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With over five years of dedicated experience in elementary education, I am passionate about helping teachers save time and fostering a nurturing and engaging learning environment for young minds. I strive to create dynamic lessons that cater to diverse learning styles!




With over five years of dedicated experience in elementary education, I am passionate about helping teachers save time and fostering a nurturing and engaging learning environment for young minds. I strive to create dynamic lessons that cater to diverse learning styles!
Planning Informational Texts PowerPoint/Lesson

Planning Informational Texts PowerPoint/Lesson

Planning an information report can be difficult. But not anymore! This Informational Report Planning PowerPoint helps you teach your students how to plan an information report step-by-step! This PowerPoint is an interactive way to introduce the structure of informative writing with examples and visuals for you to run the explicit portion of your lesson. **FEATURES ** Information Report Planning PowerPoint PDF Format Steps and visuals for planning an information report Visuals to support student understanding Suitable for whole class explicit lesson
Persuasive Texts Revising Checklist | Revising Opinion Writing ANCHOR CHART!

Persuasive Texts Revising Checklist | Revising Opinion Writing ANCHOR CHART!

Do you need a list to ensure students have revised their persuasive writing pieces accurately? Then use this Persuasive Writing Revising Checklist! It’s a great way for you and your students to check that all parts of the persuasive writing text have been thoroughly revised! FEATURES Persuasive Writing Revising Checklist PDF Child-friendly language for student use
Informational Writing Sentence Starters Poster | Factual Texts ANCHOR CHART!

Informational Writing Sentence Starters Poster | Factual Texts ANCHOR CHART!

Are your students struggling to start their sentences? Do they need help with starting their paragraphs to write their information reports? Then use this Superb Starters Poster to help your students with a list of interesting phrases to start the different parts of their informative texts including the introduction and body paragraphs! FEATURES Superb Starters Poster PDF - Informational Writing Interesting sentence starters for the introduction, body paragraphs and supporting evidence for an informative text
Informational Writing Revision Checklist | Revising Factual Texts ANCHOR CHART!

Informational Writing Revision Checklist | Revising Factual Texts ANCHOR CHART!

Help your students revise their information reports accurately with this Revision Checklist! Includes a column for students or teachers to tick, once all structural and contextual parts of the information report are revised. Use the child-friendly explanations and prompts to explain how and what to revise! FEATURES Revision Checklist PDF - Informational Writing Checklist covers the structure and content of informative writing
Informational Writing List of Topics Poster | Factual Texts ANHCOR CHART!

Informational Writing List of Topics Poster | Factual Texts ANHCOR CHART!

Are your students stuck for ideas on what to write for their information reports? Then hand them a copy of this List of Topics for informational writing and help your students get past the hardest part of writing…getting started! FEATURES List of Topics Poster - Informational Writing PDF List of interesting animals, people, places, ideas and objects
Structure of Informational Writing Poster | Factual Texts ANCHOR CHART!

Structure of Informational Writing Poster | Factual Texts ANCHOR CHART!

Help your students remember the structural components of informative texts! Students will have a reference during planning, drafting and finalising their writing pieces with this Structural Poster for Informational Writing! FEATURES Structural Poster for Informational Writing PDF Structural components of an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion of informative texts
Informational Writing Sample Plan | Factual Texts Sample Plan!

Informational Writing Sample Plan | Factual Texts Sample Plan!

Planning an information report text can be difficult. Why not make it easy for your students by showing them an example of how it should be done? Use this sample plan to demonstrate how researched facts should be summarised into keywords to help students write their information reports in their own words! FEATURES Sample Plan PDF - Informational Writing Sample introduction, three body paragraphs and conclusion Sample of summarised facts into short keywords or phrases
Informational Writing Mentor Text | Factual Texts ANCHOR CHART!

Informational Writing Mentor Text | Factual Texts ANCHOR CHART!

Do your students need to read a sample of an information report text before writing one? If so, then check out this mentor text on the Green Anaconda Snake. Teach your students’ how to structure a complete information report including subheadings, topic sentences, linking sentences and of course facts within their informative texts! FEATURES Mentor Text PDF - Informational Writing Full sample of an informational text about the Green Anaconda Snake
Informational Writing Linking or Connecting words Poster ANCHOR CHART!

Informational Writing Linking or Connecting words Poster ANCHOR CHART!

Do your students need to add more complex sentences in their writing to enhance their information reports? Then you’ve found the right resource! This Logical Linkers Poster allows you to demonstrate how to use linking words to enhance the fluency and complexity of a piece of text! FEATURES Logical Linkers Poster - Informational Writing Simple and Complex linking words list
Informational Writing Language Features Poster | Factual Texts ANCHOR CHART!

Informational Writing Language Features Poster | Factual Texts ANCHOR CHART!

Teaching students the language features of any text can be difficult. Well, fret no longer! With this Language Features Poster for Informational Writing texts, you can help your students learn the key language features they need to use to write a good quality information report. FEATURES Language Features Poster - Information Writing PDF Child-friendly explanation of the importance of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, formal language, verbs, adverbs and present-tense language for informative texts
Informational Writing List of Websites Poster | Factual Texts ANCHOR CHART!

Informational Writing List of Websites Poster | Factual Texts ANCHOR CHART!

Do your students need a list of child-friendly websites to research their information report topics on? Then look no further, this informational writing List of Websites Poster allows you to direct your students onto child-friendly websites they can search on in order to find accurate information for their information reports. FEATURES List of Websites Poster - Informational Writing PDF Websites for animal report research and other interesting topics Child-friendly websites list
Editing Checklist - Narrative Writing | Creative Writing Editing Self-checklist

Editing Checklist - Narrative Writing | Creative Writing Editing Self-checklist

Are you sick of editing so many narrative writing pieces? Then fret no longer, with this self-editing Narrative Writing Checklist, students can learn to edit and their own stories by ticking off this checklist. Includes the three main components of editing, namely: grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes as well as child-friendly language for student use! FEATURES Narrative Writing Editing Checklist
Editing Poster Narrative Writing | How to Edit a Narrative Text | Creative Texts

Editing Poster Narrative Writing | How to Edit a Narrative Text | Creative Texts

Are you tired of having to edit so many narrative writing pieces? Then check out this Narrative Writing Editing Poster! With self-reflective questions for students to help them edit the grammar, punctuation and spelling in their stories, you won’t have to sit and mark all day long! Includes child-friendly language to help you teach all student levels within your classroom and encourage them to refer to the poster throughout the story writing unit! FEATURES Narrative Writing Editing Poster
Revising Checklist - Narrative Writing | Creative Writing Self-Checklist

Revising Checklist - Narrative Writing | Creative Writing Self-Checklist

Are you tired of having to revise chunks of students narrative texts? Then why not get them to do it themselves? With this self-revising Narrative Writing Checklist, your students can revise the main components of their own narrative texts themselves! Includes simple and clear language for student use! FEATURES Narrative Writing Revising Checklist
Revising Poster Narrative Writing | How to Revise a Creative Narrative Story

Revising Poster Narrative Writing | How to Revise a Creative Narrative Story

Do you want your students to independently revise their own story writing pieces? Then this Narrative Writing Revising Poster might just be the right resource for you! This poster is great for displaying and using it as a point of reference for students who need help with how and what to revise of their narrative texts! FEATURES Narrative Writing Revising Poster
Sentence Starters Opinion Writing | Superb Starters Poster Persuasive Writing

Sentence Starters Opinion Writing | Superb Starters Poster Persuasive Writing

Do your students need help with writing powerful sentence starters for their persuasive texts? Then look no further, this Persuasive Writing Superb Starters Poster is a great way to teach your students how to start their persuasive writing texts with a strong authoritative voice! Includes sample sentence starters to help your kids start their writing in an interesting way! FEATURES Persuasive Writing Superb Starters Poster PDF
Fiction and Non Fiction Text Sorting or Matching Activity Narrative Writing

Fiction and Non Fiction Text Sorting or Matching Activity Narrative Writing

Do you need to help your students learn what types of text fit under which category? Then check out this Fiction and Non Fiction Text Sorting or Matching Activity! It’s a great way to help your kids make the connection with text types that they are exposed to in everyday life! FEATURES Fiction and Non Fiction Text Sorting or Matching Activity Narrative Writing Cut & paste Activity
Persuasive Texts Editing Checklist | Editing Opinion Writing ANCHOR CHART!

Persuasive Texts Editing Checklist | Editing Opinion Writing ANCHOR CHART!

Do you need a criteria to ensure that students have edited their persuasive texts accurately? Then check out this Persuasive Writing Editing Checklist! It’s a great way for you and your students to ensure that all parts of a persuasive text have been thoroughly edited! FEATURES Persuasive Writing Editing Checklist PDF Editing Checklist covering the grammar, punctuation & spelling of persuasive texts Child-friendly language for student use