensuring our teenage students have the confidence and self-belief that they can succeed and reach their goals! Product includes: • Self-esteem PowerPoint - fully structured so no prior experience is required to deliver it. The text is also editable for you to modify as needed! • Self-esteem Printables - graphic organisers go perfectly with the PowerPoint if you want your students to record their thoughts as you discuss. There is also a fun bonus homework included! • Activities for kindness and strengthening classroom community. • Discussion point cards to develop speaking and listening skills. In order to ensure these important Character Education skills can be integrated into our busy timetables, this resource has been designed to make it as easy to deliver as possible! It includes a structured PowerPoint that guides the class through discussions about self-esteem and effective skills on how to build confidence. No prior knowledge or experience from you is required! On top of this, the PowerPoint text is editable so you can modify the content to suit your students’ needs, should you wish. Also included are bonus graphic organisers which are supplementary to the Self-Esteem PowerPoint: they work as a helpful tool for students to record their thoughts in an aesthetically pleasing way that can then be used for bulletin board displays etc. You will also find a set of discussion task cards to spark conversation and thoughts on self-esteem: these can be printed off for each group of students, or they can be used in whole class discussion – it is up to you! So help build your students' self-esteem and encourage them to be all that you know they can be! Great for Character Education, Social Skills, Life skills and PSHE (Physical, Social, Health, Education) lessons.
Empathy Lesson: Character Education Values (PowerPoint, Task Cards & Printables)

Empathy Lesson: Character Education Values (PowerPoint, Task Cards & Printables)

This values unit on Empathy is a crucial element for strengthening the core curriculum and ensuring our students have empathy towards others which helps reduce bullying, racism, prejudice and can improve relationships. Product includes: • Empathy PowerPoint - fully structured so no prior experience is required to deliver it. The text is also editable for you to modify as needed! • Empathy Printables - graphic organizsers go perfectly with the PowerPoint if you want your students to record their thoughts as you discuss. There is also a fun bonus homework included! • Discussion point cards to develop speaking and listening skills. In order to ensure these important skills can be integrated into our busy timetables, this resource has been designed to make it as easy to deliver as possible! It includes a structured PowerPoint that guides the class through discussions about empathy and effective skills on understanding others’ feelings. No prior knowledge or experience from you is required! On top of this, the PowerPoint text is editable so you can modify the content to suit your students’ needs, should you wish. Also included are bonus graphic organisers which are supplementary to the PowerPoint: they work as a helpful tool for students to record their thoughts in an aesthetically pleasing way that can then be used for bulletin board displays etc. You will also find a set of discussion task cards to spark conversation and thoughts on empathy: these can be printed off for each group of students, or they can be used in whole class discussion – it is up to you! So help build your students' empathy and encourage them to be all that you know they can be! Great for Character Education, Social Skills, Life skills and PSHCE (Physical, Social, Health, Citizenship Education) lessons.
Dealing with Bullying for Teens (PowerPoint and Printables)

Dealing with Bullying for Teens (PowerPoint and Printables)

Are you concerned about bullying in your classroom? Bullying is sadly something that happens on a daily basis and most children will be affected by it in some way, shape or form during their school lives. By the time our youngsters are teenagers, bullying takes on new forms and can leave lasting negative effects on their physical and emotional well-being. I believe we need to spend time teaching our students how to recognise bullying and how to deal with it so that we can help them develop into resilient and assertive individuals to help them cope with adulthood. In order to ensure these important skills can be integrated into our busy timetables, this resource has been designed to make it as easy to deliver as possible! It includes a structured PowerPoint that guides the class through discussions about bullying and how to deal with it and develop assertiveness. It can be taught as a whole unit in PSHE or divided up over a few weeks to deliver to tutor groups. No prior knowledge or experience from you is required! On top of this, the PowerPoint text is EDITABLE so you can modify the content to suit your students’ needs, should you wish. Also included are graphic organizer printables which are supplementary to the PowerPoint: they’re not a requirement, but they work as a helpful tool for students to record their thoughts in an aesthetically pleasing way that can then be used for wall displays etc. You will also find a set of discussion task cards for students to discuss possible scenarios they may come across: these can be printed off for each group of students, or they can be used in whole class discussion – it is up to you! Product includes: • 22 slide PowerPoint • 14 printables of detailed teachers' notes and graphic organizers • 6 scenarios to analyse Students will learn: • To identify what bullying is • To analyse common situations and discuss which are considered bullying and why • The reasons why people might bully others • The impact bullying has on others • Ways they can respond to bullies • How to be assertive • How to deal with bullying • Support networks they can turn to for support • A final pep-talk! Great for Social Skills, Life skills, Tutor Periods and PSHE (Physical, Social, Health Education) lessons.
2018 Colouring Calendar - with goals and gratitude journal

2018 Colouring Calendar - with goals and gratitude journal

Plan and relax with this unique 2018 Colouring Calendar! This is a great tool for your students (or even you!) to start off this brand new year on the right track with a growth mindset. Each month has its own uniquely hand drawn monthly colouring page with a special section on each for “goals” and what you’re “grateful for”. You won’t see any other print like this as each one has been uniquely designed for this calendar by yours truly! This is a fantastic tool for ensuring you are focused on gratitude during the month as well as keeping a regular sight on your monthly goals. It also makes as a great keepsake to look back on in the future too! I hope you and your students enjoy planning, setting goals and focusing on the positive with this unique colouring calendar for 2018!
Interactive Notebook Exit Tickets for any topic - editable!

Interactive Notebook Exit Tickets for any topic - editable!

Student self assessment is a great way to check for understanding. Students love Interactive Notebooks and this editable resource is a fun and unique set of printable foldable exit tickets that enable students to reflect on their learning in a fun and modern way! They are great for early finishers and also provide you with great feedback to assess student progression in your lesson that you can then use to plan differentiated lessons to suit their needs. There are 10 types of Interactive Notebook exit tickets all prompting something different for students to reflect on in their learning that will work for ANY topic! Each exit ticket comes in 3 different sizes to suit a range of books and even display boards! I know your students will definitely think you are the most super awesome teacher ever when you pull these out in your lesson; this is a great way of getting them excited and enthused in your lessons - plus, they look fantastic up on display in your classroom!
Self-confidence colouring affirmation cards

Self-confidence colouring affirmation cards

Self-confidence affirmation cards for teachers and teens - colour in, reflect and really believe with these 10 colouring affirmation cards! Self-confidence is a fundamental factor in success and many of our youth in this day and age are lacking that self-belief they can succeed. We often hear "I can't do this", "I'm rubbish at this", "I can't do it on my own, you have to help me"... What some teachers have tried to do is introduce positive affirmations that students are to repeat over and over again. The idea is nice, but does it really work? Does saying something make it true? Well, at best we might get a temporary high or feel motivated for a short time, but in the long term it’s less likely to have lasting effects and that's because we are actually missing a very important step. Now picture yourself being the teacher who is able to help their student really believe these affirmations. Your students are able to believe it because you're helping them see the truth in these statements for themselves. With this pack of 10 affirmation cards, you can be that teacher. You will be giving your students some quiet reflection time where they can color in positive affirmations, but they will also be reflecting on some very significant and tailored questions that will help them prove that the affirmation they are stating is the truth. In time, you will see their self-confidence begin to flourish and success will be inevitable thanks to your guidance! There are 10 different cards to choose from in this set. Each quote comes in both postcard and business card size, ideal for keeping in wallets, lockers and pin boards etc. These are designed to be coloured in and then folded in half and glued together to keep forever - you could even have them laminated for maximum longevity! ​The great thing about these being colouring affirmations is, one, it saves on ink and money (hooray!), two it allows time for mindfulness where your students can sit and relax for a few minutes reflecting on the statement and questions, and three it personalises each card to help your students connect with it more - seeing their doodles reminds them of how they were feeling when they were colouring it in and answering the questions in their mind! By spending time colouring these in, you will give your students time to be creative and then associate that feeling when they look at the cards again in the future. It’s all mind games and using the power of our brains to achieve our potential. These would even be effective on us as teachers too, so give them a try and give you and your students the opportunity to just focus, motivate and enjoy yourselves today – you deserve it!
Digital Rewards Coupons for big kids (that are free treats!)

Digital Rewards Coupons for big kids (that are free treats!)

Your students will really enjoy being rewarded with these coupons and because they are digital, the first of their kind, you won’t need to worry about printing or losing any cards ever again! These work for any class and any subject and they are so simple to use and they won’t cost you a small fortune! When you wish to reward positive behaviour of your students, you will be able to pull up a special Google Slides doc that will begin scrolling fast showing a flash of all the different options! Your student can then hit the space bar to freeze the screen and find out their reward! This can be done in front of the whole class or on a standalone computer or device. It is then up to your student when they choose to cash in their prize. (I personally get them to use it that lesson or at least that day so it’s easy for you to keep a record of who has won what! I have also included a quick sheet they can sign their name on once they have won a reward and you can simply tick off when they have cashed it in.) There is also a second option that includes QR codes, this adds a bit more mystery as they have to scan the code to find out their prize! You can keep this digital to save on printing, but I have also included printable options in both colour and black and white for you too if you prefer. The students love having the excitement of the “lottery” and celebrating in class is also really motivating for the rest of the group too! Rewards include: • Choose your own seat • Listen to music while you work • Skip homework • Get free time • Get a positive phone call home • Be dismissed from class first • Work with a friend this lesson • Get free doodle time • Choose a song to play in class and lots more! This resource is a lifelong tool that can be used over again with every class and teen age group, you will wonder how you managed without it! So set up your own reward station with this resource and really create a happy buzz in your classroom – your students will always look forward to your lessons and will be on their best behaviour, allowing you to concentrate on teaching! Please note, in order to keep this resource as simple and no prep for you to use as possible, it is not able to be editable. If you would like editable reward coupons in a similar style, you can download some here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/behaviour-management-motivational-rewards-coupons-11101589 Your students will definitely think you are the most awesome teacher ever when you pull these out in your lesson! Get yours now!
Growth Mindset Colouring Pages / Posters: Don't Stress The Test 1

Growth Mindset Colouring Pages / Posters: Don't Stress The Test 1

Explore more of growth mindset mentality with these motivational, inspirational and relaxing colouring pages: great for the testing season too! These “Don’t Stress The Test” doodle colouring pages are a wonderfully relaxing and motivating resource for your students to help calm and encourage them during the dreaded exam process. The testing period is such a stressful time and you’d be amazed at the wonders it can do just by giving students a few minutes to wind down and relax by colouring in – no matter what their age. It is something that is very therapeutic, and the fact that these colouring pages contain motivational quotes, well that gives them a much needed confidence boost before the test! There are 5 different colouring pages to choose from. Students can just shade in using whatever colours make them happy, but there is also plenty of white space available for students to add their own doodles too! So take a few minutes away from the testing period and give your students the opportunity to just relax, motivate and enjoy themselves – they deserve it!
Growth Mindset Colouring Pages / Posters / Sheets: Don't Stress The Test 2

Growth Mindset Colouring Pages / Posters / Sheets: Don't Stress The Test 2

Explore more of growth mindset mentality with these motivational, inspirational and relaxing zen doodle colouring pages: great for the exam season too! Most teachers are very concerned about their students during the testing period, and have found immediate positive results on student well-being with my motivational colouring pages. Most teachers have discovered that by giving students some time before a test to mentally relax with these colouring pages, it has had an immediately positive effect on student focus and motivation - try them for yourself now! There are 5 different colouring pages to choose from in this set, and the fact that these contain motivational quotes too, well that gives most students an immediate and welcomed confidence boost before the test! Most teachers have used these to create a calming and inspirational atmosphere in their rooms by displaying the finished sheets on the wall during the tests, which students love. Now take a few minutes away from the testing period and give your students the opportunity to just focus, motivate and enjoy themselves today – they deserve it!
Growth Mindset Colouring Pages / Posters / Sheets: Don't Stress The Test 3

Growth Mindset Colouring Pages / Posters / Sheets: Don't Stress The Test 3

Growth Mindset Inspirational zen doodle Colouring Pages and Posters - great for positive thinking and when taking tests! Most teachers are very concerned about their students during the testing period, and have found immediate positive results on student well-being with these motivational colouring pages. Most teachers have discovered that by giving students some time before a test to mentally relax with these colouring pages, it has had an immediately positive effect on student focus and motivation - try them for yourself now! There are 5 different colouring pages to choose from in this set, and the fact that these contain motivational quotes too, well that gives most students an immediate and welcomed confidence boost before the test! Most teachers have used these to create a calming and inspirational atmosphere in their rooms by displaying the finished sheets on the wall during the tests, which students love. Now take a few minutes away from the testing period and give your students the opportunity to just focus, motivate and enjoy themselves today – they deserve it!
Global Cup Football / Soccer 2018 Russia

Global Cup Football / Soccer 2018 Russia

Global Cup Football / Soccer 2018 Russia wall chart and activities for teens This resource pack is a great way of getting your students excited and involved in the Global Football / Soccer games in Russia 2018, whilst teaching them about different cultures and developing their literacy skills! (Both US and UK English spellings included!) I have designed this pack with a Wall Chart to display in your classroom where your students can get really excited about the matches and record scores as they happen and even win prizes! Full details are included in the pack! The activities included make great end of year tasks which will educate students about Geography and different cultures of the countries taking part in the games and details about famous footballers/soccer players taking part in the games, all whilst helping develop their literacy skills in researching, writing and presenting to their peers in unique and creative ways! These activities can work with a range of age groups, but they are especially superb for your teenagers! This special event only happens once every 4 years, so make sure your students remember it and get excited with the activities in this pack!
Back to School Get to Know You Google Forms

Back to School Get to Know You Google Forms

Get access to 3 vibrant and unique editable Google Forms ready for back to school! Get to know your students on a deeper level, have fun with "this or that" quick fire questions and ask your students' parents some insightful questions too! You will also be able to see student responses live on screen and use this information to really get to know your students. Also very handy if you really don't want to be dealing with extra piles of paper this year! New to Google forms? Don't worry, I have also included an exclusive video to guide you through how to use these forms in your own classroom :) *** Here’s a little background story as to why I created these Get to Know You Google forms: I recently took over a new class and I had a “hand over” meeting with their former teacher to tell me more about them. She knew most of them well academically and behaviourally, however she floundered when asked about their personal interests and admitted she couldn’t tell me anything about some of them…!? I wanted to make sure I knew something about every one of my kids, hence these Google forms were born! You’re bound to learn something about each student if you actually make an effort to ask them (and the quiet ones might prefer to type it up rather than talk about it) and you can then use that information to help build relationships over time. This set contains 3 different forms for you. There are 2 forms for students: • one goes deep on on their interests, fears and hobbies • the other is a more laid back and fun school related “this or that” game • the third form is for the parents / guardians so you can start to build a relationship with them too by getting their perspective on their child, learn what they want from you and how they would like to be contacted etc. The Google Forms are attractive and vibrant and can be done in class or completed as homework on any device that is connected to the internet. I wish you a long and happy relationship with your new class this year!
Technology Rules Posters for Secondary School

Technology Rules Posters for Secondary School

12 colourful Technology Posters and expectations for secondary students! So, you either are or are looking to go digital in your classroom but are anxious about your students potentially misusing or being irresponsible with the technology? That is a valid concern! There are a world of distractions online, plus technology is expensive and it is paramount our students treat resources available to them with respect. These posters contain 12 top technology rules to help create a responsible and safe environment. You can display them in your classroom / computer lab / device station as well as use them to prompt class discussions about these rules and why they are so important, after all rules are more likely to be followed if students understand why they are there in the first place! They have a colourful watercolour theme and have been designed in a way that makes them suitable for all age groups and environments. I hope you enjoy using these in your classroom!
Station Centre signs for the classroom

Station Centre signs for the classroom

5 watercolour themed template signs for stations to use for centres in your classroom! Are you currently using centres in your classroom? I just love the collaboration, independence and movement that the students can experience using rotation stations! I have started to use them more over the past couple of years but I had just been laying resources out on the desk and it was bothering me that it wasn't immediately obvious where each station was. Hence for this school year I have upgraded my system and I've made these adorable station signs which I am sharing with you to enjoy too! These signs are 4x6 in and so will suit any regular photo frame! There are 5 different themes for you to choose from, all the text is editable for you, and you can either use the fonts installed in this resource, or choose your own. I hope you enjoy creating fun and attractive station signs for your classroom!
Tolerance Character Education Values (PowerPoint, Task Cards, Printables, Posters)

Tolerance Character Education Values (PowerPoint, Task Cards, Printables, Posters)

This values unit on Tolerance is a crucial element for strengthening the core curriculum and ensuring our students are taught how to be tolerant towards others so that they can not only learn to live harmoniously with others but so that our differences can be celebrated! Product includes: • 16 slides of Tolerance PowerPoint - fully structured so no prior experience is required to deliver it. The text is also editable for you to modify as needed! • 9 pages of Tolerance Printables - graphic organizers go perfectly with the PowerPoint if you want your students to record their thoughts as you discuss. There is also a fun bonus homework included! They are in a PowerPoint format so they can easily be converted to Google Slides for paperless activities if preferred. • 24 unique discussion cards to develop speaking and listening skills. Your students will learn: • how to define tolerance • how to analyse their own and others' tolerance • where they might need to demonstrate tolerance • signs of tolerance • signs of intolerance • what can affect tolerance • self-awareness of their own tolerance • actionable steps to develop tolerance In order to ensure these important skills can be integrated into our busy timetables, this resource has been designed to make it as easy to deliver as possible! It includes a structured PowerPoint that guides the class through discussions about tolerance and effective skills on how to be tolerant towards others. No prior knowledge or experience from you is required! On top of this, the PowerPoint text is editable so you can modify the content to suit your students’ needs, should you wish. Also included are bonus graphic organizers which are supplementary to the PowerPoint: they’re not a requirement, but they work as a helpful tool for students to record their thoughts in an aesthetically pleasing way that can then be used for bulletin board displays etc. You will also find a set of discussion task cards to spark conversation and thoughts on tolerance: these can be printed off for each group of students, or they can be used in whole class discussion – it is up to you! So help build your students' tolerance and encourage them to be all that you know they can be! Great for Character Education, Social Skills, Tutor Time Activities, Life skills and PSHE (Physical, Social, Health, Education) lessons.